Hiring someone with a disability is good business. And that’s the bottom line. Image of Janet H., Clerk Typist, Manitoba Public Insurance (blind)

Where to Get Help

All of the following resources specialize in providing employment related services and supports to people with disabilities.

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities
Employment and Training Centres
Supported Employment Agencies
Other Non-Profit Service Providers and Services
Other Government and Private Sector Services


Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities offers a wide range of employment focused services to assist adults with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment.

To be eligible a person must be:

  • a resident of Manitoba with an intellectual, psychiatric, learning or physical disability
  • 16 years of age or older
  • legally entitled to work in Manitoba on a permanent basis and show a willingness to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment

Individuals with an intellectual, psychiatric or learning disability are provided services from Vocational Counsellors with Manitoba Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation. For more information email EAPD@gov.mb.ca

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Designated Agencies

Individuals with a visual disability may contact:

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Manitoba
1080 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 3M3
Phone: 204-774-5421
Toll-free: 1-800-552-4893
TTY Deaf Access Line: 204-775-9802
Fax: 204-775-5090

Individuals with a spinal cord injury may contact:

Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba Inc. (SCI Manitoba)
825 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: 204-786-4753
Fax: 204-786-1140

Individuals with other physical disabilities, including the Deaf or hard of hearing, may contact:

Manitoba Possible (formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities)
825 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: 204-975-3010
Toll-free: 1-866-282-8041
TTY Deaf Services: 204-975-3083
TTY Toll-free: 1-800-225-9108
Fax: 204-975-3073
Email: info@manitobapossible.ca

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Employment and Training Centres

In addition to case co-ordination services provided by the provincial and designated agency service delivery system, a range of specialized agencies are utilized extensively to provide services in accordance with an individual’s Vocational Plan. These agencies are referred to as Employment and Training Centres and are funded by Manitoba Education and Training.

Employment Preparation Centre, Manitoba Possible (formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities)
825 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: 204-975-3010
Toll free: 1-866-282-8041
TTY: 204-975-3012
TTY: 1-800-225-9108
Fax: 204-975-3073
Email: info@manitobapossible.ca


201 Scott Street
P.O. Box 1737
Winnipeg, MB R3C 2Z9
Phone: 204-474-2303
Fax: 204-453-3959


Career Connections Inc. (also provides Supported Employment Services)

710-3rd Street
Brandon, MB R7A 3C8
Phone: 204-728-9594
Fax: 204-725-0105
E-mail: executivedirector@cciwestman.ca


Segue Career Options
Box 129
309 Main Street
Winkler, MB R6W 4A4
Phone: 204-325-5355
E-mail: segue@mts.net


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Supported Employment Agencies

Within the continuum of services provided under the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities, Supported Employment Agencies have expertise in finding employment for people with disabilities in integrated settings and providing them and their employers with ongoing support.

The aim of Supported Employment is real work paying minimum wage or better or the standard pay for any particular position. Manitoba Education and Training provides funding to 14 Supported Employment Agencies throughout Manitoba, 9 in rural Manitoba and 5 in Winnipeg:

SCE LifeWorks
227- 530 Century Street
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Y4
Phone: 204-775-9402
Fax: 204-783-2555
E-mail: info@lifeworks.mb.ca

Connect Employment Services
188 Goulet Street
Winnipeg, MB R2H 0R8
Phone: 204-474-1959
Fax: 204-284-7262
E-mail: cdux@connectemployment.ca

Premier Personnel
Suite 509 - 428 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0E2
Phone: 204-949-1474
Fax: 204-947-1695
E-mail: premier.personnel@shawbiz.ca

Work and Social Opportunities (WASO)
9 – 836 McLeod Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2G O4Y
Phone: 204-667-9494
Fax: 204-942-2648
Email: kgoodman@waso.ca

Equal Opportunities West
3570 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3K 0Z8
Phone: 204-888-5422

SAM Inc. serving Portage la Prairie, Elie, St. Francois Xavier, and MacGregor and all rural communities in between.
85 4th Ave NE
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J5
Phone: 204-857-6560
Fax: 204-857-3325
Email: nichole.se@outlook.com

Career Connections Inc.

710-3rd Street
Brandon, MB  MB R7A 3C8
Phone: 204-728-9594
Fax: 204-725-0105
Email: executivedirector@cciwestman.ca


Supported Employment Options, Association for Community Living, Beausejour (serving the North Eastman region including: Beausejour, Anola, Dugald, Oakbank, Lac Du Bonnet, Powerview, Pinefalls, Pinawa, and Seven Sisters and all rural communities in between
742 Park Avenue
Box 1015
Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0
Phone: 204-268-4653
Fax: 204-268-1009
Email: robynseo@mts.net

Eastman Employment Services, enVision Community Living (serving the South Eastman region which includes: Steinbach, Ste. Anne, Richer, East Braintree, Falcon Lake, Landmark, Iles Des Chenes, Niverville, Otterburne, St. Pierre, St. Malo, La Broquerie, Marchand, Woodridge, Sprague, Middlebro, South Junction, Buffalo Point, Mitchel, Kleefeld, Grunthal, New Bothwell, Blumenort
395 Main Street
Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z4
Ph: 204-326-4099
Fax: 204-326-4522
mail: info@eastmanemployment.com

FOCUS on Employment
(Services for the Swan River Health Care District, including Roblin)
900 Main Street
Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0
Phone/Fax: 204-734-9486
E-mail: focus@mts.net

Box 28
Ste. Rose du Lac, MB R0L 1S0
Phone: 204-447-3324
Fax: 204-447-2965
Email: ddelveaus@mymts.net 

Parklands Residential and Vocational Services
424 1st Ave NE
Dauphin, MB R7N1A9
Phone: 204-638-8901
Fax: 204-638-1548
Email: pangmank@mts.net

The Pas Association for Human Development, Supported Employment Project
108-3rd Street W
The Pas, MB R9A 1K3
Phone: 204-623-4155
Email: sepnec@mts.net

Thompson Supported Employment Program, Manitoba Possible (formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities)
303-83 Churchill Drive
Thompson MB R8N 0L6
Phone: 204-677-8322
Fax: 204-778-4461
E-mail: tsep@manitobapossible.ca

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Other Non-Profit Service Providers And Services

The following non-profit organizations all receive funding from Manitoba Education and Training to provide employment-focused services to people with disabilities. 

Reaching E-Quality Employment Services
305-1200 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0T5
Phone: 204-947-1609
TTY: Call 1-800-855-0511 (Manitoba Relay Service), then ask for 947-3480
Fax: 204-947-2932

AIM for Work
61 Main Street
Selkirk, MB R1A 1R2
Phone: 204-482-2130
Toll Free: 1-800-494-4179 (Manitoba Only)
Fax: 204-482-9855
Email: aimforwork@mts.net

Sara Riel Inc.
101-66 Moore Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 2C4
Phone: 204-237-9263
E-mail: info@sarariel.com

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Other Government and Private Sector Services

In addition to the resources previously listed, there are several other provincial, federal and Crown organizations as well as private sector rehabilitation consulting services and Disability Benefit providers who also work closely with people with disabilities to help them obtain and maintain suitable employment.

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211 Manitoba 

There are a wide range of other services, programs and supports for employers and for people with disabilities.

211 Manitoba is an indispensible, comprehensive and searchable online database of government, health and social services that are available across the province.  This service helps Manitobans who are looking to find the right community of social resource but don't know where to start. 

Services are grouped together into categories that include employment, people with disabilities, health, mental health and youth to name a few.

211 Manitoba is a partnership between United Way Winnipeg and Volunteer Manitoba.

Volunteer Manitoba

Suite 410 - 5 Donald Street South
Winnipeg, MB R3L 2T4
Phone: 204-287-8827
Toll Free: 1-888-922-4545
Fax: 204-284-5200
Email: info@volunteermanitoba.ca