Quick Escape


Under Manitoba’s new Family Law Act, that came into effect July 1, 2023, you may be required to give notice of a proposed relocation or a change of residence if a child is involved.

The rules about giving notice of proposed relocation or change of residence are set out in The Family Law Act and the Family Law Regulation.

Notice of Proposed Relocation must be given using form Schedule A

Notice of Change of Residence must be given using form Schedule C

If you receive a Notice of Proposed Relocation and you wish to object, Notice of Objection to Proposed Relocation must be given using form Schedule B

Note that if you have a parenting order or contact order under the federal Divorce Act, you must use the following forms to give Notice of Relocation or Notice of change in place of residence, or to make an Objection to Relocation:

Notice of Relocation Form
Notice of change in place of residence: Person with Contact
Objection to Relocation Form