STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 5th Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Economic Review of Bipole III and Keeyask
Consultations with Hydro
Grewal, CC78
Sala, CC78
Implementation of recommendations
Grewal, CC77
Sala, CC77
Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct) (Bill 35)
Clause 5
Altomare, SED178
Ewasko, SED178
Clause 8 section 8.14(4)
Altomare, SED181-182
Ewasko, SED181-182
Clause 8 section 8.22
Altomare, SED179
Ewasko, SED179
Clause 8 section 8.24
Altomare, SED183
Clause 8 section 8.25(2)
Altomare, SED179
Ewasko, SED179
Clause 8 section 8.32
Altomare, SED180
Ewasko, SED180
Clause 8 section 8.34
Altomare, SED180
Ewasko, SED180
Clause 8 section 8.8(2)(a)
Altomare, SED181
Ewasko, SED181
Anonymous complaints
Rootsaert, SED155
Warriner, SED121-122
Appeal, ability to
Lewicki, SED51
Brandon Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Tutkaluk, SED63
Commissioner power to dismiss complaints
Classen, SED67
Commissioner scope of power
Hurley, SED123
Pellizzaro, SED70
Swaan, SED115
Commissioner, education background
Altomare, SED177
Consent resolution agreement
Ewasko, SED176
Cross-jurisdictional comparrison
Bourbonniere, SED142
Ewasko, SED142
Disciplinary action reporting
Pappel, SED20
Disciplinary actions, public registry
Cabezas, SED78
Classen, SED65
Ewasko, SED176-177
Isleifson, V., SED37
Due process
Ewasko, SED124
Hurley, SED125
Emotional harm
Durling, SED118
Frivolous and vexatious complaints
Blank, SED149
Bobick, SED151
Cloutier, SED108-109
Darazsi, SED55
Dbbelaere, SED74-75
Dow, SED39
Hurst, SED28
Martindale, SED44
Pappel, SED19
Stankevicius, SED58
Swaan, SED115
Taylor, SED48
Tutkaluk, SED63
Garden Valley Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Swaan, SED116
Hearing costs
Isleifson, V., SED37
Hearing panel composition
Bettner, SED160-161
Blank, SED149
Cabezas, SED77
Cloutier, SED109
Darazsi, SED55
Dobbelaere, SED74
Ewasko, SED64
Hurst, SED28
Pappel, SED19
Pellizzaro, SED69
Pleskach, SED71
Swaan, SED115
Taylor, SED48
Urichuk, SED157
Waite, SED31-32
Watannabe, SED128
Watson, SED144-146
Hutterian teachers, concern for
Pleskach, SED71
Impact on IBPOC teachers
Taylor, SED48-49
Impact on teachers, career and mental health
Bourbonniere, SED140-141
Cabezas, SED78
Isleifson, V., SED37
Lewicki, SED50
Martindale, SED44
Pappel, SED19
Pleskach, SED71
Rioux, SED23
Rootsaert, SED155
Taylor, SED49
Tutkaluk, SED63
Urichuk, SED158
Watson, SED146
Inclusion of all school staff
Classen, SED66
Ewasko, SED159
Urichuk, SED157
Interlake Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Pleskach, SED72
Internationally trained teachers, concern for
Pleskach, SED71
Involuntary reassignment
Bettner, SED161-162
Legality of proceedings, concern for
Parry-Hill, SED26
LGBTQ2S+ teachers, concern for
Bobick, SED152
Brown, SED41-42
Dow, SED39
Law, SED53
Pleskach, SED71
Swaan, SED115
Urichuk, SED158
Louis Riel Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Cabezas, SED78
Misconduct complaint process
Bobick, SED152
Bourbonniere, SED140
Classen, SED65-66
Ewasko, SED51-52, SED127, SED176
Law, SED53
Lewicki, SED50-51
Swaan, SED116-117
Zurzolo, SED126-127
Misconduct, definition of
Hurley, SED124
Martindale, SED44
Rioux, SED22-23
MTS amendments
Martindale, SED44-45
Opening statements
Altomare, SED177-178
Ewasko, SED175-177
Physicial or mental disability ruling, request to remove
Cloutier, SED109
Dobbelaere, SED75
Ewasko, SED116-117
Hurst, SED29
Martindale, SED45
Pellizzaro, SED69
Swaan, SED114, SED116-117, SED117
Tutkaluk, SED63
Urichuk, SED159
Private schools, exemption of
Parry-Hill, SED26
Professional development
Tutkaluk, SED63
Professional misconduct, definition of
Classen, SED66
Public presentations
Bettner, SED160-162
Blank, SED147-149
Bobick, SED151-153
Bourbonniere, SED139-141
Brandon Teachers' Association, SED62-63
Brown, SED41-42
Cabezas, SED76-78
Canadian Centre for Child Protection, SED65-67
Classen, SED65-67
Cloutier, SED106-110
Darazsi, SED55-56
Dobbelaere, SED73-75
Dow, SED39-40
Dunlop, SED131-132
Durling, SED117-118
Evergreen Teachers' Association, SED134-135
Ewert, SED134-135
Garden Valley Teachers' Association, SED114-116
Giesbrecht, SED137-138
Hart, SED46
Hurley, SED123-124
Hurst, SED27-29
Interlake Teachers' Association, SED70-72
Isleifson, V., SED36-38
The Joy Smith Foundation, SED111-112
L'Association des éducatrices et des éducateurs franco-manitobains, SED17-21
Law, SED52-53
Legal, SED80-81
Lewicki, SED50-51
Louis Riel Teachers' Association, SED76-78
Manitoba Federation of Labour, SED166-167
Manitoba Teachers' Society, SED43-45
Martindale, SED43-45
McGregor, SED163-165
Pappel, SED17-21
Parry-Hill, SED25-26
Pellizzaro, SED68-69
Pembina Trails Teachers' Association, SED80-81
Pleskach, SED70-72
Prairie Spirit Teachers' Association, SED39-40
Rebeck, SED166-167
Rioux, SED21
Rootsaert, SED154-155
Satran, SED59-61
Schioler, SED33-35
Seine River Teachers' Association, SED30-32
Smith, SED111-112
Stankevicius, SED57-58
Swaan, SED114-116
Taylor, SED47-49
Thompson Teachers' Association, SED68-69
Tutkaluk, SED62-63
Urichuk, SED157-159
Waite, SED30-32
Walker, SED143-144
Warriner, SED120-122
Watanabe, SED127-129
Watson, SED145-146
Western Teachers' Association, SED73-75
Zurzolo, SED125-126
Racialized students, impact on
Law, SED53
Recruitment and retention deterrant for entering profession
Cabezas, SED78
Dbbelaere, SED75
Ewasko, SED144
Martindale, SED45
Pleskach, SED71-72
Schioler, SED35
Walker, SED144-145
Significant emotional harm, definition of
Cloutier, SED109
Darazsi, SED55-56
Dbbelaere, SED74-75
Dobbelaere, SED76
Dow, SED39-40
Dunlop, SED131-132
Ewasko, SED76
Ewert, SED135
Hart, SED46
Hurst, SED28-29
Law, SED53
Legal, SED82
Lewicki, SED50
McGregor, SED164
Pappel, SED19-20
Pellizzaro, SED69
Pleskach, SED71
Rioux, SED24
Rootsaert, SED154
Swaan, SED115
Taylor, SED48
Tutkaluk, SED63
Urichuk, SED158
Warriner, SED121
Substitute teachers, concern for
Altomare, SED142
Teacher competenancy
Bettner, SED162
Blank, SED148
Bobick, SED151
Brown, SED42
Cabezas, SED77
Cloutier, SED109
Darazsi, SED55
Dow, SED40
Dunlop, SED131
Durling, SED117-119
Ewasko, SED35, SED58, SED67, SED125, SED176
Ewert, SED134-135
Gerrard, SED119, SED122, SED125
Hart, SED46
Hurst, SED28
Law, SED52
Legal, SED81
Lewicki, SED50
Martindale, SED43
Parry-Hill, SED25-26
Pellizzaro, SED68
Pleskach, SED72
Rebeck, SED167
Rootsaert, SED154
Schioler, SED35
Stankevicius, SED59
Swaan, SED114-115
Taylor, SED48
Tutkaluk, SED62
Urichuk, SED158
Waite, SED30
Warriner, SED120-121, SED122
Zurzolo, SED126
Teacher competence
Walker, SED143
Teacher registry, privacy concerns for LGBTQ2S+ individuals
Brown, SED42
Teaching styles
Waite, SED31
Thompson Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Pellizzaro, SED69
Uncertified teachers, concern for
Bobick, SED151
Union representation
Altomare, SED168
Cabezas, SED78
Cloutier, SED109
Dbbelaere, SED75
Giesbrecht, SED138
Martindale, SED45
Pellizzaro, SED69
Rebeck, SED168
Schioler, SED34
Stankevicius, SED58
Swaan, SED115
Taylor, SED49
Tutkaluk, SED63
Urichuk, SED158
Waite, SED32
Warriner, SED121
Western Teachers' Association amendment recommendations
Dbbelaere, SED75
Written submissions
Bouchard, SED90-91
Brandt, SED84-86
Burrows, SED170-171
Cable, SED87
Coates, SED86-87
Dryden, SED83
Engbrecht, SED172-173
Fallis, SED96-98
Fjeldsted, SED104
Frohwerk, SED184-185
Hasenack, SED91
Hoeppner, SED102-104
Hrychuk, SED101-102
Jonker, SED83-84
Kehler, SED92
Ladoski, SED89
LaVergne, SED92
Lepla, SED88
Loewen, SED91
Loumi, SED89
Lylyk, SED92
Manitoba School Boards Association, SED93-95
McDonald, SED99-100
Murray, SED89-90
Nolette, SED98-99
Patterson, SED89
Pulak, SED89
Rachul, SED87-88
River East Transcona School Division, SED102-104
Roberts, SED92
Robinson, SED185-191
Ruttan, SED92-93
Siddall, SED92
Singer, Leslie, SED88
Spitula, SED100-101
Stevenson, SED91
Targownik, SED90
Taylor, SED88-89
Van Kats, SED91
Wall, SED171-172
Watt, SED93-95
Wiebe, SED95-96
Class sizes
Legal, SED80
Funding levels
Dunlop, SED132
Legal, SED80
Historic sexual abuse cases
Classen, SED67
School library collections
Giesbrecht, SED138
Advertising campaigns
Kuruluk, CC104-105
Naylor, CC104
Advertising campaigns, budget for
Kuruluk, CC105
Naylor, CC105
Air-source and geothermal heat pumps
Cold weather areas
Kuruluk, CC95
Annual Report for March 31, 2019, 2020 and 2022
Opening statements
Kuruluk, CC91-93
Montufar, CC90-91
Naylor, CC90
Wharton, CC89-90
Brand recognition
Kuruluk, CC93-94
Naylor, CC93
Budget underspending, reason for
Kuruluk, CC101
Naylor, CC101
BUILD contract
Kuruluk, CC102-103
Naylor, CC102-103
Carbon savings account for 2023-2027
Kuruluk, CC100
Naylor, CC100
CO2 emission reduction amount
Kuruluk, CC93
Commercial customers
Kuruluk, CC99
Contracted services and programs, underspending
Kuruluk, CC102
Naylor, CC102
Direct Focus (customer contact centre)
Kuruluk, CC104
Naylor, CC104
Efficiency Canada scorecards
Manitoba ranking
Kuruluk, CC95-96
Sala, CC95
Electric and nautral gas savings
Kuruluk, CC94
Naylor, CC94
Electric savings targets, difficulties in achieving
Kuruluk, CC94
Electric vehicles and charging stations
Kuruluk, CC100
Naylor, CC100
Wharton, CC100-101
Electrification and increased energy usage
Kuruluk, CC96-97
Sala, CC96
Employee development
Kuruluk, CC102
Naylor, CC102
Employees, number of and target for
Kuruluk, CC102
Naylor, CC102
Energy advocate
Kuruluk, CC103
Naylor, CC103
Energy bill savings
Kuruluk, CC93
Financing options
Kuruluk, CC98
Fridge retirement program
Kuruluk, CC104
Naylor, CC104
Green Transportation Strategy
Naylor, CC99
Wharton, CC99-100
Greener Homes Grant
Kuruluk, CC98
Indigenous Community Energy Efficiency Program
Applications, number of
Kuruluk, CC107
Naylor, CC107
Kuruluk, CC92
Indigenous Energy Efficiency Working Group meetings
Kuruluk, CC107
Naylor, CC107
Industrial cumstomers
Kuruluk, CC95
Innovation Fund
Innovation projects, funding for
Kuruluk, CC92
Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund
Extension of
Kuruluk, CC93
Manitoba Hydro's integrated resource plan
Kuruluk, CC108
Sala, CC108
PACE financing
Kuruluk, CC110
Sala, CC110
Private sector partners
Kuruluk, CC103-104
Naylor, CC103
Programs and customer experience
Sala, CC97
Programs and interest rates
Kuruluk, CC98
Sala, CC97
Programs and low income user accessibility
Kuruluk, CC97-98
Sala, CC97
Provincial energy strategy, impact on
Kuruluk, CC107-108
Sala, CC107
Registered suppliers, number of
Kuruluk, CC93
Salaries and benefits, underspending
Kuruluk, CC101-102
Naylor, CC101
Solar rebate program
Kuruluk, CC105
Naylor, CC105
Solar Rebate Program, advertising
Kuruluk, CC106
Naylor, CC106
Solar rebate program, applications received
Kuruluk, CC106
Naylor, CC106
Solar rebate program, for businesses
Kuruluk, CC106
Naylor, CC106
Transformational energy efficiency projects
Kuruluk, CC108-109
Sala, CC108-109
Virtual energy reivew
Kuruluk, CC98
Windows and doors rebate program
Kuruluk, CC92
Blackout rules
Wiebe, LA121
Advertisement vs. promotional material
Verma, LA131
Wiebe, LA131
Advertising, definition of
Verma, LA131
Advisory committee to address voter turnout
Marcelino, LA9
Verma, LA9
Annual Report, December 31, 2021
Opening statements
Goertzen, LA1-2
Marcelino, LA2
Verma, LA2-3
Annual Report, December 31, 2022
Opening statements
Goertzen, LA119-120
Verma, LA121-122
Wiebe, LA120-121
Auditors, subsidy for
Goertzen, LA11
Verma, LA11
Back-up staff training
Marcelino, LA7
Verma, LA7
By-elections, budget for
Verma, LA138
Wiebe, LA137
By-elections, outreach costs
Verma, LA138
Wiebe, LA138
By-elections, three in one year
Marcelino, LA3
Verma, LA3
By-elections, voter turnout
Verma, LA137
Canada Growth Council
Third-party advertising registration requirement
Wiebe, LA121
Candidates reimbursement for election expenses
Marcelino, LA5
Verma, LA5
Capacity building--First Nations
Verma, LA6
Categories of expenses
Verma, LA131
Wiebe, LA131
Civics curriculum in schools
Marcelino, LA8
Verma, LA9
Constituency associations
Unaudited financial statement filing
Goertzen, LA12
Verma, LA12
Election communication report
Verma, LA132
Election officials, non-citizen workers
Verma, LA13
Election preparation activities (2023)
Verma, LA122
Electronic strike off
Verma, LA139
Electronic voting machines--First Nations communities
Verma, LA138
Wiebe, LA138
Financial officer training
Goertzen, LA11
Verma, LA11
Financial officers, subsidy for
Goertzen, LA11
Verma, LA11
Fixed election dae planning process
Marcelino, LA5
Verma, LA5-6
Foreign interference
Verma, LA127
Wiebe, LA126-127
Government advertising complaints
Verma, LA136
Wiebe, LA136
Government advertising during writ period
Verma, LA136
Wiebe, LA136
Indigenous outreach strategy
Marcelino, LA6
Verma, LA6
Knowledge of early election date
Marcelino, LA6
Verma, LA6
Leadership contest rules
Marcelino, LA4
Verma, LA4
Leadership contest rules and leadership campaign funds
Marcelino, LA4
Verma, LA4
New party registration, use of Voter Register
Verma, LA3
Nomination deadline (six day period)
Marcelino, LA10
Verma, LA10
Nomination deadlines for fixed/non-fixed elections
Verma, LA3
Non-voters, categories of
Verma, LA7-8
Outreach campaign for 43rd election
Marcelino, LA6
Verma, LA6
Polling stations and accessibility for voters
Marcelino, LA9
Verma, LA9
Promotional material, definition of
Verma, LA131-132
Public outreach
Verma, LA122
Robo calls
Verma, LA133
Wiebe, LA133
Shared voter list, unique IDs
Verma, LA3
Staffing for 43rd election
Marcelino, LA7
Verma, LA7
Telephone voting
Marcelino, LA10
Verma, LA10
Third-party advertising formats
Verma, LA124
Wiebe, LA124
Third-party advertising from out-of-province, how to stop
Verma, LA130
Wiebe, LA129-130
Third-party advertising in pre-election period
Verma, LA129
Wiebe, LA129
Third-party advertising registration requirement
Verma, LA123-124
Wiebe, LA123-124
Third-party advertising spending limit
Wiebe, LA123
Third-party advertising, electronic communication expenses
Verma, LA130-131
Third-party advertising, residency requirements
Verma, LA133-135
Wiebe, LA133-135
Third-party advertising, rules for
Verma, LA123
Wiebe, LA122
Third-party advertising, spending limits
Verma, LA124
Wiebe, LA124
Third-party advertising, text messages
Verma, LA130-132
Wiebe, LA130-132
Third-party advertisors, name and organization disclosure
Verma, LA123
Wiebe, LA123
Third-party advertisors, no constibution limits
Verma, LA125-126
Wiebe, LA125-126
Third-party advertisors, out-of-province donors
Verma, LA125
Wiebe, LA125
Third-party exceptions
Verma, LA132
Vote PopUP initiative
Verma, LA8
Vote-counting machines, no internet connection
Verma, LA139
Voter database updates
Marcelino, LA7
Verma, LA7
Voter engagement
Marcelino, LA8
Verma, LA8
Voter registration drive
Verma, LA6
Voter turnout
Goertzen, LA12-13
Marcelino, LA9-10
Voting barriers
Marcelino, LA7
Verma, LA7
Website problems, concerns for
Marcelino, LA7
Verma, LA7
Your Power to Choose
Mock elections in the classroom
Cox, LA13-14
Verma, LA14
Youth engagement
Marcelino, LA8
Verma, LA8
Youth working at elections
Verma, LA13
Electrical Contractors Association of Manitoba. See Builders' Liens Amendment Act (Prompt Payment)
Emergency Measures Amendment Act (Bill 22)
Critical service provider designation
Piwniuk, LA60
Departments, continuity plan requirement
Piwniuk, LA59-60
Opening statements
Bushie, LA60
Piwniuk, LA50-60
Organization name change
Piwniuk, LA60
Public presentations
Grant, LA52
Funding for
Squires, LA25
Engbrecht, Jennifer (Private Citizen)
Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct) (Bill 35)
Written submissions, SED172-173
Evans, Karlee Sapoznik (Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth)
Child and Family Services
Mental health and addiction treatment services
Children aging out of CFS care, LA25-26
Mental health and addiction
Treatment services for children aging out of CFS care, LA25-26
Ewasko, Hon. Wayne (Lac du Bonnet) PC
Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct) (Bill 35)
Clause 5, SED178
Clause 8 section 8.14(4), SED181-182
Clause 8 section 8.22, SED179
Clause 8 section 8.25(2), SED179
Clause 8 section 8.32, SED180
Clause 8 section 8.34, SED180
Clause 8 section 8.8(2)(a), SED181
Anonymous complaints, SED122, SED155
Commissioner scope of power, SED70, SED176
Consent resolution agreement, SED176
Cross-jurisdictional comparrison, SED142
Disciplinary actions, public registry, SED176-177
Due process, SED124
Frivolous and vexatious complaints, SED41, SED67
Hearing panel composition, SED64
Inclusion of all school staff, SED159
Misconduct complaint process, SED51-52, SED127, SED176
Misconduct, definition of, SED33, SED124
Opening statements, SED175-177
Physicial or mental disability ruling, request to remove, SED116-117
Recruitment and retention deterrant for entering profession, SED144
Significant emotional harm, definition of, SED76
Teacher competenancy, SED35, SED58, SED67, SED125, SED176
Ewert, Jay (Evergreen Teachers' Association)
Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct) (Bill 35)
Hearing panel composition, SED135, SED136
Public presentations, SED134-135
Significant emotional harm, definition of, SED135
Teacher competenancy, SED134-135
Prohibition on owning
Fontaine, SED12