Public Registry 1906.20

Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited (TANCO)
Project West

Return to Public Registry

Updated August 29, 2024


Environment Act Licence No. 973 (Rescinded) - posted August 29, 2024

2023-12-27 Notice of Alteration Approval External Ore Processing - December 27, 2023

2023-11-22 Notice of Alteration External Ore Processing Amendment - December 27, 2023

2023-08-23 Notice of Alteration External Ore Processing - December 27, 2023

2023-09-20 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted September 22, 2023

2023-04-12 Notice of Alteration - posted September 22, 2023

2023-09-01 Cesium Processing Approval - posted September 7, 2023

2023-07-13 Notice of Alteration approval - posted July 14, 2023

2023-03-30 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted April 3, 2023

2023-03-06 Tailings Pond Control Structure Notice of Alteration - posted July 14, 2023

2023-03-21 Notice of Alteration Approval - Electrical Substation Upgrade - posted April 12, 2023

2023-01-26 Notice of Alteration - Electrical Substation Upgrade - posted April 12, 2023

2022-12-20 Notice of Alteration - Ore Sorting Project - posted April 12, 2023

April 26, 2021 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted April 27, 2021

March 05, 2021 Notice of Alteration Request - posted April 27, 2021

November 20, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted November 24, 2020

October 15, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted October 15, 2020

September 14, 2020 Notice of Alteration Request - posted October 15, 2020

April 30, 2020 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted May 4, 2020

October 21, 2019 Additional Information - posted May 4, 2020

September 11, 2019 Notice of Alteration Request - posted May 4, 2020

April 25, 2016 - Alteration Approval - posted April 29, 2016

April 1, 2016 - Notice of Alteration - posted April 29, 2016

January 4, 2016 - Alteration Approval - posted January 5, 2016

December 9, 2015 - Notice of Alteration - posted January 5, 2016

Notice of Alteration Response - posted October 3, 2014

Notice of Alteration - posted November 5, 2014
AECOM Instrumentation Installation
TANCO Instrumentation Installation
TDR and Triaxal Geophone Installation memo
Letter for Withdrawal of NOA #20

Notice of Alteration #19 - posted September 19, 2013
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L

Environmental Approvals Contact: Jennifer Winsor