Domestic Violence Support Service

Domestic Violence Support Service helps victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Manitoba when criminal charges have been laid and assists individuals who receive police services for IPV incidents that do not result in charges or arrests. The program provides support and information to victims of IPV by:

  • creating a safe, supportive environment to talk about the situation
  • providing information about the criminal charges and the court process
  • explaining the roles of those involved in the criminal justice system
  • discussing safety planning and creating a protection plan to improve safety
  • explaining how to get protective relief orders
  • emotional support and guidance navigating justice systems and accessing community supports
  • explaining the cycle of violence and how it can be broken
  • offering support throughout the court process
  • preparing victims and going to court with them, when possible
  • advising Crown attorneys of concerns that victims may have about court cases
  • connecting families to appropriate community resources through referral, advocacy and coordination of community resources
  • seeking to repair harm and attempt to address the circumstances which contributed to the crime
  • empowering victims by giving them a voice in the criminal justice process and offering programming aimed at starting the healing process
  • applying restorative justice principles of collaboration, inclusion, safety, respect, flexibility, accountability and transformation

The Cellphone Emergency Limited Link-up Program (CELL Program) helps people who are at high risk of domestic violence or stalking to stay safe. Find out more about the CELL program.

Victim Impact Statements apply to all victims of crime and allow victims to tell the court how they have been affected by the crime. For more information, please visit the Victim Impact Statement Program area of our site.

The Compensation for Victims of Crime Program (CVCP) provides compensation to victims who have suffered personal injury, hardships or expenses as a result of certain crimes. Learn more about the CVCP.

Have questions or need support?

If you have questions about the DVSS, or you believe that you are a victim of IPV, contact Manitoba Justice Victim Services at 1-866-4-VICTIM (1-866-484-2846) or 204-945-6851 (in Winnipeg) between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

If you are in a crisis situation, or would like confidential support or information, call the Government of Manitoba’s 24-hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line at 1-877-977-0007.

If you are in immediate danger call 911, or your local emergency line.