Community Impact Statement

What is a community impact statement?

A community impact statement may be used to provide a description of the harm or loss suffered by a community as the result of the commission of an offence. The statement must include a description of the impact of the offence on the community.

Who can make a community impact statement?

Each community can choose someone to prepare the community impact statement on behalf of the community. This can be any person from the community that has been harmed by an offence or has knowledge of the harm caused to the community. A completed statement may be filed with a court in accordance with the court’s procedures.

When is a community impact statement considered?

A community impact statement will not be used by a court to determine whether a person is guilty of an offence. A community impact statement may only be considered by a court after an offender is found guilty.

How will a community impact statement be presented to the court?

The community impact statement is not confidential. At the time of sentencing it will be distributed to the judge, defence counsel and/or the accused and the Crown attorney.



For more information call Manitoba Justice Victim Services:
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