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Resources to build on what you’ve learned in For the Sake of the Children parenting program can be found below. Other resources about parenting, relationships, resolution, child support and safety can be located throughout the Family Law Manitoba website.

Resources for Kids and Teens

Families Change
This online resource helps kids, teens and parents deal with a family breakup. An interactive game called Changeville is available.

Family Law for Children
This book by the Community Legal Association of Manitoba can be read by children on their own or with a parent or another adult to help them. Stories are given about a range of relatable families going through separation and divorce, to help children learn how to cope positively with family change.

Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth
Kids and teens can access the advocate with concerns about education, mental health and addictions, justice, violence as well as child welfare.

What Happens Next? Information for Kids about Separation and Divorce
Family relations and family law experts at Justice Canada prepared this book, based in part on the content in Family Law for Children. It is intended for children of roughly 9-12 years old, to help them understand what is happening to their families and encourage them to talk about their feelings with adults they trust. An appendix lists a number of books and websites that may further support children and parents.

Resources for Parents

Because Life Goes On...Helping Children and Youth Live with Separation and Divorce
The Public Health Agency of Canada supports parents in helping children adapt to a family separation. This booklet was first published in 1994 and has been updated twice to meet the needs of your family today.

Caring for Kids
The Canadian Paediatric Society offers advice to parents about warning signs in children, and when to call your child’s doctor.

Co-Parenting Communication Guide
The Arizona Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts published the Co-Parenting Communication Guide in 2011. Family mediation experts in Manitoba recommend this 14-page guide which discusses best practices for parents to follow in a positive and nurturing co-parenting model.

Custody and Parenting
Justice Canada offers a range of support to parents. In addition to the online parenting plan tool, there is information for grandparents. All are reminded to protect children and keep them safe.

Families Change
This online resource helps kids, teens and parents deal with a family breakup. An interactive game called Changeville is available.

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
This pamphlet, published by the Victim Services Branch of Manitoba Justice, briefly outlines impacts of domestic violence on children at different ages and stages. It offers help through a range of community resources at locations throughout Manitoba, and provides the 24-hour Crisis Line number.

Legal Considerations
This video, produced by the government of Manitoba, explains the legal problems you may be facing and the dispute resolution options that are available.

Live & Learn
Supported by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, this online community for new Manitobans includes information about family and relationships.

Promoting mental health for children of separating parents
This scholarly article may assist parents and doctors in understanding and alleviating the adverse effects of separation on children.

Positive Co-Parenting Do’s and Don’ts
This information is for co-parents who are able to collaborate with one another, or parallel parent, as a way to safely manage and limit the opportunities for co-parental conflict.

Resources for Travelling

Recommended consent letter for children travelling abroad
Justice Canada helped draft this letter that is recommended to be carried by the parent during travel with a child.

Child Abduction and Custody Issues
The Canadian government provides suggestions about arranging to travel with your child.