House Index - 2nd Session - 26th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index


Labour conditions. See Resolutions under Fair Wage Act

Labour Relations Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 80)

1 R

Orlikow, 397

2 R

Orlikow, 1590-1592, 1737

Smellie, 1734-1736

Board authority

Orlikow, 1737-1738

Smellie, 1736

Employer/employee dispute settlement

Orlikow, 1590-1591

Union activity, job security

Orlikow, 1591-1592

Union dues, voluntary deduction

Orlikow, 1591, 1737

Smellie, 1735

Union recruitment areas

Orlikow, 1737

Smellie, 1735

Labour, Department of


Carroll, 1516

Appeal of decisions

Carroll, 1528-1529

Compensation Board, development of

Desjardins, 1525

Employment projects

Carroll, 1530-1531

Employment Standards Division

Carroll, 1534


Debate, 1516-1543

Opening statements

Carroll, 1516-1517


Campbell, 1540-1541

Carroll, 1525-1526, 1528-1542

Desjardins, 1525, 1533

Hawryluk, 1528, 1534-1535

Molgat, 1540

Orlikow, 1520-1524, 1529, 1533-1534, 1537-1539

Paulley, 1517-1520, 1526-1527, 1533, 1537, 1541-1543

Peters, 1524-1525, 1535, 1540

Reid, 1541

Schreyer, 1536

Shewman, 1524

Wright, 1535-1536

Fair Wage Board appointments

Carroll, 1529

Orlikow, 1522

Industrial Disputes Enquiry Commission

Carroll, 1537-1539

Orlikow, 1537-1539

Paulley, 1537

Industrial safety regulations

Carroll, 1535-1536

Peters, 1535

Labour Relations

Carroll, 1517-1518, 1537

Labour Relations Board appointments

Orlikow, 1521-1522

Labour strikes, (Conciliation Board)

Carroll, 1529-1530

Orlikow, 1522-1523

Labour-management relations

Desjardins, 1525

Minimum wage

Orlikow, 1522

Minimum Wage Board recommendation

Carroll, 1529

Minister of Labour, need for

Orlikow, 1520-1521

Remembrance Day, working on

Carroll, 1532

Peters, 1524-1525

Shewman, 1524

Unemployment benefits

Carroll, 1531

Unemployment rate

Carroll, 1530

Labour, Minister

Appointment, need for

Wright, 243-244

Lake Manitoba

Fish production

Witney, 1191

Rough fish removal program

Campbell, 1263-1264

Evans, 1261

Guttormson, 1261

Witney, 1260

Lakeside Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 33)

1 R

Shewman, 656

2 R

Shewman, 1121

Lakeview and Westbourne

Road construction

Shoemaker, 327-328

Lakeview and Westbourne, an Act to amend an Act respecting the Rural Municipalities of (Bill 55)


Shoemaker, 81

2 R

Shoemaker, 327-328

3 R

Martin, 1849


Willis, 2009

Road construction

Shoemaker, 327-328

Land development and purchase. See Mines and Natural Resources, Department of; Municipal Affairs, Department of

Land Titles Office


Hillhouse, 935, 937-938

Hryhorczuk, 935

Staff numbers

Hryhorczuk, 938

Lyon, 938

Landlord and Tenant Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 59)

1 R

Lyon, 216

2 R

Lyon, 548

3 R

Lyon, 662


Willis, 2009

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on

First report

Lyon, 599

Third report

Lyon, 1579

Fourth report

Lyon, 1637

Fifth report

Lyon, 1667

Sixth report

Lyon, 1763

Seventh report

Lyon, 1881

Eighth report

Roblin, 1907

Ninth report

Lyon, 1911

Tenth report

Lyon, 1919

Law Society Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 65)

1 R

Prefontaine, 299

2 R

Gray, 1125

Hillhouse, 1125

Hryhorczuk, 1125

Stanes, 1125

3 R

Harrison, 1228


Willis, 2009


Disciplinary actions against

Hawryluk, 934

Lyon, 935

Legal aid

Campbell, 895

Lyon, 931-932

Legal fee increases

Hillhouse, 799-801

Lyon, 815-817

Legislative Assembly

Public address system

Campbell, 1416

Desjardins, 1416

Wright, 1414-1415

Legislative Assembly Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 81)

1 R

Roblin, 494

2 R

Campbell, 1285

Roblin, 1285

3 R

Lyon, 1745


Willis, 2009

Legislative Counsel. See Attorney-General, Department of

Legislative Library of the Province of Manitoba

Annual report, 1959

McLean, 218

Microfilming program

McLean, 379

Les Petities Missionaires de St. Josef. See Petitions

Libraries and Historical Research: Provincial Library, 377-384

Libraries, provincial. See also Manitoba Library Association

Circulation numbers

Gray, 381

McLean, 382

Establishment grants

Dow, 380

Municipal grants

McLean, 379

Orlikow, 381-382

Limitation of Actions Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 115)

1 R

Lyon, 1379

2 R

Lyon, 1822

3 R

Martin, 1914


Willis, 2009

Liquid fertilizer

Hutton, 705-706

Molgat, 705

Liquor. See Alcohol

Liquor Control Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 116)

1 R

Lyon, 1380

2 R

Lyon, 1778

3 R

Martin, 1897


Willis, 2009

Credit privileges

Hawryluk, 1778

Lyon, 1779

Indigenous consumption

Prohibition elimination

Hawryluk, 1778

Hryhorczuk, 1778

Lyon, 1778

Liquor Commission revenues

Gray, 1778

Lyon, 1778

Liquor Control Commission

Annual report, March 31, 1959

Lyon, 141

Lissaman, Reginald O. (Brandon) PC

Agricultural Credit Act

Administration of, 302

Assiniboine River

Flood control, 1673-1674

Bloom Field Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 28)

2 R, 873, 1106-1108

Rights of women, concern for, 873

Brandon Charter, an Act to amend the (Bill 109)

1 R, 1163

2 R, 1823

Amendment, 1914

Grant authorizations, 1823

Brandon College

Expansion assistance, 1704-1705

Brandon College Incorporated, an Act to amend an Act to Incorporate (Bill 136)

1 R, 1867

2 R, 1906

Committee of Supply

Concurrence in Report, 1625-1626

Condolence, motions of

Miller, Wallace C., 20-21

Dental Association Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 82)

2 R, 1940-1941

Prescriptions, 1941

Education system

Grant system, 485-486

Education, Department of


Speakers, 485-486

Flood control and drainage projects, 1673-1674

Fort Garry, an Act to Validate By-Law 4225 of the Rural Municipality of (Bill 95)

1 R, 823

Highway Traffic Act (1), an Act to amend The (Bill 53)

3 R, 1229-1232, 1234

Driving carelessly, definition of, 1229-1231, 1234

Lord's Day Act (Canada), an Act to provide for certain exceptions to The (Bill 98)

2 R, 1924

Amateur, definition of, 1922, 1924, 1962-1963


Trust fund of the 45th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, An Act respecting the, 545


Amend the Workmen's Compensation Act re: an increase in compensation payments to a dependent mother of a deceased workman, 1847

Schoolrooms: grant for construction of, 604-606

Trust Fund of the 45th Battalion of The Canadian Expeditionary Force, an Act respecting the (Bill 79)

1 R, 657

2 R, 1613

3 R, 1849-1850, 1851

Trustee powers/ trust fund, 1849-1850

Livestock. See Agriculture, Department of under Livestock Branch

Livestock feed

Quality of

Shewman, 282

Loans Act 1959, an Act to amend The (Bill 138)

1 R

Roblin, 1895

2 R

Roblin, 1913

3 R

Martin, 1917


Willis, 2009

Loans Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 22)

1 R

Roblin, 1713

2 R

Roblin, 1777

3 R

Martin, 1852


Willis, 2009

Long-term care facilities

Applications, religious affiliation disclosure

Desjardins, 1144

Johnson, 1147-1148

Care, cost of

Orlikow, 998-999

Development of

Johnson, 1003-1004, 1006

Shoemaker, 995-997

Facility development

Johnson, 1003-1004, 1006

Shoemaker, 995-997

Grant structure

Johnson, 1707

Shoemaker, 1707

Standards in (private)

Paulley, 998

Lord's Day Act (Canada), an Act to provide for certain exceptions to The (Bill 98)

1 R

Baizley, 1025

2 R

Baizley, 1594-1595, 1814, 1930

Campbell, 1813, 1928-1929, 1930

Corbett, 1927

Cowan, 1924-1925

Desjardins, 1781-1783, 1920-1922, 1925, 1927, 1931

Dow, 1602, 1922

Evans, 1811-1813, 1926

Froese, 1813-1814

Groves, 1925

Guttormson, 1602, 1922, 1929-1930

Hillhouse, 1785, 1927

Hryhorczuk, 1809-1811

Hutton, 1785-1786, 1923, 1925

Johnson, 1783-1785, 1924

Lissaman, 1924

Lyon, 1787-1791, 1924, 1926-1927, 1931

Martin, 1595-1598

McKellar, 1922

McLean, 1808-1809, 1921-1922, 1924

Molgat, 1931

Paulley, 1602-1603, 1925

Prefontaine, 1923, 1926

Roblin, 1920-1921, 1923, 1928, 1931

Seaborn, 1598-1601, 1927-1928

Smellie, 1926

Stanes, 1924

Tanchak, 1813

3 R

Baizley, 1981


Willis, 2009

Activities on Sunday

Baizley, 1594-1595

Groves, 1601

Guttormson, 1602

Johnson, 1784-1785

Martin, 1596-1598

Paulley, 1602-1603

Seaborn, 1598-1601

Age and hourly restrictions

Baizley, 1973

Desjardins, 1968-1969, 1972

Guttormson, 1965

Johnson, 1970

Lyon, 1964-1966, 1971

Martin, 1973

McLean, 1969, 1971

Paulley, 1971-1972

Prefontaine, 1972

Roblin, 1969

Schreyer, 1966, 1972-1973

Wright, 1967

Amateur, definition of

Campbell, 1928-1929, 1930

Corbett, 1927

Cowan, 1924, 1962

Desjardins, 1922, 1925, 1927

Dow, 1922

Evans, 1926, 1958

Groves, 1925

Guttormson, 1922, 1929

Hillhouse, 1927

Hutton, 1923, 1925, 1963

Johnson, 1924

Lissaman, 1922, 1924, 1962-1963

Lyon, 1924, 1926-1927, 1955, 1957-1958

McKellar, 1922

McLean, 1924, 1964

Paulley, 1925

Prefontaine, 1923

Roblin, 1923

Schreyer, 1958-1959

Stanes, 1924

Amendments, 1964-1977

Identical kind amendment re: annual income

Hillhouse, 1958

Lyon, 1956

Musical/cultural performances

McLean, 1964

Seaborn, 1927-1928, 1959, 1979

Non-profit organizations

McLean, 1921-1922

Sporting activities on Sunday

Baizley, 1814

Desjardins, 1782-1783, 1959-1961

Evans, 1811-1812, 1979

Guttormson, 1929-1930, 1956-1957

Hutton, 1786

Johnson, 1783-1784

McLean, 1808-1809

Orlikow, 1961-1962

Witney, 1979-1981

Lumber permits

Wagner, 1185

Lyon, Hon. Sterling R. (Fort Garry) PC

Aboriginal justice

Portage Gaol for Women

Number of inmates, 946-947


Liquor consumption, 932-933

Liquor laws, operation and enforcement

Annual report, 218

Liquor licenses (hotels), 926-928

Association of Dental Technicians of Manitoba, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 85)

2 R, 1839-1840, 1843

Training and licensing, 1840

Attorney-General, Department of

Administration of Estates of the Mentally Incompetent

Liens on property, 963

Money held in trust, 963

Advisory committee re: youth, 794-795

Appeals, 926

Classification system, 818, 949


Opening statements, 789-797

Speakers, 809-810, 814-821, 916-934, 938-963

Judicial districts, 938-939

Juvenile and Family Court, Probation and Parole, 957

Legislative Counsel, staff and salaries, 939-940

National Parole Board, 944

Obscene publications, 924

Oxbow rehabilitation camp, 955

Refuge Homes, per diem rates, 962

Sunday sport, 931

Transfer of jurisdiction (federal), 789, 817-818

Attorney-General's Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 47)

1 R, 1379-1380

2 R, 1913

Beer prices, 926, 928-930

Bloom Field Hutterian Bretheren, an Act to incorporate the (Bill 28)

2 R, 1116-1117

Municipal agreement "Schedule A," 1116-1117

Civil service

Promotions, 291-294

Size of, 291

Comptroller General

Annual report, March 31, 1959, 141

Contraverted Elections Act

Annual report, 141


Juries, 942

Number of, 943-944

Corporation of Metropolitan Winnipeg, An Act to establish The (Bill 62)

3 R, 1745, 1805-1808

French language requirement, 1807-1808

Correctional facilities

Guards, salary increase, 815

Maximum and minimum security institutions, 948

Municipal lockups, funding for, 819-820

Population-men, women, 789-790

Staff education and training, 793-794

Staff qualifications, 945-946

Corrections director

Duties, expansion of, 972-973

Crop insurance

General comments, 288-289

Croteau, John Paul

Held due to bail issue, 104-106

Dauphin Gaol

Overcrowding, 818

Dental Association Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 82)

2 R, 1933-1936

Denturists, allowance to work on public, 1933


Shortage, 1933-1934

Detention homes

Accommodations, 961-962

Boys and girls, number of, 960

Per diem rate, 960-961

Per diem rates, 962

Staffing, 960-961

Divorce numbers, 954

Dower Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 114)

1 R, 1379

2 R, 1900

Election Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 43)

2 R, 270, 548, 1280-1281, 1740-1742

Motion to amend, 1870

Writ to nomination timeline, 1281, 1872

Flood control and drainage projects, 289-290

Game and Fisheries Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 50)

3 R, 1745

Gaols in the Province of Manitoba

Annual reports, 547

Headingley Gaol

Educational facilities, 818-819

Recidivism rate, 814

Highway Traffic Act (1), an Act to amend The (Bill 53)

3 R, 1230-1233, 1236, 1238

Board authority, 1238

Driving carelessly, definition of, 1230-1233

Hospital Services Insurance Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 77)

3 R, 1745

Indigenous communities

Alcohol prohibition, elimination of, 1778

Intellectual disabilities

Estate administration, liens on property, 963

Money held in trust, 963

Interpretation Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 20)

1 R, 49

2 R, 270

John Howard Society

Funding, 820, 944


Juvenile, number of, 953

Judgments Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 15)

1 R, 67

2 R, 176

3 R, 1745

Justice system

Case concern (Mr. Croteau)

Held without bail, 104-106

Corrections course (U of M), 793-794

County court district boundaries, 795-796

Court reporters, 943

Criminal cases, onus of proof, 1815-1816

Criminal court charges, jurisdiction, 931

Director of corrections

Expansion of duties, 792-793

Family Courts, divorce numbers, 954

Family Courts, number of, 954

Recidivism rate (Headlingley Gaol), 814

Recidivism rate--Headingley Gaol, 814

Rehabilitation camps, 790-791

Repeat offenders, 946-948

Sex offences, punishment for, 933-934


Age of adulthood, 960

Juvenile judges, number of, 953

Land Titles Office

Staff numbers, 938

Landlord and Tenant Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 59)

1 R, 216

2 R, 548

3 R, 662

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on

First report, 599

Third report, 1579

Fourth report, 1637

Fifth report, 1667

Sixth report, 1763

Seventh report, 1881

Ninth report, 1911

Tenth report, 1919


Disciplinary actions against, 935

Legal aid, 931-932

Legal fee increases, 815-817

Legislative Assembly Act, An Act to amend The (Bill 81)

3 R, 1745

Limitation of Actions Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 115)

1 R, 1379

2 R, 1822

Liquor Control Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 116)

1 R, 1380

2 R, 1778

Credit privileges, 1779

Indigenous consumption

Prohibition elimination, 1778

Liquor Commission revenues, 1778

Liquor Control Commission

Annual report, March 31, 1959, 141

Lord's Day Act (Canada), an Act to provide for certain exceptions to The (Bill 98)

2 R, 1787-1791, 1924, 1926-1927, 1931

Age and hourly restrictions, 1964-1966, 1971

Amateur, definition of, 1924, 1926-1927, 1955, 1957-1958

Identical kind amendment re: annual income, 1956


Appointments and salaries, 940-941

Manitoba Evidence Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 27)

1 R, 35

2 R, 270

Manitoba Home for Girls, 793, 814

Matter of Urgent Public Importance

Federal Government delay in compensation for cattle slaughtered under the brucellosis eradication program, 1137

The release of the estimate of expenditure to an outside source before presentation in the House, 96-98

Mechanics Liens Act, an Act to amend the (Bill 58)

1 R, 216

2 R, 1166

3 R, 1745

Mineral Taxation Act and The Statute Law Amendment Act 1959, An Act to amend The (Bill 78)

3 R, 1745

Mineral Transactions Enquiry Commission

Report, December 4th, 1959, 68

Mines and Natural Resources, Department of


Speakers, 1196-1200-1202

Mining and mineral industry

Fraudulent misrepresentation

Legal action timeline, 1822

Landowner leases, 1196-1202

Norton Enquiry report, 50

Municipal Affairs, Department of

Advisory boards, establishment of, 1509


Speakers, 1509-1510

National Parole Board, 944

Norton Enquiry report

Oil leases and mineral rights, 50

Obscene publications, 924

Oxbow rehabilitation camp, 955

Points of Order

P/O regarding questions of government policy during question period, 142, 147, 149

Police courts, 952-953


Patrol cars, number of, 950

Portage Gaol for Women

Indigenous population, 946-947

Prevent discrimination against any person with respect to the provision of accommodation by reason of race, religion, religious creed, colour, ancestry, ethnic or national origin, an Act to (Bill 48)

1 R, 300

2 R, 1047-1048

Housing accommodation, 1051

Privilege, Matter of

Regarding the Attorney General's comments about road construction claims prior to an election, 657-658

Probation officers

Education and training, 958-959

General comments, 791-792

Hiring of, 955-957

Qualifications, 818

Workload, 956

Public Schools Act (1), An Act to amend The (Bill 83)

2 R, 1469

Public Works, Department of


Speakers, 1411

Questions and orders for return

Cancelling liquor purchases from South Africa due to recent violence, 1882

Justice system

Case concern (Mr. Croteau)

Held without bail, 104-106

Norton Commission Report re: mineral surface rights, 1912

Norton Enquiry release of final report

Oil leases and mineral rights, 50

Police methods during trial, 1447

Sentencing appeal

Domestic violence case, 495

Refugee Homes

Per diem rates, 962

Registry Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 16)

1R, 67

2 R, 177

Regulations Act, an Act to amend The (Bill 44)

1 R, 1763

2 R, 1822


Amend The Attorney-General's Act re: remuneration for out-of-pocket expenses, 1379

Amend The Liquor Control Act re: receiving advance funds from the province, 1379

Onus of proof in criminal cases, 1815-1816

Public Schools Act amendments re: school construction grants, 1446

Regarding the prevention of accommodation discrimination, 299, 300

That rules No. 9, 27, 34 of the Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings be amended, 32-33, 32-34

Sex offences

Punishment for, 933-934

Special Select Committee

Re: rules, 1166-1167

Speed limits

School zones, 1236

Throne speech

Debate, 288-295

Trade Practices Enquiry Act

Annual report, December 31, 1959, 141

Traffic control

Radar system, 796-797, 950-951, 950-953

Typographical Errors in the Statutes, an Act to correct certain (Bill 3)

1 R, 49

2 R, 86

3 R, 661

University of Manitoba (U of M)

Corrections course, 793-794

Young offenders

Crime prevention, 820

Vocational training for, 948


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