House Index - 2nd Session - 26th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index


Aboriginal communities

Co-operatives services

Orlikow, 739-740

Roblin, 739

Wagner, 740

Community development

Roblin, 312

Food access study

Hutton, 625-626

Orlikow, 625

Friendship centre, grant for

Paulley, 375

Roblin, 374-375

Health and welfare improvements

Roblin, 312

Poor living conditions

Gray, 198

Aboriginal justice

Portage Gaol for Women

Number of inmates

Lyon, 946-947

Orlikow, 946

Abram Arthur Kroeker Foundation, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 92)

1 R

Cowan, 656

2 R

Cowan, 1613

3 R

Martin, 1852


Willis, 2009

Access roads. See Highways and roads

Acts of Incorporation of certain Corporations, an Act to repeal the (Bill 12)

1 R

Evans, 15

2 R

Evans, 240

3 R

Campbell, 656


Willis, 2008

Addiction services (alcohol)

Desjardins, 1005-1006

Gray, 1052-1053

Johnson, 1006, 1053

Aerial surveys

Guttormson, 1203

Witney, 1203-1204

Affordable housing

Roblin, 168

Age and Opportunity study

Senior's economic security

Wright, 309

Agricultural and Homemaking School--Brandon

Student enrollment

Campbell, 701

Hutton, 701

Agricultural and Horticultural Societies

Grants to

Campbell, 735

Dow, 734-735

Hutton, 734-735

Roberts, 735

Number operating

Campbell, 735

Dow, 734

Hutton, 734-735

Prefontaine, 735

Agricultural Credit Act

Administration of

Hutton, 302-305

Lissaman, 302

Schreyer, 301-302

Agricultural Credit Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 69)

1 R

Hutton, 317

2 R

Hutton, 1777-1778

3 R

Harrison, 1914


Willis, 2009

Agricultural Credit Corporation

Hutton, 302-303

Agricultural research

Campbell, 1684-1686

Hutton, 1684-1685

Roblin, 1685

Agriculture credit. See also Manitoba Farm Credit

Agriculture education

Grants and scholarships

Hutton, 553

Roberts, 561-562

Grants, clubs

Campbell, 705

Hutton, 705

Agriculture industry. See also Animal Husbandry Act; Crop insurance; Crow's Nest Pass; Grain industry; Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation; Resolutions

Crop disaster assistance

Campbell, 82

Hryhorczak, 113

Hutton, 82

Crop Insurance Agency

Willis, 1

Deficiency payments on crops

Hutton, 1279

McKellar, 1890-1891

Paulley, 1889-1890

Economic performance

Froese, 1884-1885

Grass seed purchase

Hutton, 644

Prefontaine, 644

Land use policies, development of

Willis, 1

Market condition, impact of

Froese, 51

Out-migration of workers

Gray, 625

Hutton, 625

Prefontaine, 584

Production costs, increase in

Stanes, 78-79

Purebred bulls

Purchase assistance

Hryhorczak, 114

Research and development

Paulley, 40-41

Sewer and water supply

Paulley, 41

Willis, 1

Snowed-in crops

Federal government correspondence

Hutton, 495

Schreyer, 495

Soil management

Hutton, 550-551

Support for

Paulley, 40

Trade and tariffs

Campbell, 577

Hutton, 633-634

Molgat, 629-632

Prefontaine, 634-635

Unharvested crop payments

Hutton, 643

Agriculture, Department of

Agricultural civil servants

Hutton, 555

Agricultural Development

Agriculture museum--Austin

Campbell, 728

Hutton, 728

Staff and salaries

Campbell, 725

Hutton, 725

Agriculture representatives

Guttormson, 725-726

Hryhorczuk, 727-728

Hutton, 725-727

Shoemaker, 727

Tanchak, 727

Wagner, 725-727

Animal Pathologist and Veterinary

Bang's Disease

Cattle vaccination program

Campbell, 669-671

Hutton, 552, 669-671

Testing for

Campbell, 701

Hutton, 701

Mastitis on dairy herds

Hutton, 699, 701

Schreyer, 699, 701

Provincial Veterinarian services

Hutton, 700-701

Wright, 700-701

Veterinarians, number of

Hutton, 698, 701

Prefontaine, 701

Roberts, 698-699

Veterinary students and scholarships

Hryhorczuk, 699-700

Hutton, 699-700

Annual report, March 31, 1959

Hutton, 397

Artificial breeding associations (cattle)

Froese, 650, 675

Hutton, 650, 675

Assistance re: Seed and Fodder

Crop damage-wild animal and bird

Corbett, 750-751

Guttormson, 752-753

Hutton, 751-754

Roblin, 751-752

Schreyer, 751

Wagner, 751-753

Co-operative assistance

Campbell, 576

Schreyer, 570

Co-Operative Service

Aboriginal and Metis communities

Orlikow, 739-740

Roblin, 739

Wagner, 740

Credit unions

Hutton, 736

Paulley, 735-736

Responsibility for

Alexander, 740-741, 743-744

Orlikow, 741-742

Paulley, 742

Prefontaine, 744

Schreyer, 742-743

Wagner, 743

Staff and salaries

Hutton, 736-738

Orlikow, 738-739

Paulley, 736-738

Deficiency payments

Hutton, 586-587, 594

Tanchak, 567

Districts and offices

Hutton, 553

Drainage financial assistance

Hutton, 644-645

Prefontaine, 644

Economic land classification study

Hutton, 552


Debate, 548-568, 569-597, 625-653, 669-676, 677-702, 703-728, 734-755, 760-781, 783-822

Opening statements

Hutton, 548-557

Roberts, 558-563


Alexander, 740-741, 743

Campbell, 571-577, 628-629, 669-674, 678-681, 685-689, 695, 697, 701-702, 705-706, 709-714, 719-725, 728, 734-735, 746-748, 760, 762-764, 766, 772-777, 780-781, 787-788

Christianson, 749

Corbett, 694, 712, 772, 785-786

Dow, 714-716, 719, 734-735

Evans, 704, 711

Froese, 565-566, 675, 769

Gray, 577-578, 682-683, 707-710, 711, 760

Guttormson, 675-676, 724-726, 752-753, 762, 767-768

Hillhouse, 770-771, 785

Hryhorczuk, 626-627, 682, 699-700, 703, 705-706, 708, 726-728, 768-769

Hutton, 585-587, 669-676, 678-702, 703-728, 734-738, 744-754, 761-769, 772-781, 783-787

Johnson, 683

McKellar, 717

Molgat, 629-632, 681-682, 703-707, 711, 714, 717, 720-721, 723-724, 783-785

Orlikow, 738-742

Paulley, 563-565, 692-693, 735-738, 742, 748, 788-789

Prefontaine, 583-585, 684-685, 687-688, 693-694, 701, 703, 707, 735, 744, 776-777

Roberts, 696-700, 711-714, 750, 765

Roblin, 694-695, 751-755, 776, 786

Schreyer, 567-568, 569-571, 688-692, 695, 707, 710, 742-743, 749, 751, 779-781, 787

Shewman, 627-628, 721

Shoemaker, 578-583, 674, 697, 708-709, 711, 717, 719, 722-723, 727, 750-751, 760-762, 767, 769, 778-779

Tanchak, 566-567, 679-680, 696, 717-718, 720, 727, 766-767

Wagner, 674, 679-680, 694, 726-727, 740, 743, 748-749, 751-754, 765-766, 771-772

Watt, 769

Wright, 700-701

Estimates increase

Roblin, 312

Export markets

Hutton, 585-586

Extension Service

Campbell, 688-689, 695, 697

Corbett, 694

Hutton, 689-693, 695-698

Orlikow, 689-692

Paulley, 692-693

Prefontaine, 693-694

Roberts, 696-697

Roblin, 694-695

Schreyer, 692, 695

Shoemaker, 694-696

Tanchak, 696

Wagner, 694-695

Livestock Branch

Staff reduction

Campbell, 648-649

Hutton, 648-650, 670

Marketing boards

Campbell, 648

Hutton, 647, 648

Molgat, 647

Schreyer, 647

Metis and aboriginal food access study

Hutton, 625-626

Orlikow, 625

Plant and animal science

Campbell, 746-747

Hutton, 744-745, 747-748

Paulley, 748

Poison bait program

Impact on bird population

Hutton, 769

Shoemaker, 767, 769

Watt, 769

Production costs

Campbell, 628-629

Hryhorczuk, 627

Shewman, 628


Hutton, 723-724

Molgat, 722, 723-724

Sewer and water installation (plumbing course)

Campbell, 576, 639-640

Corbett, 694

Hutton, 596, 625, 637-638, 690-693, 695

Molgat, 636-637, 642

Orlikow, 625, 692

Paulley, 692-693

Prefontaine, 693

Roberts, 640

Roblin, 694-695

Schreyer, 568-569, 689-690, 695

Shoemaker, 582-583, 695

Soils and Crops Branch

Peat land (for fertilizing)

Evans, 704

Prefontaine, 704

Soil erosion prevention

Campbell, 709-710

Corbett, 712

Gray, 708

Hryhorczuk, 708

Hutton, 708-711

Roberts, 712

Schreyer, 710

Shoemaker, 708-709

Special crop trials

Hutton, 714

Roberts, 714

Sulfuric acid plant

Evans, 704

Molgat, 704

Water Control and Conservation

Capital projects

Campbell, 773-777, 787-788

Hillhouse, 780

Hutton, 775, 777, 779-780, 783-786

Molgat, 783-785

Paulley, 784

Prefontaine, 777, 779

Roblin, 776, 786

Schreyer, 779

Shoemaker, 778-779, 786

Wagner, 786-787

Culverts and drainage

Wagner, 771-772

General comments

Hutton, 556-557

Paulley, 564

Schreyer, 569

Pasquia project

Corbett, 785-786

Hutton, 783-784

Molgat, 783

Paulley, 784

Riverbank erosion

Hillhouse, 785

Hutton, 787

Schreyer, 780-781, 785, 787

Seine River project

Hutton, 783

Staff and salaries

Campbell, 772

Hutton, 772-773

Water Rights Act amendments

Hillhouse, 770-771

Schreyer, 779

Aircraft purchases

Molgat, 1221

Witney, 1221

Alcohol. See also Addiction services; Liquor Control Act, an Act to amend The


Cowan, 542-543

Desjardins, 541-542

Gray, 529-540, 539-540, 542

McLean, 540-542

Schreyer, 541

Shewman, 542

Liquor advertising

Hryhorczuk, 915

Liquor consumption

Lyon, 932-933

Liquor laws, operation and enforcement

Annual report

Lyon, 218

Liquor licenses (hotels)

Lyon, 926-928


Prefontaine, 180

Roblin, 169

South African ban

Gray, 1897

Alcohol purchases. See also Resolutions

Alcoholism Foundation of Manitoba

Annual report, 1958

Johnson, 757

Grant to

Johnson, 1159-1160

Orlikow, 1159-1160

Alexander, Keith (Roblin) PC

Agriculture, Department of

Co-Operative Service

Responsibility for, 740-741, 743-744


Speakers, 740-741, 743

Association of Dental Technicians of Manitoba, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 85)

2 R, 1837

Training and licensing, 1837

Brandon Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 109)

Amendment, 1914

Budget 1960

Debate, 1866-1867

Education, Department of


Speakers, 463-466

Property taxes, 464-465

Manitoba Federation of Agriculture, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 60)

1 R, 656

2 R, 1121-1122

Membership qualifications, 1121-1122

Margarine Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 51)

2 R, 1715-1717

Butter marketing difficulty, 1715-1716

Colouring of margarine

For/against, 1716-1717

Vegetable oils, Manitoba grown, 1716


Manitoba Federation of Agriculture, 215


Agricultural Credit Corporation, 219-221

Municipal Advisory Committee, 1622-1623

Pulpwood, 608-609

Teacher grants, 615

Animal Husbandry Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 2)

1 R

Hutton, 15

2 R

Campbell, 60-61

Hutton, 60, 62

Martin, 1800

Roberts, 61

3 R

Martin, 1801


Willis, 2008

Apprenticeship Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 21)

1 R

Carroll, 15

2 R

Carroll, 177

Martin, 1800

3 R

Martin, 1801


Willis, 2009

Apprenticeship program

Carroll, 1531-1532

Apprenticeship training

McLean, 538

Wright, 538

Arborg Memorial Medical Nursing Unit District No. 36, an Act Respecting the (Bill 13)

1 R

Groves, 49

2 R

Groves, 210

3 R

Campbell, 662


Willis, 2008

Expansion plan changes

Increased costs

Groves, 211-212

Arthur D. Little Company

Evans, 1555-1556, 1564-1565

Paulley, 1565-1566

Arts and culture organizations

Support needed

Seaborn, 236-238

Assiniboine River

Flood control

Hutton, 1673, 1674

Lissaman, 1673-1674

Association of Dental Technicians of Manitoba, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 85)

1 R


2 R

Alexander, 1837

Campbell, 1852-1855

Christianson, 1609-1611

Desjardins, 1833-1834

Forbes, 1836

Froese, 1837

Gray, 1831-1832

Groves, 874-788, 1610-1611, 1838, 1841-1844

Hawryluk, 1840-1841

Hillhouse, 1611-1612

Hutton, 1844-1845

Johnson, 1607-1609, 1825-1826, 1830-1831, 1837-1839

Lyon, 1839-1840, 1843

Martin, 1855-1856

Molgat, 1836-1837, 1840

Orlikow, 1835-1836

Paulley, 1825-1830, 1839

Prefontaine, 1839

Scarth, 1832-1833

Seaborn, 1831

Shewman, 1836

Stanes, 1823-1824

Tanchak, 1845


Hillhouse, 1612

Certificate of oral health

Groves, 1838

Johnson, 1838

Training and licensing

Alexander, 1837

Hillhouse, 1612

Lyon, 1840

Martin, 1855

Paulley, 1828

Scarth, 1832-1833

Atomic energy plants

Development of

Paulley, 42

Willis, 2

General comments

Tanchak, 162

Atomic research plant

Bjornson, 263-265

Attorney-General, Department of

Administration of Estates of the Mentally Incompetent

Liens on property

Hawryluk, 963

Lyon, 963

Money held in trust

Gray, 963

Lyon, 963

Advisory committee re: youth

Desjardin, 923

Lyon, 794-795


Lyon, 926

Paulley, 892

Classification system

Guttormson, 949

Lyon, 818, 949

Orlikow, 805, 948-949

Consumer issues

Paulley, 894

Discharge from prison, employability

Gray, 944-945


Debate, 789-822, 891-903, 915-936, 937-963

Opening statements

Lyon, 789-797


Campbell, 895-900, 918, 922

Christianson, 918

Desjardins, 922-925, 950

Evans, 916

Froese, 930-931

Gray, 798, 939-942, 944, 947, 950, 953, 956, 963

Guttormson, 915-922, 934-935, 939-952, 955-958, 962

Hawryluk, 900-903, 916, 930, 933-934, 948-951

Hillhouse, 798-803, 917, 921, 935-936, 937-938, 941-943

Hryhorczuk, 808-810, 915, 928-930, 935, 938-950, 955-963

Lyon, 809-810, 814-821, 916-934, 938-963

Orlikow, 803-808, 945-946, 955, 958-959

Paulley, 891-894

Peters, 951

Prefontaine, 916-917, 929, 934-935, 952, 954

Shoemaker, 943

Judicial districts

Hryhorczuk, 938

Lyon, 938-939

Juvenile and Family Court, Probation and Parole

Gray, 956

Lyon, 957

Legislative Counsel, staff and salaries

Gray, 939

Guttormson, 940

Lyon, 939-940

National Parole Board

Lyon, 944

Obscene publications

Desjardins, 924

Lyon, 924

Oxbow rehabilitation camp

Guttormson, 954-955

Lyon, 955

Refuge Homes, per diem rates

Hryhorczuk, 962

Lyon, 962

Sales contracts

Hillhouse, 802-803

Sunday sport

Lyon, 931

Paulley, 893-894

Transfer of jurisdiction (federal)

Lyon, 789, 817-818

Transient traders

Hillhouse, 801-802

Attorney-General's Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 47)

1 R

Lyon, 1379-1380

2 R

Lyon, 1913

3 R

Martin, 1916


Willis, 2009

Automation. See Manufacturing industry

Automobiles/motor vehicles

Compulsory insurance

Carroll, 1324

Driver improvement program

Carroll, 1270-1271

General comments

Campbell, 1365

Carroll, 1365

High-speed tractor, definition of

Carroll, 1372

Shoemaker, 1371-1372

Insured motorists

Carroll, 1270

License Suspension Appeal Board cases

Carroll, 1366

Desjardins, 1366

Motor vehicle agents, salary increase

Carroll, 1366-1367

Shoemaker, 1366

Motor vehicles registered, number of

Carroll, 1269-1270

PSV freighter trucks, crated livestock

Carroll, 1372

Shoemaker, 1371

Spot checking of cars-unsafe vehicles

Carroll, 1371

Hawryluk, 1370-1371

Suspended licenses, fees

Guttormson, 1321

Tractors and combines, child operators

Carroll, 1372

Hawryluk, 1372

Truck license renewal (CT and PSV)

Carroll, 1322, 1366, 1368-1369

Guttormson, 1320-1321, 1369

Weight limits on

Paulley, 1394

Young drivers, repeat accidents

Carroll, 1372

Shoemaker, 1371-1372


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