Out-of-Province Coverage

Coverage outside of the province

What if I have to see a doctor while in another province?

Manitoba has agreements with all Canadian provinces (except Quebec) to allow physicians to bill your provincial health plan, although some physicians may choose to bill you directly. If you are admitted to an approved hospital anywhere in Canada, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay the standard rate. Because some services are excluded, you are encouraged to obtain additional health insurance before travelling. Contact Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for more information.

Note: You must show your Manitoba Health card to the doctor or hospital.

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Am I covered for emergency care outside of Canada?

Doctor Bills

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay for emergency doctors' services outside of Canada at a rate equal to what a Manitoba doctor would receive for a similar service.

Hospital Bills

Emergency hospital care is paid on an average daily rate established by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care. You may be charged more than the amount paid by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for services provided outside Canada. The difference above the covered amount may be substantial and is your responsibility.

Bring or mail your original bill to the Out-of-Province Claim Section at Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care within six months of receiving care. If you have made payments on your bills, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care requires a receipt showing the amount paid. If you do not include your receipt, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay the hospital or doctor directly. You can download the claim forms here.

For more information contact:
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care
300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3M9
Business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For more information call: 204-786-7303
Toll free: 1-800-392-1207 Ext. 7303
TDD/TTY: 204-774-8618
TDD/TTY Relay Service outside Winnipeg: 711 or 1-800-855-0511

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Claim forms for out of province medical expenses

If you have received covered medical services outside of the province, you may apply for benefits by filling out this Out-of-Province Claim Form (PDF).

Please fill out the Personal Information section and any additional section that applies. You can send or drop off the completed form and copies of the required receipts or bills to:

Out-of-Province Benefits
Insured Benefits Branch
300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3M9
Business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Out-of-province Medical Referrals

Sometimes, a patient needs medical treatment or care that cannot be provided in Manitoba. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care may cover some of the costs of this care, based on a specific approval process.

You may be eligible for help with costs related to getting medical care in another province or country when:

  • an appropriate physician recommends that you need a necessary, specific medical service (e.g, care or treatment); and
  • that treatment is not available in Manitoba.

What is an "appropriate physician"?

An appropriate physician means a Manitoba specialist. A specialist is a doctor who focuses on a certain area of medicine (for example, a physician who specializes in treating heart disease or cancer). "Appropriate" means that the specialist’s field of expertise is related to the patient’s disorder (for example, an obstetrician, or pregnancy specialist, cannot make a neurological, or nerve disorder referral).

Specialists can diagnose and assess very specific illnesses and conditions. They are also likely to know where the treatment and expertise that a patient requires is available.

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What is the approval process?

Your family doctor may decide it is necessary to refer you to a specialist. The specialist will assess your condition or illness, and may prescribe treatment.

If the prescribed treatment is not available in Manitoba:

  • The specialist must write a letter to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care, and provide certain information about your case.
  • Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will review the letter from the specialist, and seek an opinion from a medical consultant if necessary.
  • After reviewing your case, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will write back to the specialist to approve or deny coverage for out-of-province treatment. You will also receive a copy of this letter.

In emergencies (e.g, life-threatening cases, such as an organ transplant), this process can be handled very quickly.

Do not arrange for doctor appointments, transportation or any other care-related services until your doctor’s referral request is approved. If you do not have prior approval, you may be held responsible for any costs you incur.

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Does it matter where my doctor refers me?

Yes. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay for care or treatment in the United States only if all Canadian medical resources have been exhausted. In some cases, documentation (e.g, proof) that you have seen other Canadian specialists may be required before your request for referral outside the country will be considered.

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What costs are covered if I am approved for treatment outside Manitoba?

In Canada:

  • Doctor bills – The Manitoba government has made arrangements with all other Canadian provinces and territories (except Quebec) to send bills for medical care directly to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for payment. In most cases, you do not have to pay any out-of-pocket expenses for approved medical services provided in Canada.
  • Hospital bills – Similar arrangements apply to hospital care. If you are admitted to a hospital anywhere in Canada, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay the standard ward rate on your behalf.

In the United States:

If you are referred for medical care outside Canada, and your referral is approved, you may have to pay some of the costs for your medical and hospital services.

For medical and hospital services provided in the U.S., Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will cover:

  • doctor bills, at the same rate a Manitoba doctor would receive for similar services; and
  • hospital bills, up to 75 per cent of insured hospital services.

If your costs for medical and hospital services exceed these coverage limits, it is your responsibility to pay the difference, unless you qualify for special assistance based on financial hardship. This is because costs for such services in the U.S. are generally much higher than costs for the same services in Canada.

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What about travel costs?

If your out-of-province referral is approved, you may be reimbursed for reasonable transportation costs. Accommodations, meals, taxis, ambulance and other expenses are not covered. Also see: Travel Subsidy for Out-of-Province Medical Referrals.

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What if I need a medical escort?

Travel costs for an escort may also be reimbursed if the escort is required for your well-being and safety during travel. If an escort is required, your specialist must notify Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care by including that information in his or her initial letter of request.

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How do the bills get paid?

  • Doctor and hospital bills – In most cases, the original doctor bills and hospital bills will be sent directly to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for processing.
  • Transportation costs – You must send your original receipts for transportation costs, or a letter requesting mileage reimbursement, to the Out-of-Province Claims Section at Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care.

If you have already paid a doctor or hospital bill, you must include in your request for reimbursement the original receipt showing the amount you paid. If you do not include a receipt, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will pay the doctor or hospital directly.

For more information, call or write:
Out-of-province Claims
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care
300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 3M9
Telephone: 204-786-7303
Toll-free: 1-800-392-1207 Ext. 7303
Email: OutofProvinceClaims@gov.mb.ca
TDD/TTY: 204-774-8618
For TDD/TYY Relay Service outside Winnipeg, call 711 or 1-800-855-0511

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Travel Subsidy for Out-Of-Province Medical Referrals

You may be eligible for assistance with the costs of transportation in relation to accessing medical care outside of Manitoba.

If your treating Manitoba specialist has referred you outside of Manitoba for medical treatment, you can ask your specialist to apply for a transportation subsidy on your behalf.

In order for Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care to approve coverage of transportation costs in relation to an out-of-province referral, the following criteria must be met:

  1. You must be referred out-of-province by an appropriate Manitoba specialist for insured care and treatment that cannot be rendered in Manitoba, and in the case of an out-of-country referral treatment that cannot be rendered in Manitoba or elsewhere in Canada.
  2. Evidence is required from a Manitoba specialist to demonstrate what services or investigations are medically necessary and why they (or a service of equal nature) are not available in Manitoba, and in the case of out-of-country referral in Manitoba or elsewhere in Canada.
  3. Approval must be granted for services requested outside of Canada, prior to the treatment occurring.
  4. It must be demonstrated that the requested service is not experimental, of emerging technology or being performed on a trial basis.
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How do I get my money back?

If your application for out-of-province subsidy has been approved, a claim form for reimbursement of out-of-province transportation costs will be enclosed with your copy of the approval letter. Claim forms may also be obtained from Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care at the address shown below, or by contacting an out-of-province representative at 204-786-7303 (toll free 1-800-392-1207 extension 7303).

Forward the completed form to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care with your original cancelled airline, train, bus ticket or e-ticket (e.g. electronic Internet ticket) and boarding pass when you return. If you had to pay a “change fee” to reschedule your flight, include the original receipt from the airline. Be sure to include your six-digit Manitoba Health registration number and your full address on the claim form.

The timeline for submission of transportation subsidy reimbursement is six (6) months from the payment date. Claims received/submitted after this timeframe will not be considered for reimbursement.

Claims for reimbursement should be sent to:

Out-of-Province Claims
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care
300 Carlton Street Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3M9

Need additional information? Please write to the above address, or call/email to:

Telephone: 204-786-7303
Toll Free: 1-800-392-1207 Ext 7303
Fax: 204-772-2248
Email: OutofProvinceClaims@gov.mb.ca
TDD/TTY: 204-774-8618
For TDD/TYY Relay Service outside Winnipeg call 711 or 1-800-855-0511

Sometimes a patient needs medical treatment or care that cannot be provided in Manitoba. Manitoba is one of only a few provinces in Canada that offers assistance to help cover transportation costs related to receiving medical care outside of the province.

The Manitoba Out-of-Province Transportation Subsidy Program offers financial assistance to help reduce your costs. It is not designed to cover 100 per cent of your expenses.

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How do I apply for an Out-of-province Transportation Subsidy?

If you expect to require assistance with the costs of transportation for the purpose of accessing medical care outside of Manitoba, before you make your travel arrangements, you should ask your treating Manitoba specialist to apply to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care on your behalf for an out-of-province Transportation Subsidy.

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will require a referral from your treating Manitoba specialist, for insured care and treatment that is not available in Manitoba. It must be demonstrated that the services or investigations are medically necessary and not excluded from coverage (e.g. not experimental, of emerging technology or being performed on a trial basis).

Benefits for care payable by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care are limited by regulation. Manitobans are strongly advised to have private medical insurance when traveling outside the province.

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How do I confirm the date and details of my out-of-province appointment?

If you are approved for coverage for out-of-province medical services, you will receive a copy of the approval letter that Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care has sent to your referring Manitoba specialist. At that point you should contact your referring Manitoba specialist to establish a date and details for your out-of-province appointment. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care does not arrange these appointments.

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Do I make my own travel arrangements?

Yes. If you choose to fly, book an economy class or seat sale ticket at least 14 days in advance of your appointment, to take advantage of lower airfares for advance bookings. Keep your original cancelled airline ticket. If you have purchased an electronic ticket over the Internet, ask for an electronic confirmation (e-ticket) showing a breakdown of costs, including the flight cost, taxes and fees.

If you choose to drive, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will reimburse the actual cost of gas required for you to travel to your destination. Gas receipts must be submitted in order to be considered for reimbursement. Without gas receipts, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will be unable to provide reimbursement for travel by car.

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Should I buy an open airline ticket?

No. Open tickets are usually more expensive than tickets with specific leave and return dates. Purchase a lower-cost ticket that allows you to change your flight date for a fee. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will reimburse the “change fee” if you have to reschedule your flight because of an appointment change or other medical reason.

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Do I pay the transportation costs myself?

Yes. Pay the cost up-front for your airfare. Then apply to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for reimbursement when you return. Transportation claims for approved out-of-province medical care are always given priority for processing and reimbursement.

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What about cancellation insurance?

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care does not reimburse the cost of cancellation insurance. If the date of your appointment changes, you will be reimbursed the amount of the “change fee” to reschedule your flight.

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What if I need a medical escort?

Transportation costs for an escort will be covered only if your referring Manitoba specialist confirms in writing that an escort is medically required for the care and well being of the patient during travel. The escort must travel with the patient in order to qualify for reimbursement under the travel subsidy program. If there is no medical evidence that an escort is needed, Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will not cover this cost.

If the patient is a child 18 years of age or younger, the transportation cost for an escort is covered. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will reimburse return travel costs for one parent (or other caregiver over 18 years of age) to travel with the patient (child) who has been approved for medical care outside of Manitoba.

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What if I need to make more than one trip?

If more than one trip is necessary to treat your medical condition, your referring Manitoba specialist must submit a letter of referral to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care for each trip.

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What amount is covered?

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care will cover the lowest economy airfare (not executive or first-class), train fare or bus fare to transport a patient for approved out-of-province care.

Only out-of-pocket costs will be reimbursed. The program will not pay your travel costs if another program or benefit plan will cover this expense on your behalf. For example, if the cost of your flight is paid for or reduced through a discount program (e.g. Air Miles), you will be reimbursed only for the actual amount you paid for your ticket minus GST (refer to “What amount is not covered”).

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What amount is not covered?

The Manitoba Out-of-Province Transportation Subsidy Program does not cover meals, accommodations, car rental, taxi fares, parking fees or other expenses associated with out-of-town travel.

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care is unable to reimburse the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) portion of airline tickets. However, patients can complete a “GST Rebate” application form and forward it with the original ticket(s) to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for consideration. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Winnipeg Tax Services Office at 1-800-959-5525.

Patients may wish to contact Canada Revenue and Customs Agency toll free at 1-800-959-8281 to inquire if any costs could be claimed under medical expenses when filing personal income tax.

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Is there coverage for ambulance services?

The Manitoba Out-of-Province Transportation Subsidy Program does not cover transportation by ambulance.

In emergency cases, air ambulance transportation may be required based on information supplied by your referring Manitoba specialist. If you require such transportation, you will not be billed for the cost of the air ambulance trip. You may, however, need to arrange your own travel to get back to your home community when you are ready to return.

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