HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 26th Legislature
Baizley, Obie (Osborne) P.C.
Chiropractic profession, 205-208
Discrimination, prohibition of
Resolution proposed, 1373-1374
Osborne (constituency), 205
Red River Exhibition Greyhound Racing Association
[Bill 79]
2R, 1182
Throne Speech debate, 205-208
Administration of Oaths of Office, An Act respecting the [Bill 1]
Agricultural Credit Act, an Act to amend the [Bill 102]
Agricultural Societies Act [Bill 37]
Agriculture and Immigration Act, An Act to amend the Department of [Bill 4]
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of the province for fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1960 [Bill 73]
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public services of the province for fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1960 [Bill 75]
An Act to authorize the expenditures of monies for various capital purposes and to authorize the borrowing of the same [Bill 67]
Anatomy Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 30]
Blind Persons' Allowances Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 28]
Bounties on Predatory Animals, An Act to authorize the reimbursement of certain municipalities for amounts paid for [Bill 17]
Brandon Charter, An Act to amend The [Bill 49]
Brandon Charter (2), an act to amend the [Bill 97]
Builders Trust Company [Bill 64]
Business Development Fund Act, An Act to amend [Bill 89]
By-law 59-8 for the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and an Agreement between the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and Imperial Oil Limited [Bill 93]
Child Welfare Act [Bill 23]
Chiropodists Act, an Act to amend the [Bill 66]
Civil Service Superannuation Act [Bill 87]
Community Seed Cleaning Plant Loans Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 9]
Companies Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 18]
Co-op Prairie Canners Ltd., An Act to validate Order-in-Council 1443/58 and The Guaranteeing of a Debenture Bond issued by [Bill 10]
Council 1107 [Bill 43]
Crop Insurance Test Areas, An Act to Establish [Bill 100]
Dauphin General Hospital, An Act to authorize the Rural Municipality of Dauphin to make a grant to the [Bill 71]
Dauphin General Hospital, An Act to authorize the Town of Dauphin to make a grant to the [Bill 70]
Dental Association Act, An Act to amend the [Bill 101]
Department of Labour Act, an Act to amend the [Bill 92]
Development and Transmission of Water Supplies for the Domestic Use of the People of the Province, Act to facilitate the [Bill 96]
Disabled Persons' Allowances Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 29]
Distribution of Gas in Greater Winnipeg, An Act to facilitate the [Bill 74]
Economic Development of the Province, An Act to facilitate the [Bill 2]
Education Department Act [Bill 39]
Fire Prevention Act [Bill 88]
Gaols Act, an act to amend the [Bill 99]
Gimli, An Act respecting the Town of [Bill 85]
Grand Chapter of Manitoba Order of the Eastern Star [Bill 69]
Greater Winnipeg Sanitary District Act, an Act to amend The [Bill 78]
Greater Winnipeg Society of Christian Education [Bill 68]
Greater Winnipeg Water District Act, an Act to amend The [Bill 60]
Guaranty Trust Company of Canada and the Western Trust Company [Bill 77]
Health and Public Welfare Act [Bill 26]
Highway Traffic Act [Bill 3]
Horticultural Society Act [Bill 38]
Hospital Services Insurance Act [Bill 55]
Hospitals Act, An Act to amend the [Bill 25]
Housing Accommodation for Elderly Persons [Bill 24]
Insurance Corporations Tax Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 33]
Interpretation Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 15]
Labour Relations Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 20]
Law Property Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 95]
Licensed Practical Nurses Act, An Act to amed The [Bill 31]
Liquor Control Act, an act to amend [Bill 98]
Local Government Districts Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 22]
Manitoba Health Service [Bill 63]
Manitoba Hospital Service Association, an Act to amend an Act to incorporate the [Bill 59]
Manitoba Teachers' Society, an Act to amend The [Bill 56]
Margarine Act, An Act to amend the [Bill 72]
Mineral Taxation Act [Bill 82]
Mines Act, an Act to amend The [Bill 103]
Municipal Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 90]
Municipal Act (1), An Act to amend The [Bill 42]
Municipal Board [Bill 51]
Municipal Boundaries Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 21]
Old Age Assistance Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 7]
Pipe Line Act [Bill 83]
Portage la Prairie Charter, An Act to amend The [Bill 54]
Public Schools Act (2), An Act to amend The [Bill 34]
Public Schools Act (3), An Act to amend The [Bill 94]
Public Schools Act [Bill 14]
Public Servants of the Province, An Act respecting the Provision of Group Life Insurance for [Bill 19]
Public Utilities Board [Bill 52]
Public Works Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 50]
Real Estate Agents Act, An Act to amend the [Bill 104]
Real Property Act, an Act to amend [Bill 41]
Red River Exhibition Greyhound Racing Association [Bill 79]
Reserve for War and Post-War Emergency Act, an Act to amend The [Bill 36]
School District of Winnipeg No. 1, An Act to validate By-law no. 608 [Bill 46]
School Districts Debenture Interest Guarantee Act [Bill 40]
Sinking Fund Trustees of the School District of Winnipeg No. 1, an Act to amend an Act to [Bill 47]
Social security for residents of Manitoba, An Act respecting [Bill 6]
St. Boniface Charter 1953, An Act to amend The [Bill 86]
St. James Charter, An Act to amend The [Bill 62]
St. James No. 7, An Act to amend The School District of [Bill 61]
Statute Law, an Act to amend certain provisions of the [Bill 53]
Ste. Agathe Bridge over the Red River in Manitoba, An Act to amend An Act respecting the [Bill 65]
Steinbach, An Act respecting the Town of [Bill 58]
Summary Convictions Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 16]
Teachers' Retirement Allowances Act [Bill 57]
Treasury Act, An Act to amend the [Bill 35]
Tuberculosis Control Act [Bill 84]
Urban School Trustees Association of Manitoba [Bill 76]
Vacations with Pay Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 32]
Vital Statistics Act, An Act to amend The [Bill 27]
Water Control and Conservation Branch [Bill 5]
Watershed Conservation districts [Bill 8]
Wildewood Club [Bill 44]
Winnipeg and Central Gas Company Act, An Act to amend [Bill 80]
Winnipeg Charter, 1956 (1), An Act to amend The [Bill 48]
Winnipeg Charter, 1956 (2), An Act to amend The [Bill 91]
Winnipeg Charter, 1956 and to validate By-laws Nos. 17959 and 18073, An Act to amend The [Bill 45]
Winter Employment Act [Bill 11]
Workmen's Compensation Act (1) [Bill 12]
Workmen's Compensation Act (2) [Bill 13]
Binscarth (town)
Smellie, 12
Birth, definition of. See Vital Statistics Act, An Act to amend The
Birth registrations
Declaration of the father
Gray, 819
Johnson, 819
Birtle (town)
75th anniversary of incorporation
Smellie, 372
Smellie, 12
Birtle-Russell (constituency)
Smellie, 12
Blind Persons' Allowances Act, An Act to amend The
[Bill 28]
1R, Johnson, 31
2R, Johnson, 60
C/W, 318
3R, 320
R/A, 389
Boulic, Marcel (Cypress) P.C.
Civil Service Superannuation Act, 363-364, 366
[Bill 87]
2R, 1451
Commissioner of Oaths, 354-355
Companies Act, An Act to amend The
[Bill 18]
1R, 15
2R, 81
Dairy products
Cream grading services, 610
Promotion and marketing, 609
Grey Nuns convent (St. Boniface), 305
Circulation, 353-354
Production costs, 353
Salaries, 269
Legislative Assembly staff
Salaries, 270
Manitoba Gazette, 357-358
Public servants, 457
Group life insurance, 31-32, 366
Pay stub information, 236, 354
Salary increase, 358-360
Workers' compensation, 363, 390
Public Servants of the Province, An Act respecting the Provision of Group Life Insurance for
[Bill 19]
1R, 32
2R, 57-59
Queen's Printer
Cost saving measures, 356
Summary Convictions Act, An Act to amend The
[Bill 16]
1R, 15
Bounties on predatory animals
Willis, 32
Bounties on Predatory Animals, An Act to authorize the Reimbursement of Certain Municipalities for Amounts paid for
[Bill 17]
1R, Willis, 32
McLean, 57
3R, 1406
McDiarmid, 1529
Bracken, John
50th wedding anniversary
Campbell, 141-142
Paulley, 142-143
Prefontaine, 143
Roblin, 141
Brandon Charter, An Act to amend The
[Bill 49]
1R, Lissaman, 49
Gray, 191-192
Lissaman, 191
Campbell, 580
Paulley, 580
Stanes, 580
3R, 581
McDiarmid, 1529
Brandon Charter (2), an act to amend the
[Bill 97]
1R, Ridley, 1297
2R, 1476
3R, 1486
McDiarmid, 1529
Brandon College
McLean, 466
Lissaman, 476
McLean, 475
Miller, 475
Prefontaine, 477
Teacher's courses
McLean, 491
Molgat, 491
Brandon Gaol
Injuries to guard
Lyon, 144
Orlikow, 144
Brandon Provincial Exhibition
Lissaman, 235
Construction costs
Schreyer, 1128
Willis, 1128
Broadway Home for Mental Defectives
Campbell, 833
Johnson, 833
Molgat, 833
Budget (1959)
Roblin, 1376
Paulley, 1411
Campbell, 1382-1390
Molgat, 1485-1500
Orlikow, 1472-1476
Roblin, 1500-1506
Schreyer, 1448-1450
Seaborn, 1432-1437
Builders Trust Company
[Bill 64]
1R, Cowan, 696
Cowan, 798-799
McDiarmid, 1529
Bureau of Food Control
Johnson, 835-836
Molgat, 835-836
Burnt Lake Drain Project
Willis, 698
Bus service, rural
Carroll, 1082
Wagner, 1082
Business Development Fund Act, an Act to amend
[Bill 89]
Lyon, 981
Campbell, 1452
Evans, 1451-1452
Gray, 1452
Hawryluk, 1452
3R, 1466
McDiarmid, 1529
By-Law 59-8 of the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and an Agreement between the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul and Imperial Oil Limited
[Bill 93]
Schreyer, 1039
2R, 1476
3R, 1486
McDiarmid, 1529