Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Operating Manual

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Appendix V - Employment and Training Centres

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities has defined the services offered by the Employment and Training Centres within three broad categories; namely: Assessments, Employment Services and Employment Supports. (Refer to Section 133.1 for a description of each as well as the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities operating guidelines.)


The following four centres receive grant funding to provide these services to Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities participants at various stages in the vocational process. It should be noted, however, that each organization may be providing a broader range of services and may have other financial resources available to provide the services not directly purchased by Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities. Although the Employment and Training Centres share the common goal of assisting Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities participants to prepare for, obtain and maintain competitive employment, each centre has developed its own method of achieving the end objective, each may serve a different disability group, and each may vary in its ability to meet the demand for services based on available resources.

  1. Career Connections Inc. (Brandon)
  2. Employment Preparation Centre (Winnipeg)
  3. steps2WorkTraining and Employment Placement Services (Winnipeg)
  4. Segue Career Options Inc. (Winkler)

This section provides a brief description of the referral process and enrolment procedures of the four organizations from which a range of assessment, employment services and employment supports are available.


1. Career Connections Inc.

Career Connections Inc.
710-3rd Street
Brandon, MB R7A 3C8
Phone: (204) 728-9594
Fax: (204) 725-0105


Career Connections provides assessment, employment services and employment supports to persons with all types of disabilities. Career Connections relies on the Pro 3000 Vocational Evaluation System for formalized assessment with their clients but may also place clients in community work placements for assessment purposes or to enhance their employability.


Referral and Enrolment Procedures

  1. Referral form from Vocational Counsellor is required;
  2. Interview by staff Intake Counsellor with referring Counsellor and client; and
  3. Decision respecting enrolment follows the interview.

2. Employment Preparation Centre (EPC)

Employment Preparation Centre
209-825 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: (204) 975-3098
Fax: (204) 975-3073


EPC provides assessment, employment services and employment supports to persons with all types of disabilities. EPC provides a wide range of both formalized (may include a number of standardized academic, aptitude, and interest tests), computer training, and/or community based work assessments as part of the vocational planning process, either as a standalone service; or, as part of Employment Services to assist a participant to obtain/maintain employment.


Referrals and Enrolment Procedures

  1. EPC Referral form completed by the referring Counsellor is required;
  2. Participant must not have a recent history of physical aggressiveness and be medically stable;
  3. Intake meeting with participant and referring Counsellor is required for services involving an Employment Development Specialist;
  4. Decision regarding enrolment is made after the intake meeting.

3. steps2work

Unit 1- 201 Scott Street
Winnipeg, MB R3L 0L4
Phone: (204) 474-2303
Fax: (204) 453-3959


steps2work provides assessment, employment services and employment supports to participants mainly with psychiatric disabilities but may also include those with a mental, physical and/or learning disabilities.


Assessments may be formalized and include work-related interests, aptitudes and academics and/or may be community based or agency based depending on the needs of the participant and their referral source. steps2work works closely with the employer so that the special needs of the participant are understood while ongoing support is provided throughout the assessment and employment process.


Referral and Enrolment Procedures

  1. Referral form completed by a referring Counsellor is required; and
  2. As part of the referral process most applicants being referred to or applying for enrolment at steps2work are expected to attend a three-session orientation. The exceptions include:
    • Those being referred for the Aviator Interest and Aptitude Assessment as a single stand-alone service
    • Those who are being referred for Employment Supports
    • Those who are enrolling or re-enrolling in Vocational Evaluation or Employments Services within 9 months of having completed the Orientation
  3. The purpose of the orientation is to provide prospective participants with information about what services they can expect from steps2work, its approach to providing these services and what is expected of participants.
  4. Once participants have attended the three sessions they may enrol for some or all the services provided and will be assigned to work with an Employment Training Specialist (ETS).

4. Segue Career Options Inc. - Eden Health Care Services

Segue Career Options Inc.
309 Main Street
Winkler, MB R6W 4A4
Phone: (204) 325-8988
Fax: (204) 325-6307


Segue Career Options Inc. provides assessment, employment services, and employment supports to individuals with barriers to employment, including disabilities.


Segue Career Options Inc. conducts a range of vocational assessments utilizing aptitude and academic testing through manual work samples, computerized testing, and paper-pencil surveys and may also include community-based work experiences when requested. Employment Services focus on community-based placements in the area of the participant's vocational interest and skill level.


Referral and Enrolment Procedures

  1. Referral form from a referring Counsellor is required;
  2. Intake meeting with applicant and referring Counsellor;
  3. Decision regarding enrolment is made following the intake meeting; and
  4. Segue Career Options Inc. may assist with transportation and accommodation arrangements.

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