
Last updated: November 2023

Director's Office

Indigenous Consultation and Public Engagement Section

Hazardous Waste, Petroleum and Contaminated Sites Section

Land Use and Energy Section

Municipal and Industrial Section

Soil, Animal Waste and Conservation Section

Water Power Act Licensing Section


Manitoba Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Approvals
14 Fultz blvd
Winnipeg MB R3Y 0L6

General Inquiry: (204) 945-8321
Fax: (204) 945-3385

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The Director has the overall responsibility for the administration of the environmental assessment and licensing process under The Environment Act and The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, the Pesticides Regulation, the Waste Management Facilities Regulation, and the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation, and the making of licensing and permitting decisions under these Acts and regulations. The Director also administers the Contaminated Sites Remediation Act and the Water Power Act.


Tracey Braun, M.Sc.
Phone No.: (204) 945-7071

You may contact the Environmental Approvals Branch when there is a potential project that requires a review and approval pursuant to the Acts and regulations listed above, or for general information on licensing and permitting requirements under the Acts and regulations.

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Indigenous Consultation and Public Engagement Section

This section is responsible for leadership, co-ordination and oversight for Indigenous consultation activities under The Environment Act and The Water Power Act.  This section is also responsible for enhancing public engagement in the work of the branch related to the Environment Act, including maintenance of the Public Registry and the Contaminated Sites Registry.


Christina McDonald, Ph. D.
Phone No.: (204) 945-1819

Responsible for supervision of staff and overall management of activities of the section.

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Levinia Navarro
Website Publisher, Information and Branch Administrative Officer
Phone No: (204) 945-8321

Responsible for Branch administrative/secretarial duties. Maintains public registries.

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Tania Steele
Licensing Clerk
Phone No: (204) 945-7038

Responsible for the processing of Environment Act and Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act Proposals. Maintains client file database. Maintains public registries.

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Hazardous Waste, Petroleum and Contaminated Sites Section

This section is responsible for the protection of human health and Manitoba's environment through administration and management of the following programs:

  • Contaminated and Impacted Sites Program
  • Petroleum Storage Program
  • Hazardous Waste Program
  • Environmental Liabilities Program

Work performed by this section related to these programs includes:

  • program delivery and provision of related services;
  • ensuring an effective and efficient regulatory framework including the development of strategies and standards as well as regulations, policies, and guidelines;
  • facilitation of the development of consistent and integrated environmental strategies and policies;
  • provision of technical expertise and legislation interpretation to industries and the public; and
  • periodic review, updating and development of relevant environmental legislation.

Field delivery of these programs is carried out by the Environmental Compliance and Enforcement branch.


Crystal Eyjolfson, B.E.S. Hons
Phone No.: (204) 945-6168

Responsible for supervision of staff and overall management of activities of the section.

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Kim Fedick, B.A.Sc. Env.
Petroleum Storage Specialist
Phone No.: (204) 470-8315

Responsible for:

  • the delivery of the Storage and Handling of Petroleum Product and Allied Products regulation;
  • issuance of Manitoba Petroleum Technician licences; and
  • review and issuance of petroleum and allied petroleum storage facility operating permits, construction permits and alteration permits.

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Raj Rathamano, M.Sc.
Hazardous Waste Program Specialist
Phone No.: (204) 945-7086

Responsible for the administration of the regulations pursuant to The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act that sets out requirements pertaining to the generation, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste including:

  • the registration of hazardous waste generators;
  • the licensing of hazardous waste carriers and hazardous waste receivers;
  • review of hazardous waste generator, carrier, and receiver annual reports; and
  • development of guidelines and information bulletins related to the Hazardous Waste Program.

Cory Alexander Bell-Froese, B.A., I.S.T.
Hazardous Waste Program Clerk
Phone No.: (204) 945-2755

Responsible for the administration of the Hazardous Waste Program, including:

  • processing hazardous waste generator registrations and manifests; and
  • maintenance of the hazardous waste generator registry.

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Raymond Reichelt, P.Geo
Contaminated Sites Program Coordinator
Phone No.: (204) 795-9519

Responsible for the coordination of the Contaminated/Impacted Sites Program including:

  • administration of The Contaminated Sites Remediation Act and the Contaminated Sites Remediation regulation;
  • development of guidelines and information bulletins on the Contaminated/Impacted Sites Program; and
  • maintenance of the Sites Registry for Designated Contaminated Sites and Designated Impacted Sites.

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Warren Rospad, B.Sc
Contaminated Sites Specialist
Phone No.: (204) 330- 2685

Responsible for the oversight and administration of the Contaminated/Impacted Sites program including::

  • review and concurrence of Environmental Site Assessments, monitoring reports, and Remediation Plans;
  • designation of sites under the Contaminated Sites Remediation Act; and
  • enforcement of the Contaminated Sites Remediation Act.


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Land Use and Energy Section

This Section is responsible for managing the technical review and assessment of proposed land use and energy development proposals, including hydroelectric and wind generation facilities, forest management practices, transportation and transmission projects, water development and control projects, and recreation developments.


Elise Dagdick, B.Sc.
Environment Officer
Phone No.: (204) 619-0709

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:


  • forest management proposals.

Transportation and Transmission

  • highways and roads, power transmission lines, water and petroleum pipelines.


  • peat mines


  • recreation and tourist developments including resorts, golf courses, marinas and ski hills.

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Bruce Webb, P. Eng.
Water Development & Control Assessment Officer
Phone No.: (204) 945-7021

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:

Energy Production

  • hydro developments and wind farms.

Water Development and Control

  • flood control projects, water supply impoundments, land drainage projects, irrigation projects, works resulting in modification to lake or river levels, alterations to stream channels which affect fish mobility and fish habitat, water withdrawal projects and aquifer recharge systems.

Waste Disposal

  • water treatment plants.

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Municipal and Industrial Section

This Section is responsible for managing the technical review and assessment of development proposals related to municipal and industrial wastewater, waste management facilities, livestock manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas, mines and manufacturing facilities. This section is also responsible for reviewing applications for Certificates of Approval for wastewater collection systems pursuant to The Public Health Act, for administering the Incinerators Regulation, including processing incinerator registrations, and managing the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation to ensure that water and wastewater facilities are operated by competent and trained operators.


Siobhan Burland Ross, M .Eng., P. Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-7015

Responsible for supervision of staff and overall management of activities of the Section. Also responsible for:

  • Environment Act Proposals as needed; and
  • Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation (MR 77/2003).

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Bereket Assefa, Ph. D., P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-5081

Responsible for review of permit applications under the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (MR 42/98) of The Environment Act as follows:

  • manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas.

Responsible for environmental asessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:

Waste Treatment and Storage

  • wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons, and wastewater treatmement plants;
  • application of biosolids to agricultural land and mangement and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge and residuals

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Eshetu Beshada, Ph. D, P. Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No: (204) 945-7023

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:


  • bulk materials handling facilities, cement plants, permanent concrete batch plants, foundries, gasification plants, and manufacturing and industrial plants with atmospheric emissions.


  • asphalt plants.


  • plywood and particle wood plants.

Responsible for administering the Incinerators Regulation, including processing incinerator registrations and conducting associated inspections.

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Robert Boswick, P. Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-6030

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:


  • dairy plants, food processing plants, and meat processing and slaughter plants.


  • manufacturing and industrial plants with wastewater discharges.


  • mines, milling facilities, refineries, smelters, and tailings management areas.

Waste Treatment and Storage

  • wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons and wastewater treatment plants.
  • application of biosolids to agricultural land and management and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge and residuals.

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Asit Dey, P.Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: 204 945- 2614

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:

Waste Treatment and Storage

  • wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons and wastewater treatment plants;
  • application of biosolids to agricultural lands and management and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge and residuals.

Responsible for review of applications for Certificates of Approval for wastewater collection systems pursuant to The Public Health Act.

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Donna Garcia, B. Sc.
Certification Program Coordinator
Phone No.: (204) 945-7065

Responsible for implementation of sub-programs under the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation (MR 77/2003), as follows:

  • classification program for water and wastewater facilities;
  • certification program for operators of water and wastewater facilities; and
  • the water and wastewater certification examination program.

Terri Mojica
Certification Program Clerk
Phone No.: (204) 945-5840

Provides support and clerical service for the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation (MR 77/2003).

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Cory Graham, P. Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone: (204) 250-7645

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:

  • Class 1 waste disposal grounds;
  • composting facilities.

Responsible for the environmental assessment and permitting of proposals under the Waste Management Factilities Regulation for Class 2 and Class 3 waste disposal grounds, composting facilities and waste transfer stations.

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B. Sagan, P.Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-5234

Responsible for review of permit applications under the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Regulation (MR 42/98) as follows::

  • manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas.

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:

Waste Treatment and Storage

  • wastewater treatment lagoons, aerated wastewater treatment lagoons, and wastewater treatment plants;
  • application of biosolids to agricultural land and management and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge and residuals.

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Jennifer Winsor, P. Eng.
Environmental Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-7012

Responsible for environmental assessment and licensing of Proposals under The Environment Act, as follows:


  • dairy plants, food processing plants, rendering plants and meat processing and slaughter plants.


  • manufacturing and industrial plants with wastewater discharges.

Energy Production

  • thermal electric generating stations.


  • pulp and paper mills.


  • mines, milling facilities, refineries, smelters, and tailings management areas.

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Soil, Animal Waste and Conservation Section

This Section is responsible for coordination of provincially administered programs under Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, the Pesticides Regulation, the Onsite Wastewater Management System Regulation, and the Non-Essential Pesticides Regulation, under The Environment Act.  This includes manure management planning, water analysis reporting, and inactive manure storage facilities related to livestock operations.  It also includes processing of Pesticides Use Permits and Licences for applicable agriculture related developments, and the development, implementation and delivery of the Onsite Wastewater Management System program (OWMS).


Jen Webb, M .Sc., P. Ag.
Phone No.: (204) 945-8541

Responsible for management of the Soil, Animal Waste and Conservation Section. Regulations under The Environment Act administered by the section include:

  • Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation
  • Pesticides Regulation
  • Non-Essential Pesticides Regulation
  • Classes of Development Regulation (limited to bulk materials handling facilities, grain elevators and seed treatment facilities)

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Richard Balog
Manure Management Plan Coordinator
Phone No: (204) 945-3078

Responsible for the administration of the Manure Management Plan (MMP) aspect of the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (M.R. 42/98), as follows:

  • Review and process MMPs from livestock operations required to submit by the regulation;
  • Determine compliance with the requirements and carry out corresponding enforcements as necessary; and
  • Respond to inquiries pertaining with MMPs.

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Andrea Bergman
Licensing and Livestock Officer
Phone No.: (204) 945-4384

Responsible for environmental assessments and licensing of Proposals under The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act for:

  • hazardous waste disposal facilities

Responsible for coordinating and administering leak detection requirements for manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas required under The Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (M.R. 42/98), as follows:

  • review and process of laboratory analysis for livestock operations required to submit
  • determination of compliance and conduct enforcement activity, as necessary
  • respond to inquires pertaining to leak detection systems.

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Krystal Penner
Pesticide and Agricultural Program Specialist
Phone No: (204) 945-7107

Responsible for coordinating and administrating provincial regulations related to pesticide use and agricultural developments, including:

  • Environment Act Licensing under The Environment Act for bulk material handling facilities including grain elevators, seed cleaning plants and the storage, transfer or sale of fertilizer and/or crop protection/production (pesticide) products.
  • West Nile Virus Ministerial Health Orders under The Environment Act
  • Pesticide Use Permits under the Pesticides Regulation
  • The Non-Essential Pesticide Regulation under The Environment Act
  • Emergency Use Pesticide Registration review under The Pest Control Products Act. .

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Diane Smith, M.Sc., P. Ag
Soils Specialist
Phone No.: (204) 391-0540

Responsible for several aspects under the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (M.R. 42/98) including:

  • Coordination, administration and enforcement of the annual Manure Management Plan (MMP) compliance monitoring program (i.e., field audit)
  • Review and process Emergency Winter Spreading Authorization requests and other manure spreading variance requests
  • Respond to inquiries regarding manure application
  • Assist in the review and processing of MMPs.

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Bryce Wood
Environment Officer
Phone No.: (204) 781-7226

Responsible for administration of the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation, specifically the following program areas:

  • Phosphorus components of Manure Management Planning.
  • Registration Program for Unpermitted Manure Storage Facilities
  • Decommissioning and Maintenance Plans for Manure Storage Facilities.
  • Liaison for stakeholders to promote awareness and compliance with legislation.

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Derek Smith, BSc, Tech. Dipl., C.P.H.I.
Onsite Wastewater Management Specialist
Phone No: (204) 794-1176

Responsible for the development, implementation and delivery of the Onsite Wastewater Management System Program including::

  • development and administration of the Onsite Wastewater Management System Regulation, Standards of Practice, and program policies and guidelines;
  • development and implementation of the education and training program;
  • provision of technical support to ensure effective and consistent program delivery;
  • certification of OWMS Installers, and
  • registration of Sewage Haulers.

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Water Power Act Licensing Section

The Water Power Licensing program is responsible for the licensing (or re-licensing) of new and existing hydroelectric power stations and other structures related to water power generation,  as well as the processing of applications to develop Crown land parcels located with Water Power Licensed areas and Water Power Reserves.


Rob Matthews, P. Geo.
Phone No.: (204) 945-6119

Responsible for management of the Water Power Act Licensing Section, and the administration of The Water Power Act and the Water Power Regulation. 

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Purushottam (Puru) Singh, P. Eng.
Senior Water Power Licensing Engineer
Phone No.: (204) 945-3613

Responsible for the licensing and re-licensing of hydroelectric generating facilities and related infrastructure under The Water Power Act. 

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Shiromi Amarakoon
Senior Licensing Technologist
Phone No.: (204) 945-4512

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Michael Morin
Water Power Licensing Technologist
Phone No.: (204) 945-1993

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