
Pests can impact food supplies, public health, the economy, and the environment. Pests can be animals, plants, diseases, or other organisms that can be damaging, noxious, or troublesome. Manitoba has several unique pest challenges that sometimes require the use of pesticides.

Pesticides are used to control, destroy, repel, or attract pests and minimize their undesirable effects. Pesticides can include herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators, insect growth regulators, algaecides, and rodenticides.

Manitoba only allows use of pesticides that are registered with Health Canada. Registered pesticides have labels that describe how to use, handle, store, and dispose of the product properly.

Manitoba has legislation that oversees the use, storage, and handling of pesticides. This ranges from restricting use of cosmetic pesticides, requiring a permit for use of pesticides on publicly accessible areas and bodies of water, and requiring a licence for facilities that handle and distribute commercial pesticides. In addition, Manitoba promotes proper handling and disposal of pesticides.

Cosmetic Pesticides

Cosmetic pesticides are herbicides often used to keep our lawns free of weeds. Recent changes have been made to legislation concerning cosmetic pesticides. Cosmetic pesticides continue to be restricted at schools, hospitals, and daycares. The changes also limit use at municipal playgrounds, picnic areas, dog parks, and provincial parks. The use of low-risk, allowable list products will still be allowed in these new sensitive areas. To learn more about the legislation please visit:

Pesticide Use Permits

Who requires a Pesticide Use Permit?

Public agencies including government departments, municipalities, schools, crown corporations, and applications on Crown land or a right of way

Permits are also required for pesticide use on:

  • bodies of water that are not entirely contained on private property
  • private recreational properties that normally have public access, including golf courses, fairgrounds, campgrounds, parks, etc.

What is the purpose of Pesticide Use Permits?

Pesticide Use Permits set additional terms and conditions on pesticide use to protect human health and the environment. Examples include record keeping, buffer zones, and restrictions at schools, playgrounds, and parks.

Pesticide Use Permits provide the opportunity for the public to request buffer zones around their property. All Pesticide Use Permit holders are expected to use integrated pest management practices to minimize pesticide applications where possible.

To learn more about the requirements and application process for a Pesticide Use Permit in Manitoba, please review the Guideline to Pesticide Use Permit Application. If you have questions regarding permit applications and/or buffer zones please contact us at   or call 204-945-7065.

Pesticide Storage, Disposal, and Bulk Handling


The department promotes the safe storage of pesticides. See our Information Bulletin – Recommendations for Pesticide Storage Facilities.

Homeowner Container Recycling and Disposal

Visit WasteWise for more information options for pesticide container recycling.

Retailers and Bulk Handlers

Facilities that handle, store, and distribute commercial pesticides in bulk are regulated under The Environment Act. In order to construct or operate a bulk handling facility a full environmental assessment must be filed with the Department prior to operation.

  • Partner Agencies

Manitoba Agriculture - Pesticide Licensing

Visit here to learn more about licensing requirements to apply or sell pesticides.

Health Canada - Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Consult Health Canada if you require more information on pesticides including pesticide label instructionspesticide fact sheets, and other frequently asked questions.