HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 38th Legislature

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House Index - 5th-38th



Sale, Hon. Tim (Fort Rouge) N.D.P.

Budget (2007) debate, 804-810

Budgets and estimates


Use of funds, 595-596

Cross Lake Cadet programs

Resolution, 501-502

Members' Statements

Riel, Louis, 29

Rocan, Denis, 79

National child care benefit, 241-242

Personal Investigations Amendment Act (Identity Protection)

[Bill 5]

2R, 401-402

Riel, Louis, 29

Rocan, Denis, 79

Throne Speech debate, 240-244


Cadets programs, benefits, 501

Santos, Conrad (Wellington) N.D.P.

Budget (2007) debate, 744-746

Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act

[Bill 22]

2R, 1013

Members' Statements

Typhoon Durian (Philippines), 458-459

Throne Speech debate, 152-155

Typhoon Durian (Philippines), 458-459

Sargent Park School Heritage Fair. See Members' Statements

Schellenberg, Harry (Rossmere) N.D.P.

Members' Statements

River East Transcona School Division English-German Bilingual Program, 220

River East Transcona School Division English-German Bilingual Program, 220

School divisions

Budgetary directive

Bjornson, 794-795

Stefanson, 794-795

Schools, public

Emergency preparedness

Doer, 888

McFadyen, 888

Island Lake Community School, portable classrooms

Bjornson, 659

Reimer, 659

Schuler, Ron (Springfield) P.C.

Budget (2007) debate, 854-857

Canadian Wheat Board


Call for plebiscite, 117-118

Crocus Investment Fund

Minister's actions, 553

Public inquiry, 322-323

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act

[Bill 2]

C/3R, 617-618

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Reservists)

[Bill 17]

2R, 938-939


Wind power development

Request for proposals, 548-549

Good Samaritan Protection Act

[Bill 214]

2R, 489-490

Grandparent Access and Other Amendments Act (Child and Family Services Act Amended)

[Bill 9]

C/3R, 572-573

Highways and roads

Highway 15, bridge replacement, 73

Highway 15, traffic control structure, 661

Kennedy, Ralph, 370-371

Liquor Control Amendment Act (Helping to Prevent Date Rape)

[Bill 215]

C/3R, 631-632

Member's Statements

Kennedy, Ralph, 370-371

Oral Questions

Crocus Investment Fund

Minister's actions, 553

Public inquiry, 322-323


Wind power development

Request for proposals, 548-549

Highways and roads

Highway 15, bridge replacement, 73

Highway 15, traffic control structure, 661

Workplace safety and health

Government initiatives, 928-929

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act

[Bill 34] Reinstated from previous session

C/3R, 463-465

Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)

Small business owners, protection, 570

Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act

[Bill 6]

C/3R, 569-571

Statutory Holidays Act (Various Acts Amended)

[Bill 21]

2R, 946-947

Throne Speech debate, 340-342

Whistleblower protection

Civil servants, 463-465

Workplace safety and health

Government initiatives, 928-929

Securities Amendment Act

[Bill 13]


Selinger, 505


Selinger, 957

Seine River Book Swap. See Members' Statements

Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

Budget (2007)

School taxes, 795-796

Budget (2007) Address, 661-676

Budget (2007) debate, 913-917

Budgets and estimates


Credit rating, 592-593

Overspending, 591-592

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Payday Loans)

[Bill 25] Reinstated from previous session

R/S amendments

Clause 3(a)(b), 290-291

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Prepaid Purchase Cards)

[Bill 4]

1R, 135

2R, 309-310

Crocus Investment Fund

Accuracy of prospectus, 689-690, 814-815

Asset valuation, 418

Auditor General's interviews, 365

Communication with deputy minister, 451, 452-453

Draft legislation, 419-420, 424, 452

Fonds de solidarité loan, 554

Income tax returns, 418

Manitoba Securities Commission, referral, 689

Minister's actions, 553

Minister's involvement, 366

Premier's knowledge, 450, 607-608

Public inquiry, 24-25, 318-325, 365-366, 727

Woodbury, David, 419, 451, 607, 608-609

Economy - Manitoba

Capital projects, management, 796

Federal equalization payments, transfer amounts, 989-990

Population migration, Manitoba workers, 140-141

Insurance Amendment Act

[Bill 11]

1R, 413

2R, 525-526

Insurance laws

Changes to current legislation, 525-526

Manitoba Hydro

Budget, new building, 796

Manitoba Hydro Amendment and Public Utilities Board Amendment Act

[Bill 15]

1R, 601

Manitoba Hydro Electric Board

Quarterly report, 136

Oral Questions

Budget (2007)

School taxes, 795-796

Crocus Investment Fund

Accuracy of prospectus, 689-690, 814-815

Asset valuation, 418

Auditor General's interviews, 365

Communication with deputy minister, 451, 452-453

Draft legislation, 419-420, 424, 452

Fonds de solidarité loan, 554

Income tax returns, 418

Manitoba Securities Commission, referral, 689

Minister's actions, 553

Minister's involvement, 366

Premier's knowledge, 450, 607-608

Public inquiry, 24-25, 318-325, 365-366, 727

Regulatory changes, requests, 727

Woodbury, David, 419, 451, 607, 608-609

Economy - Manitoba

Capital projects, management, 796

Federal equalization payments, transfer amounts, 989-990

Population migration, Manitoba workers, 140-141

Manitoba Hydro

Budget, new building, 796

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board vacancies, 25

Personal Investigations Amendment Act (Identity Protection)

[Bill 5]

1R, 171

2R, 310-311

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act

[Bill 34] Reinstated from previous session

R/S amendments

Clause 2(a), 293, 295

Clause 17, 297

Clause 22, 298-299

Clause 25, 300

Clause 33(5), 301

Public Officers Act

Report tabling, 544

Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act

[Bill 6]

1R, 317

2R, 436-437

Securities Amendment Act

[Bill 13]

1R, 505

2R, 957

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board vacancies, 25

Trade Practices Inquiry Act

Annual report 2006, 544

Senior Citizens. See Members' Statements

Seniors Health Resource Team. See Members' Statements

Shape Foods


Nevakshonoff, 930

Smith, 930

Sherridon Cold Lake mine. See Members' Statements

Silent Witness project. See Members' Statements

Small Claims Court

Increase in monetary limit

Goertzen, 521

Lamoureux, 523-524

Smith, Hon. Scott (Brandon West) N.D.P.

Brandon West (Constituency), 287-288

Budget (2007) debate, 826-830

Economy - Manitoba

Business climate, 547

Growth, 512

Opportunities for young Manitobans, 548

Tax rates, 548

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Liquor store placement, 986-987

Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act

[Bill 22]

2R, 997-998

Hog processing plants

Environment review, 512

Investment withdrawal, 511

Moratorium, 513

Liquor Control Amendment Act (Helping to Prevent Date Rape)

[Bill 215]

2R, 624-625

Manitoba Development Corporation

Annual report 2006, 603

Members' Statements

Brandon West (Constituency), 287-288

Oral Questions

Economy - Manitoba

Business climate, 547

Growth, 512

Opportunities for young Manitobans, 548

Tax rates, 548

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Liquor store placement, 986-987

Hog processing plants

Environment review, 512

Investment withdrawal, 511

Moratorium, 513

Pharmaceutical Act [Bill 41]

Impact on industry, 286

Shape Foods

Expansion, 930

Spirited Energy advertising campaign

Costs, 218

Focus group data, 843-844, 845

Funding sources, 257-258, 260, 424

Private sector contributions, 279-281

Pharmaceutical Act [Bill 41]

Impact on industry, 286

Shape Foods

Expansion, 930

Spirited Energy advertising campaign

Costs, 218

Focus group data, 843-844, 845

Funding sources, 257-258, 260, 424

Private sector contributions, 279-281

Throne Speech debate, 230-236

Social and Economic Development, Standing Committee on. See also Social and Economic Development Committee index

1st report

Brick, 445-447

Soil Survey Program

Creation of positions

Nevakshonoff, 849

Wowchuk, 849-850

Speaker's statement

Rocan, Denis

Removal from P.C. caucus, 921

Spence neighbourhood (Winnipeg). See Members' Statements

Spirited Energy advertising campaign


Doer, 842-843

McFadyen, 842-843

Rowat, 218

Smith, 218

Focus group data

Doer, 845

Goertzen, 844-845

Rowat, 843-844

Smith, 843-844, 845

Funding sources

Cummings, 424

Goertzen, 259-260

Rowat, 257-258

Smith, 257-258, 260, 424

Private sector contributions

Doer, 843

McFadyen, 278-281, 843

Smith, 279-281

Wowchuk, 279


Doer, 138-140, 144

Lamoureux, 144

McFadyen, 138-140

St. James (Constituency). See Members' Statements

St. John's Lutheran Church, 100th anniversary. See Members' Statements

Standing Committee. See Specific committee titles

Statutory Holidays Act (Various Acts Amended)

[Bill 21]


Allan, 789


Allan, 943

Faurschou, 945-946

Goertzen, 943-945

Lamoureux, 947-950

Schuler, 946-947

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) P.C.

Bullying Awareness Week, 48

Canadian Wheat Board


Call for plebiscite, 122-123

Government's record, 992

Healthy Living Department

Little Black Book, school distribution, 219-220

Hog processing plants

Clean Environment Commission review, 513-514

Members' Statements

Bullying Awareness Week, 48

Government's record, 992

Winnstock 2007, 722

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, 853

Oral Questions

Healthy Living Department

Little Black Book, school distribution, 219-220

Hog processing plants

Clean Environment Commission review, 513-514

School divisions

Budgetary directive, 794-795

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board vacancies, 25

School divisions

Budgetary directive, 794-795

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act

[Bill 207]

1R, 505

2R, 581-583

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board vacancies, 25

Teachers, retired

Cost of living allowance (COLA), 581-582

Teacher's Retirement Allowance Fund (TRAF) board, 582

Winnstock 2007, 722

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, 853

Struthers, Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Dutch Elm Disease

Government initiatives, 455


Phosphorus pollution

Drinking water (City of Winnipeg), 285

Forest Health Protection Act

[Bill 23]

1R, 839

2R, 950-951

Hog processing plants

Clean Environment Commission review, 513-514

Moratorium, 75

Oral Questions

Dutch Elm Disease

Government initiatives, 455


Phosphorus pollution, drinking water (City of Winnipeg), 285

Hog processing plants

Clean Environment Commission review, 513-514

Moratorium, 75

Swan, Andrew (Minto) N.D.P.

Cross Lake Cadet programs

Resolution, 498

Daniel McIntyre Maroons, 260-261

Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act

[Bill 22]

2R, 1005

Grandparent Access and Other Amendments Act (Child and Family Services Act Amended)

[Bill 9]

C/3R, 573-575

Grey Cup (2006), 48-49


Increase, 660-661

Members' Statements

Daniel McIntyre Maroons, 260-261

Grey Cup (2006), 48-49

Moving Around Manitoba program, 992-993

Sargent Park School Heritage Fair, 896-897

Spence neighbourhood, population growth, 695-696

Moving Around Manitoba program, 992-993

Oral Questions


Increase, 660-661

Sargent Park School Heritage Fair, 896-897

Spence neighbourhood, population growth, 695-696


Cadets programs, benefits, 498


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