Social and Economic Development Index - 3rd Session - 39th Legislature

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Social and Economic Development Index


School trustees. See Public Schools Amendment Act (Limited At Large Elections of Trustees)

Schroeder, Leona (Manitoba Association of Social Workers)

Social Work Profession Act

[Bill 9]

Education criteria, 90-91

Public presentation, 87-90

Social worker registration qualifications, 88, 90

Schroeder, Leona (Private Citizen)

Social Work Profession Act

[Bill 9]

Written submission, 147

Service Animals Protection Act

[Bill 238]


Clause 3.1

Blady, 64-65

passed, 65

Bill reported, 65

Guide dog costs

Peters, 53

Guide dog use, personal stories

Parisian, 54

Peters, 53

Opening remarks

Blady, 64

Public presentations

Parisian, 54

Peters, 52-54

Written submission

Parisian, 65-67

Simms, Tom (Community Education Development Association)

Social Work Profession Act

[Bill 9]

Board governance representation, 94

Consultations, lack of, 93

Simms, Tom (Private Citizen)

Social Work Profession Act

[Bill 9]

Public presentation, 91-94

Smoking ban, driving with minors. See Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Promoting Safer and Healthier Conditions in Motor Vehicles)

Social Work Profession Act

[Bill 9]

Aboriginal social workers, consultations with

Alper, 107

Derkach, 97, 107, 109, 116

Flette, 126-127

Hart, 95-96, 97-98

Lamoureux, 98

MacDonald, 109

Mitchelson, 113-114

Peebles, 116

Roussin, 113


Clause 10(1)(a)

Wowchuk, 140

passed, 141

Bill reported, 142

Board governance representation

Chudzik, 133-134

Derkach, 114

Enns, 105

Flette, 127-128

Hershberg, 103-104

Lamoureux, 105, 116, 127, 133

Mitchelson, 103-105

Peebles, 116

Roussin, 114

Simms, 94

Wowchuk, 94

Consultations, lack of

MacKinnon, 135-136

McVicker, 124

Simms, 93

Cross-cultural concerns

Carlson, 71

Crocker, 85

Education criteria

Burke, 119

Hershberg, 103

Mitchelson, 90

Schroeder, 90-91

Wowchuk, 91

Legislative departmental responsibility

Flette, 127

Lamoureux, 127

Mitchelson, 127

Licensure standards for provisional social workers

Brody, 118

Carlson, 71-72

Friesen, 130

Kondrashov, 121

Roussin, 112-113

Opening remarks

Mitchelson, 139-140

Wowchuk, 138-139

Professional regulatory body membership

Schroeder, 88

Profession title regulations

Chudzik, 133

Enns, 104-105

Peebles, 115-116

Proposed college curriculum, Aboriginal approaches

Alper, 107

Chudzik, 133

Eidse, 111-112

Hart, 98

Lamoureux, 109

MacDonald, 109

Roussin, 113, 115

Wowchuk, 98, 111

Public presentations

Alper, 106-107

Brody, 117-118

Burke, 119-120

Carlson, 71-72

Chudzik, 131-133

Crocker, 84-85

Delichte, 99-101

Eidse, 109-111

Enns, 104-105

Flette, 125-127

Frankel, 85-86

Friesen, 128-130

Hart, 94-97

Hershberg, 102-103

Kondrashov, 120-121

MacDonald, 108

MacKinnon, 134-137

McVicker, 122-124

Peebles, 115-116

Roussin, 112-113

Schroeder, 87-90

Simms, 91-94

Social worker registration qualifications

Brody, 117

Enns, 105

Frankel, 85-86

Hershberg, 103

MacDonald, 108

Mitchelson, 90

Schroeder, 90

Social workers, conduct audits

Brody, 117-118

Delichte, 99-101, 102

Wowchuk, 102

Social work faculty curriculums, effect on

Brody, 117

Students, consultations with

Derkach, 111

Eidse, 111

Lamoureux, 112

Mitchelson, 111

Wowchuk, 111-112

Written submissions

Bryant, 142-143

Crookshanks, 143-144

Friesen, 144

Kirkham, 144-145

MacKinnon, 149-153

Mander, 145-146

Marsman, 146

McKie, 146-147

Schroeder, 147

Verge, 147-148

Wiebe, 148-149

Squire, Peter (Winnipeg Realtors)

Community Revitalization Tax Increment Financing Act

[Bill 4]

Audit process, 83-84

Developer qualification criteria, 84

Public presentation, 83-84

Struthers, Hon. Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Environment Amendment Act

[Bill 29]

Agricultural operations exemptions, 12-13

Water drainage measurements, 7



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