Managing Extremes of Moisture -

Wet Conditions and Floods

Wet conditions occur in agriculture when too much water is available for crops to grow at a particular time. Additional management practices may be necessary to help alleviate extra stressors placed on both crops and livestock during times of excessive moisture .


Managing Crops During Wet Conditions and Floods 

Crop Production

Crop Pests

Soil Fertility


Managing Livestock During Wet Conditions and Floods

Feeds and Nutrition

Feed Supply and Alternate Feeds

Livestock Management

Flood Preparation and Recovery for Livestock Operations



Financial Assistance

Programs are available to help manage risks and financial losses during times of extreme moisture. 

Guides and Calculators

Farm management resources are available to help in determining the value of straw or a crop harvested as silage or greenfeed. Decision making tools can also assist livestock producers in weighing their options in managing a forage shortfall.
  • Cost of Production guides are available for different grain and silage crops.
  • Standing Corn Silage Decision Calculator helps livestock producers determine the cost on a per ton and per acre basis to purchase, put up and haul corn silage from grain producers. Includes a worksheet for determining the custom silage cost per ton based on the work rate (tons/hour) and the custom rate ($/hour).
  • Standing Greenfeed Decision Calculator helps livestock producers determine the cost on a per bale, per ton and per acre basis to purchase, put up and haul greenfeed cereal crops from grain producers.
  • Standing Hay Cost Calculator provides two different estimates of the value of standing hay based on the market value or cost of production methods.
  • Straw Cost Calculator can help determine the NPK dollar value of the straw as a crop fertilizer.
  • Forage Purchase Calculator provides a method of comparing the pricing for baled forages and piled silage. This calculator takes into account different moistures and adding in the cost of freight to see what feed purchase is more economical after freight.
  • Managing Low Forage Supplies Calculator estimates the forage needed for the herd based on animal category and weight, and identifies the shortfall. It identifies 8 different potential rations to fill the shortfall on a least cost basis that help decide the economics of buying greenfeed compared to hay, straw, and other alternatives.
  • to hay, straw, and other alternatives.

Insurance and Lending (MASC)

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation supports Manitoba farmers with a variety of risk management and financial programs.

Monitoring Reports and Maps

  • Flood Maps and Reports: hydrologic forecast centre provides flood condition reports, forecasts and warnings to support flood response planning.
  • AgriMaps - Manitoba Ag Weather Program: a network of over 100 weather stations that provide regularly updated air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature, and soil moisture for local areas.
  • Crop Weather Report: a weekly summary of weather data from the Manitoba Ag Weather Program and Environment and Climate Change Canada, that include temperature (maximum, minimum, average) and total rainfall along with seasonal accumulations of degree days, corn heat units and rainfall (actuals and per cent of normal) for over 100 locations in five regions.
  • Manitoba Crop Report: information crop development, pest activity, harvest progress, crop yields and grades, fall field work progress, haying progress, estimated yields and pasture conditions.
  • Manitoba Crop Pest Updates: a weekly report and observation on insect population, diseases and weeds of field crops, including which potential pests are of current concern and where in Manitoba highest levels are occurring. Scouting tips are provided as needed.
  • Manitoba Fall Soil Moisture Survey: maps that provide a good indication of what can be expected in the spring by the amount of moisture within the root zone just prior to freeze-up.


 Mental Health and Wellness Support


Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources

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