Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Operating Manual
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Section 111.1 - Individualized Training Fund Approval Process
The purpose of this section is to outline the approval processes and procedures for providing individualized services funded under Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities as outlined throughout this operating manual. Forms include an Individualized Vocational Plan form (IVP), and two funding request forms. One funding request form (EAPD–002) is for services provided by Employment and Training Centres. The second funding request form (EAPD–001) is for all other funded goods and services. See Appendix V for a brief description of Employment and Training Centre services.
Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Provincial staff and the Designated Agencies have responsibility to approve financial commitments for most referrals or enrolments of participants for services provided by the Employment and Training Centres for which Agreements are in effect. The approval levels are as follows:
- Approvals for any combination of Assessment, and Employment Services for up to a maximum of 6 months. Employment Supports may be approved up to 36 months within annual maximums.
- Approval of related Support costs such as transportation, interpreting, technical aids or assistive devices up to a maximum of $1,500 in any one support service. If any one support service requires funding in excess of $1,500.00 the entire request must be forwarded to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities ProvinvialProgram for review and approval.
- Approval of extensions in accordance with program guidelines to a maximum of 12 months for Employment Services. Requests for extensions beyond 12 months must be referred to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Provincial Program for review and consideration for approval.
- Employment Supports may be approved for up to the first 36 months within annual maximums as described in Section 133.5.
- All funding requests for School to Work Transition must provide clearly documented rationale and detailing eligibility for this service in the Vocational Counsellor comments section of the relevant funding request form.
Individual Vocational Plan and Funding Request Forms
Participants will be required to sign the Individualized Vocational Plan form and not the funding request.
- The Individualized Vocational Plan form (IVP) is intended to document all components of the plan including the services that are proposed or likely to require funding from the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Fund. The participant and Vocational Counsellor must sign all Individualized Vocational Plans. Supervisor’s approval is required for all plans that are expected to require more than $1,500.00 in Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities funding. Supervisor approval is optional for plans less than $1,500.00 and is at the discretion of each office.
- The original signed plans will remain on the participant file and the participant will receive a copy.
- The Individual Vocational Plan (IVP) form should be completed as a vocational plan emerges. Each time a significant change occurs in the Vocational Plan a new form should be completed. For a definition of what constitutes a new plan vs. an amendment or update see a definition later in this section of the manual.
- There are two funding request forms. One form clearly identifies services provided by Employment and Training Centres (EAPD–002). The second form is for all other funding requests (EAPD–001).
- All funded services, as much as is practically possible, should be documented or described on the Individualized Vocational Plan.
Once an applicant has been accepted for Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities services by verification of eligibility and assignment to a Vocational Counsellor, the Vocational Counsellor begins a process of developing a vocational plan with the participant. The following highlights the key requirements for documenting the Vocational Plan and completion of the Individualized Vocational Plan Form (IVP).
- The vocational plan is developed in conjunction with the participant.
- The plan includes activities, functions, and actions needed to achieve the vocational or employment objective.
- The plan defines the components that require services funded by the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Fund.
- The plan outlines responsibilities of the participant that impacts the funding required to provide continuity of service.
- The participant and Vocational Counsellor must sign all Vocational Plans. The supervisor’s approval is required for all plans that are expected to require more than $1,500.00 in Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities funding.
- The original copy of completed Individualized Vocational Plan forms remain on the participant file. The participant receives a copy.
- Amendments may be noted on the form with essential details. Amendments do not need the participant’s signature. Significant changes constitute a new plan and signatures are required.
- The Individualized Vocational Plan form no longer needs to be submitted to EAPD 350-800 Portage Avenue but must remain on the client file as it represents an agreement between the client and Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities.
Definition of Significant Change vs. Amendment
Significant change requiring a new Vocational Plan number is defined as a change that impacts both the Vocational Goal and the financial components (Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities funded service components) or extends timelines for achieving the plan.
An amendment is generally defined as relatively minor changes in the timelines and/or financial components of the plan. The following are are examples of plans requiring amendments where the rationale for the change will need to be documented in the relevant funding request when submitted:
- A new service not previously identified on the Individualized Vocational Plan with the cost exceeding $300.00.
- An amendment to an already approved funded service within the plan requiring additional funds in excess of $1,000.00.
- An amendment may also arise because of a change in vocational goal with no significant change in the timelines or funded services required. For example, the Vocational Goal has changed from Engineer to Social Worker; from Retail Sales Clerk to a Respite Worker; from a Home Care Aide to School Bus Driver. Essentially the change is from one service or industrial sector to another with few transferable skills between the original goal and the new goal.
Funding Requests
When there is a need for the Vocational Counsellor to obtain approval for funding from the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Fund a Funding Request form needs to be submitted in accordance with the following procedures:
- General Procedures
Upon receipt of a request for Individualized Training Funding, the approval process is described as follows ensuring that the Vocational Counsellor is notified as to the disposition of the request:- In a case where the request is approved, a copy of the original form is to be retained by the EAPD program with a copy being sent to the originating office for further distribution as required. The approved funding request form will indicate the type of service, start and end dates and the total funds authorized for the services requested. The approved and dated funding request form serves as the authorization for the region/agency to expend the approved and committed funds.
- In cases where the Individualized Training Fund Request or parts thereof are not approved, the region/agency and Vocational Counsellor will be notified and should be aware that the client may request a Decision Review. (Refer to Section 180 for further information regarding procedures).
- In a case where the request is not approved on the grounds of program ineligibility, the denying office will advise the applicant of the decision in writing, including the reason(s) for the decision; and will provide information to the applicant regarding the procedure to follow in appealing the decision. The region/agency or Vocational Counsellor will be provided with a copy of the letter that is being sent to the applicant. (Refer to Section 180 on Appeal Procedures for further information).
- Funding Request Form for participants being referred to Employment and Training Centres: (EAPD 002)
- The funding request form does not require the participant’s signature.
- This form serves as both a confirmation of enrolment or acceptance from the Employment and Training Centre to provide services as described in Agreements and negotiated on a participant-by-participant basis by the Vocational Counsellor within agreed upon costs and time periods.
- Once the form has been signed by the Vocational Counsellor and the Employment and Training Centre (or where the Employment and Training Centre has provided an Authorization Code), it is forwarded to the Vocational Counsellor’s Supervisor for approval and financial commitment. The Vocational Counsellor’s Supervisor is expected to approve and verify costs and will forward the request to the Program with their signature serving as a recommendation for approval.
- Once the Vocational Counsellor’s Supervisor has signed the request approving the expenditures the original funding request form with authorizing signatures (and Codes if applicable) is sent to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program, a copy of the approved form is forwarded to the Employment and Training Centre, and a copy is to be placed in the participant’s file. The Vocational Counsellor is responsible to manage the approved funds and make sure any additional financial requests, extension of timeframes or de-commitments are submitted in a timely manner.
- In situations where the request is required to be approved by the Program or designated authority, a copy of the signed approval will be sent to the Vocational Counsellor’s Supervisor.
- Amendments requesting additional funds or extension of timeframes need to be signed by the original approving authority.
- A supervisor signature on de-commitment of approved funds is not required.
- Funding Request Forms for services not related to Employment and Training Centre Requests: (EAPD-001)
- This funding request form is completed by the Vocational Counsellor and forwarded to the Vocational Counsellor’s Supervisor who reviews and recommends approval.
- It is then forwarded to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program for further review, verification that budget resources are available and for approval. Funding requests for new Individualized Vocational Plans must provide sufficiently detailed rationale as is the case for plans that have been significantly changed.
- After the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program has approved a funding request, the original approved request is retained with a copy sent to the originating office.
- Extensions or Continuing requests are sent within operating manual guidelines for all other funding requests and in accordance with annual guidelines for submission of Educational Funding requests.
- Email Approval
Where, for reasons beyond the control of the Vocational Counsellor, the timeframes do not allow for the normal approval process to be followed, the Vocational Counsellor may request email approval. The funding request form should be attached to the email and the original documents should be submitted within five days of the email approval.
In cases where email approval is not granted, no rejection letter will be forwarded until the original application has been submitted and reviewed.
In situations where a funding approval is required on an immediate or emergency basis, the Vocational Counsellor’s Provincial Manager employed with Manitoba Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation has been delegated authority within the following guidelines:- The request is in support of training or employment and is essentially an urgent need that cannot wait for the required paperwork to be completed.
- The request and maximum approval level is less than $1,000.00.
- - An email with an attached funding request form must be sent to the EAPD Program Manager and a copy forwarded immediately to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program within 5 working days.
- All regular program policies and guidelines apply.
- All other approval requests must be referred to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program for approval.
- All Vocational Plans are signed by the Participant and the Vocational Counsellor. A Supervisor’s approval is required for plans that exceed $1,500.00 in anticipated Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities funding.
- Each office is expected to develop internal guidelines or policies for Supervisory review of plans that are under $1,500.00 to ensure accountability.
- The participant or someone designated by the participant must receive a copy of the Vocational Plan which outlines the participant’s and Vocational Counsellor’s obligations in regard to implementation of the plan.
- The original Vocational Plan and all subsequent Vocational Plans and amendments are placed on the participant’s file.
- The plan outlines the services that are proposed to be funded by the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Fund. The funding request form, when submitted, includes only services described on the original or amended plan.
- Original approved funding request forms for Employment and Training Centres are to be sent to EAPD 350-800 Portage Avenue for processing with a copy to be sent to the Employment and Training Centre within 3 working days of approval.
- The Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program will review and monitor a minimum of 10% of all forms approved for services at Employment and Training Centres. Offices may be required to submit a copy of the plan when requested for the review or monitoring function.
- Copies of approved funding requests are placed on the participant’s file.
- Written notification of the rejection of a funding request includes the reasons for the rejection and outlines the procedures to follow in requesting a Decision Review.