Hansard: Index


# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Fast, Heather (Private Citizen)

Captured Carbon Storage Act (Bill 31)

Written submissions, SED182-183

Flynn, Deborah (Private Citizen)

Advocate for Children and Youth Act (Review)

Written submissions, LA92

Fontaine, Hon. Nahanni (St. Johns) NDP

Advocate for Children and Youth Act

Motion: to conduct a review of the Act, LA21

Questions, LA22-28

Child and Family Services

Children in care, number of, LA12

Co-ordination agreements with Indigenous governing bodies, LA2

Infant apprehensions, number of, LA12

Transfer of child welfare to Indigenous communities, LA2

Disabilities, children with

Family respite pilot project, LA3

Foster parents

Maintenance rates, LA15

Indigenous Jurisdiction Transition Office, LA2

Intimate partner violence

Services for young men--The Pas Family Resource Centre, LA3

WAGE initiative for children, LA3

Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY)

CFS transfer of responsibility to Indigenous governing bodies

General comments, LA16

Families Department staff introduction, LA12

Opening statements, LA1-3

Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Opening statements, JU12

National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

Bilateral agreement, LA3

The Pas Family Resource Centre

Intimate partner violence prevention for men, LA3

Peguis First Nation

Child welfare laws, LA2

Child welfare, funding for, LA2

Rules of the House

Opening statements, RH1

Proposal 18: Introduction of guests-part 1, RH6-7

Proposal 22: Precendence when two members rise to speak, RH8

Proposal 37: Questions to presenters during Standing Committees, RH12

Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (Bill 8)

Opening statements, JU13

Suicide, youth

Prevention strategy, LA3

Women and Gender Equity Manitoba (WAGE)

Children exposed to intimate partner violence

Supports for, LA3

Fraser, George (Private Citizen)

Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (Bill 36)

Public presentations, SED170-171

Friesen, Jennifer (Private Citizen)

Advocate for Children and Youth Act (Review)

Public presentations, LA74-75


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