Hansard: Index

MEMBERS' INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Goertzen, Kelvin (Steinbach) PC

Bail reform

Budget 2024, 1034

Public safety, 1171

Bethesda Regional Health Centre

Expansion, 1034

The Bridge

Members' statements, 368

Budget 2024

Bail reform, 2034

Criminal Intelligence Centre funding, 1172

Debate, 1033-1036

Economic growth concerns, 1035-1036

Security system rebate, 1034-1035

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 37)

2 R

Debate, 2136-2143

Canada Pension Plan

Alberta withdrawal from, 486-487

Separate reserve for, 488

Canadian government

People's faith in, 487

Carbon tax

Affordability concerns, 239-240

Home heating bills, exemption for, 123

Maritime home heating fuel exemption, 123

City of Steinbach

150th birthday, 1979

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Chaychuk, Patricia (retirement), 24

Yarish, Rick (new appointment), 75-76

Commercial fishing industry

Consultations re: Bill 3, 122

Crime reduction

Strategy, 1035

Criminal Intelligence Centre

Budget 2024 funding, 1172

Information sharing, 1172

Criminal Property Forfeiture Act

Amendments 2021, 1170

Unexplained with orders, civil liberty concerns, 1173


Growth concerns, Budget 2024, 1035-1036

Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Orange Shirt Day) (Bill 4)

2 R

Debate, 316-317

Questions, 315

Firefighters Recognition Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 200)

2 R

Debate, 348-349


Charitable involvement, 349

Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday) (Bill 3)

2 R

Debate, 121-124

Fuel tax rate reduction

Commercial fishing industry consultations, 122

Farm equipment, 122

Future gas prices, 280

Impact on grocery prices, 303-304

Gaza war

Humanitarian aid, 618

Government Motion

That the Assembly condemn efforts that put the pensions of all Canadians at risk and affirm collective support for the Canada Pension Plan and measures that strengthen the national pension plan, 486-488

That the Legislative Assembly affirm its commitment to immediately call for a ceasefire in the Israel and Gaza war to address the famine crisis, 615-620

Government Resolution

Appointment of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, 75-76


By the Member for Steinbach regarding the correction of a mistake with his election expenses, 611-613

Legislative session

Child care, education and health care

Government management record, 288

Members' acknowledgements, 1033

Members' statements

The Bridge, 368

City of Steinbach 150th birthday, 1979

Midwest US-Canada Relations Committee, 948

Midwest US-Canada Relations Committee

Members' statements, 948

Money laundering

Casinos, 1171

Municipal Act

Accident/injury on property, limitation period, 740

Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act

Accident and injury on private property

60 day notice period, 740, 742

Consultations, 742

Cross-jurisdictional comparison, 742

Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act (Bill 203)

1 R, 595

2 R

Opening statements, 739-741

Questions, 741-743

Oral Questions

Child care, education and health care

Government management record, 288

Expiry of fuel tax and carbon tax increase

Affordability concerns for Manitobans, 239-240

Fuel Tax Amendment Act

Future gas prices, 280

Impact on grocery prices, 303-304


Medical assistance in dying and mental illness, 1356-1357, 1538, 1579-1580, 1754, 1789-1790

Property taxes

Increase concerns, 1035-1036

Provincial finances

Deficit forecast, 1035

Public safety

Bail reform, 1171


Commitment to keeping Manitoba public insurance publicly owned

Debate, 357-359

Questions, 353-354

School construction

Elementary school--Steinbach, 1034

Security system rebate

Budget 2024, 1034-1035

Southeast Event Centre

Construction, 1033

Speaker's Statement

Chaychuk, Patricia (retirement), 24

Steinbach Community Outreach, 368

Steinbach constituency

Acknowledgements, 1033

Dialysis services, 1034

New elementary school, 1034

Ukraine war

Refugee supports, 617

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended)

Cullen Commission recommendations, 1160, 1171

Seizures, appeals, 1173

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended) (Bill 30)

2 R

Debate, 1169-1175, 1612-1618, 1655-1656

Questions, 1160-1161

Victim Services

Distribution of funds, 1172

Funding, 1035, 1172

World Police and Fire Games, 349

Guenter, Josh (Borderland) PC

Adult literacy

Strategy requirement re: Bill 5, 438

Adult Literacy Act (Bill 5)

2 R

Debate, 438-440

Arlington Bridge closure

Repair or replacement inquiry, 287


Arlington Bridge closure

Repair or replacement inquiry, 287

Budget 2024

Highway and road repairs, 1008, 1050

Building Sustainable Communities

Future of grant, 734

Carbon tax

Upcoming increase

Call for government to oppose, 919-920

Change of name

Qualifying offences re: Bill 23, 1426

Change of Name Amendment Act (2) (Bill 23)

2 R

Debate, 1427

Questions, 1425-1426

Change of name legislation

Stakeholder engagement plan re: Bill 23, 1425

Criminal Property Forfeiture Unit

Financial investigation powers, 1222

Cyber security

E-money transfers, 1223

Education Property Tax Credit

Government intention, 376-377

Education system

Funding, 734

Emerson-Pembina highway

Condition of, 237

Fuel suppliers - out-of-province

Amount spent on contracts, 2329

Heavenly Care care home

Members' statements, 563-564

Highways and roads

Funding, 69-70

Funding concerns in Budget 2024, 1050

Repair budget for 2024, 1008

Hutterian Emergency Aquatic Response Team, 1225

Infrastructure investment

Request for government plan, 733

Interim Appropriation Act, 2024 (Bill 25)

2 R

Debate, 731-736

Questions, 722-724

Members' statements

Heavenly care care-home, 563-564

Highway 75 upgrades and maintenance, 237-238

Piett, Don and Brenda, 1681

National debt

Federal spending, 733

Oral Questions

Arlington Bridge closure

Repair or replacement inquiry, 287

Education property tax rebate

Government intention, 376-377

Highway and road investments

Government funding intention, 69-70

Highway and road repairs

Budget concerns for 2024, 1008

Highway snow-clearing services

Weekend hours of operation, 164-165

Highways and roads

Funding concerns in Budget 2024, 1050

Out-of-province fuel suppliers

Amount spent on contracts, 2329

STARS air ambulance

Licence renewal inquiry, 705-706

Upcoming federal carbon tax increase

Request for province to oppose, 919-920


Medical assistance in dying and mental illness, 1316, 1357, 1580-1581, 1604, 1654, 1691, 1754, 1788, 1853, 1888-1889, 2337

Piett, Don and Brenda

Members' statements, 1681

Provincial finances

Balanced budget, 723

Debt servicing costs, 733

Projected revenues, 722


Affordability in the North

Debate, 1823-1824

Questions, 1821-1822

Snow-clearing services

Weekend hours of operation, 164-165

STARS air ambulance

Licence renewal inquiry, 705-706

Ten Ten Sinclair Housing

Health-care aide strike

Quality of care concerns for residents, 732

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended)

Cash that is mailed or shipped, 1221

Property seizure when controlled substances found, 1221

Unjust investigations, 1223-1224

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended) (Bill 30)

2 R

Debate, 1181, 1221-1225, 1666-1671

Youth for Christ Altona

Grants received, 1224


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