Social and Economic Development - 3rd Session - 38th Legislature

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Social and Economic Development Index



Regional Health Authorities Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act [Bill 17]

Public presentation

Robson, 7-9

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act [Bill 43]

Opening statement

Sale, 12

Public presentation

Pope, 10

Robson, Rob (Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act [Bill 17]

Public presentation, 7-9

Rocan, Denis (Carman) P.C.

Emergency Measures Amendment Act [Bill 15]

Opening statement, 49

Rural Municipality of Kelsey By-law No. 5/02 Validation Act [Bill 32]

Opening statement, 50-51

Rondeau, Hon. Jim (Assiniboia) N.D.P.

Oil and Gas Amendment and Oil and Gas Production Tax Amendment Act [Bill 21]

Opening statement, 28

Rowat, Leanne (Minnedosa) P.C.

Collège de Saint-Boniface Incorporation Amendment Act [Bill 18]

Opening statement, 46

Rural Municipality of Kelsey By-law No. 5/02 Validation Act [Bill 32]

Opening statement

Lathlin, 50

Rocan, 50-51


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