Human Resources - 2nd Session - 41st Legislature

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Human Resources Index


Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Academic freedom, professors

Morrill, 70

Accessibility barriers

Hodgins, 6

Swan, 5-6

Block funding

Morrill, 69

Canadian Federation of Students

Comegan-Ronke, 66

Canadian Union of Public Employees

McLean, 33

Course fee increases

Copps, 65, 63

McLean, 34

Rigaux, 78

Sosa, 56, 59

Wiebe, 97

Disabilities, students with

Hodgins, 5

Linton, 24

Sosa, 56-57

Entrance scholarships

Garinger, 28

Nagra, 19

Swan, 19, 28

Food bank usage

Garinger, 26

Veitch, 37

Indigenous students, impact on

Brown, N., 3

International students, tuition increase

Brown, N., 3

Nagra, 18

Sanderson, 61

LGBTTQ* students

Fallis, 89

Manitoba Bursary Program

Wishart, 95

Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative

Wishart, 96

Mental health supports

Gerrard, 51

Kilgour, 51

Lamoureux, 62

Sanderson, 62

Swan, 50-51

Mental health, student

Kilgour, 49-50

Multi-year scholarships

Prystanski, 20-21

Opening statements

Wiebe, 96-97

Wishart, 95-96

Operating grants

Brown, N. 3-4

Nagra, 18

Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP)

Comegan-Ronke, 67

Lavoie, 36

Brown, N., 3

Zachariah, 40

Public presentations

Barkman, 14-16

Beach, 42-43

Bergen, 74

Brandon University Students' Union, 3-4

Brown, N., 3-4

Caldwell, 6-8

Canadian Federation of Students, 39-41

Carlyle, 75-76

Chernomas, 70-72

Comegan-Ronke, 66-67

Communist Party of Canada-Manitoba, 22-23

Copps, 63-65

Daigneault, 85-86

Fallis, 88-89

Garinger, 25-27

Goertzen, B., 30-32

Hamilton, 45-47

Harney, 28-30

Harney, P., 51-52

Hodgins, 4-5

Kilgour, 48-50

Lavoie, 35-36

Linton, 23-25

Lockhart, 90-91

Manitoba Federation of Labour, 9-10

Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union, 13-14

Manitoba Law Students' Association, 63-65

Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations, 70-72

McLean, 33-34

Morrell, J., 68-69

Nagra, 17-18

Ojewole, 11-12

Peters, 80-81

Prystanski, 19-20

Rankin, 22-23

Rebeck, 9-10

Rigaux, 77-79

Sanderson, 59-61

Scammell, 92-93

Schillberg, 82-84

Sosa, 56-58

University of Manitoba Engineering Society, 82-83

University of Manitoba Faculty Association, 68-69

University of Manitoba Students' Union, 17-18, 48-50

University of Winnipeg Students' Association, 25-27

Veitch, 37-38

Webster, 44-45

Westland Foundation, 19-20

Zachariah, 39-41

Rural students, costs for

Chacun, 13

Fallis, 88

Scholarships and bursaries

Altemeyer, 84

Barkman, 15

Harney, 29

Nagra, 18

Sanderson, 60

Scammell, 93

Schillberg, 85

Scholarships and bursaries, mature students

Copps, 64

Harney, 30

Wiebe, 30

Scholarships, needs based

Harney, 30

Student debt

Garinger, 27

Rebeck, 10

Veitch, 38

Student loans, interest rate on

Sosa, 57

Tuition Fee Income Tax Rebate

Copps, 64

Elimination of

Rebeck, 9

Gerrard, 39

Harney, P., 52

Sosa, 58

Veitch, 39

Wiebe, 38-39, 52, 58

Tuition fee increases

Rebeck, 9

Tuition increase, consistency in

Carlyle, 76-77

Wiebe, 76

Written submissions

Kayne, 53

Patterson, 53-54

Altemeyer, Rob (Wolseley) NDP

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Scholarships and bursaries, 84


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