HOUSE INDEX - 2nd Session - 38th Legislature
Baby Friendly initiative
Driedger, 1393-1394
Rondeau, 1393-1394
Bail conditions
Minister's comments regarding breach of
Hawranik, 239
Mackintosh, 239
Review of
Hawranik, 525-526
Balanced budget legislation
Selinger, 95, 205-206, 342-343
Minister's salary reduction
Doer, 959
Gerrard, 959
Balmer, Charlie
Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame
Taillieu, 1710
Beaver Lake Road
Maintenance, responsibility for
Cummings, 3441-3442
Struthers, 3441-3442
Benson, Bennetta-Lynn
Women of Distinction Award recipient
Brick, 1707
Berkowitz, Sam
Hawranik, 874-875
Bernie Wolfe Community School
Cultural diversity day
Jha, 1213
I Love to Read Month
Jha, 741
Bertrand, Marlene
Order of Canada recipient
Driedger, 742
Bills. See the specific titles
Agricultural Societies Act [Bill 27]
Agrologists Amendment Act [Bill 28]
Amusements Amendment Act [Bill 25]
Appropriation Act, 2004 [Bill 52]
Biofuels and Gasoline Tax Amendment Act [Bill 2]
Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2004 [Bill 54]
Certified Management Accountants Act [Bill 26]
Colleges Amendment Act [Bill 44]
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act [Bill 35]
Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended) [Bill 200]
Criminal Property Forfeiture Act [Bill 7]
Cross-Border Policing Act [Bill 6]
Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Amendment Act [Bill 17]
Employment and Income Assistance Amendment Act (One-Tier Assistance for Rural and Northern Manitoba) [Bill 8]
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act [Bill 4]
Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act [Bill 45]
Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act [Bill 204]
Fisheries Amendment Act [Bill 38]
Flood Authority Act [Bill 31]
Gaming Control Amendment Act [Bill 10]
Gas Tax Accountability Act (Financial Administration Act Amended) [Bill 14]
Health Services Amendment Act [Bill 214]
Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Amendment Act [Bill 3]
Highway Traffic Amendment Act [Bill 36]
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Police Powers Respecting Unsafe Drivers and Miscellaneous Amendments) [Bill 15]
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Veterans Licence Plates) [Bill 211]
Highways and Transportation Amendment and Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund) [Bill 12]
Human Tissue Amendment Act [Bill 48]
Immigration Consultants Act [Bill 208]
Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended Act ) [Bill 18]
Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Act [Bill 301]
Labour Relations Amendment Act [Bill 37]
Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba Amendment Act [Bill 47]
Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (2) [Bill 210]
Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (3) [Bill 55]
Legislative Assembly Amendment Act [Bill 209]
Loan Act, 2004 [Bill 51]
Manitoba Immigration Council Act [Bill 9]
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act [Bill 203]
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act [Bill 206]
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Claimant Advisors) [Bill 5]
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Denial of Benefits for Offenders) [Bill 16]
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Protection of Crown Assets) [Bill 11]
Medical Amendment Act [Bill 207]
Mines and Minerals Amendment Act [Bill 42]
Municipal Amendment Act [Bill 49]
Municipal Assessment Amendment Act [Bill 50]
Nellie McClung Foundation Act [Bill 202]
Non-Smokers Health Protection Act (Various Acts Amended) [Bill 21]
Oaths of Office, An Act Respecting the Administration of [Bill 1]
Pension Freedom Act (Pension Benefits Act Amended) [Bill 212]
Personal Health Information Amendment Act (Spiritual Health) [Bill 43]
Planning Amendment Act [Bill 40]
Profits of Criminal Notoriety Act [Bill 41]
Provincial Railways Amendment Act [Bill 32]
Public Schools Amendment Act (Appropriate Educational Programming) [Bill 13]
Public Schools Amendment Act [Bill 19]
Public Servants Insurance Amendment Act [Bill 33]
Public Trustte Amendment Act [Bill 29]
Red River Floodway Act [Bill 23]
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act [Bill 39]
Safe Schools Charter (Various Acts Amended) [Bill 30]
Seniors' Property Tax Deferment Act [Bill 213]
Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2004 [Bill 53]
Taxpayer Protection Legal Representation Act (Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba Act Amended) [Bill 201]
Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act [Bill 46]
Travel Manitoba Act [Bill 24]
University College of the North Act [Bill 20]
University of Winnipeg Amendment Act [Bill 34]
Water Protection Act [Bill 22]
Winnipeg Foundation Act [Bill 300]
Biofuels and Gasoline Tax Amendment Act
[Bill 2]
1R, Sale, 16-17
Cummings, 183-185
Derkach, 188
Dyck, 189-190
Faurschou, 188-189
Gerrard, 188
Loewen, 182-183
Penner, 185-187
Sale, 175-180
Schuler, 180-182
Cummings, 385-386
Gerrard, 388-391
Mackintosh, 381
Maguire, 386-388
Penner, 381-383
Sale, 393-394
Schuler, 391-393
Tweed, 383-385
R/A, Liba, 449
Legislative process
Loewen, 182-183
Maguire, 387-388
Biotech industries
Korzeniowski, 3361
Sale, 3361
Bio-Terre System
Sale, 2406
Bison Wind
Sale, 2468
Bissett Community Council
Recreational director
Hawranik, 2397-2398
Lathlin, 2397-2398
Tax concerns
Hawranik, 2396-2397
Lathlin, 2397
Bjornson, Hon. Peter (Gimli) N.D.P.
Aboriginal education, 1720
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy [Resolution], 2441
Budget debate, 1232-1233, 1251-1254
Committee of Supply
Concurrence motion, 3454-3455
CyberSchools, 617, 867
Education, Citizenship and Youth Department
Estimates debate, 1719-1731, 1777-1798, 1856-1874, 1929-1952, 2107-2115
Administrative costs, 1149, 1860-1861
Annual report tabling, 137
Budget allocation, 1720
Departmental expenditures, 1436
Staffing, 1781-1782
Education facilities
Capital projects, 1941-1942
Portables, use of, 1789-1790, 1929
Education Support Levy, decrease, 1721
Education system
Arts curriculum, 1720, 1931-1932
Class size/composition, 1932-1933
Electronic access, northern Manitoba, 617
Funding levels, 49-50, 98-99, 736-737, 804, 1442, 1703, 1704-1705, 1724-1725, 2260, 2344
History curriculum, 1929-1930
Physical education curriculum, 1929, 1933-1935
Standards testing, 1440-1441, 1721, 1861
Student-teacher ratio, 1797
Textbook grant, 2112
Employment and Income Assistance Amendment Act (One-Tier Assistance for Rural and Northern Manitoba)
[Bill 8], C/3R, 743-744
Future to Discover program, 1721
Garden Valley School Division
Capital projects, 1944-1945
Portables, use of, 1945
Green Team program, employment opportunities, 2423-2424
Interlake School Division
Capital projects, 1795-1796
Laureate Academy, lease agreement, 1777-1780, 1861-1872, 1938-1941, 1947-1949
Legislative Assembly, teacher's institute, 1720
Legislative Building, school concert series, 1312
Lighthouses Program, 867
Lord Selkirk Regional Secondary School expansion, 1798
Louis Riel School Division
Board vacancies, 1794-1795
Facilities, shortage of, 1789-1791
Manitoba Day, 2005-2006
Minister's Working Group on Education Finance
Interim draft report, 1726-1727, 1730
Membership, 1731
Provincial sales tax recommendation, 1728-1730, 1937
Recommendations, 1725
Report, minister's awareness, 1936
Report recommendations, 1703-1704
Report tabling request, 1523, 1726
Staff resources, 1731
Terms of reference, 1728
Oral Questions
Education, Citizenship and Youth Department
Administrative costs, 1149
Education system
Electronic access, northern Manitoba, 617
Funding levels, 98-99, 736-737, 804, 1442, 1703, 1704-1705, 2260, 2344
Standards testing, 1440-1441
Green Team program, employment opportunities, 2423-2424
Legislative Building, school concert series, 1312
Minister's Working Group on Education Finance
Report recommendations, 1703-1704
Report tabling request', 1523
Property taxes, education support levy, 99, 512
River East Transcona School Division, budget approval, 737
School division amalgamations
Cost savings, 737
Harmonization costs, 242
Property taxes, impact on, 960-961
Student transportation, 2932-2933
Sunrise School Division
Labour dispute funding, 242-243
Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund, board appointments, 3361
Police in Schools program, 867
Portage Collegiate Institute electronics program, 1857
Portage la Prairie School Division
High schools, amalgamation of, 1858-1859
Students at risk, funding for, 1856-1857
Vocational training, 3454-3455
Prairie Spirit School Division, student transportation costs, 1946
Property taxes, education support levy, 99, 512
Public Schools Amendment Act
[Bill 19]
1R, 1304-1305
2R, 1618-1619
Public Schools Amendment Act (Appropriate Educational Programming)
[Bill 13]
1R, 93
2R, 434-435
Public Schools Finance Board, chairperson, 1796
River East Transcona School Division
Budget approval, 737
Education support levy increase, 1785-1786
Safe Schools Charter (Various Acts Amended)
[Bill 30]
1R, 695-696
2R, 866-868
School division amalgamations
Collective agreements, harmonization of, 1786
Harmonization costs, 242
Property taxes, impact on, 960-961
Student transportation, 2932-2933
School divisions
Funding formula, 1945
Joint services agreements, 1946-1947
Property tax credits, 1950-1952, 2107-2112
Broadband service, 2107
Capital funding, 1721
Schools of Choice program, 1791-1794, 1796-1797
Souris School renovation project, 2107
Sunrise School Division
Labour dispute funding, 242-243
Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act
[Bill 46]
1R, 1238
2R, 1622
Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund
Board appointments, 3361
Report tabling, 2745
Technical Vocational Education Initiative, 1720-1721
Textbook Bureau, 1942-1943
Throne Speech Debate, 253-260
Warren Collegiate hockey program, 1796-1797
Wawanesa Distance Learning and Information Technologies office, 1943-1944
Black History Month
Brick, 467-468
Bois des esprits forest
Protection of
Gerrard, 343
Melnick, 343
Boning, Willem
Princeton University scholarship
Altemeyer, 2755
Bookmates Program
Altemeyer, 420
Borlaug, Norman
Penner, 1078
Boulanger, Dave
Rocan, 295
Bourgeois, Mary Lou
Gerrard, 655
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
See also Matters of Urgent Public Importance
Administrative costs of assistance programs
Penner, 1335-1336
Wowchuk, 1335-1336
Assistance programs
Wowchuk, 22-23
Border closure
Penner, 1711-1712
Wowchuk, 1714
Cash advance program
Derkach, 2779
Faurschou, 2782
Penner, 1385-1386
Wowchuk, 1385-1386
Compensation for producers (See also specific programs)
Cummings, 2512-2513
Derkach, 2554-2556
Eichler, 460-461
Gerrard, 1453
Lemieux, 2512-2513
Maguire, 467
Penner, 618, 1323-1324, 1374-1378, 2011-2013, 2419-2420
Rowat, 615
Selinger, 2555-2556
Wowchuk, 461, 467, 615-616, 618, 1374-1378, 1453, 2012-2013, 2419-2420
Dead stock pickup
Penner, 1378-1379
Wowchuk, 1378-1379
General comments
Cummings, 620
Gerrard, 2426-2427
Bjornson, 2441
Cummings, 2438-2439
Derkach, 2443-2444
Doer, 2432-2434
Eichler, 2440-2441
Gerrard, 2436-2437
Lamoureux, 2442-2443
Murray, 2430-2432
Nevakshonoff, 2437-2438
Penner, 2434-2436
Rowat, 2442
Smith, 2439-2440
Struthers, 2443
Taillieu, 2441-2442
Wowchuk, 2427-2429
Supports for farm families
Chomiak, 2514
Wowchuk, 2418-2419
U.S. exports
Nevakshonoff, 960
Wowchuk, 960
Brandon Foundation
Bed replacement campaign
Derkach, 1487-1488
Brandon Police Service
Caldwell, 1853
Brandon Wheat Kings
National Midget Hockey Championship
Caldwell, 1156
Brant-Argyle School
Eichler, 245-246
Promotion programs
Gerrard, 2191
Rondeau, 2191
Brick, Marilyn (St. Norbert) N.D.P.
Benson, Bennetta-Lynn, Women of Distinction Award recipient, 1707
Black History Month, 467-468
Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended)
[Bill 200], 2R, 885-886
Fort Garry Women's Resource Centre, 418
Immigration, statistics, 1154
Legislative Affairs, Standing Committee on
1st Report, 452-454
2nd Report, 454-455
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Claimant Advisors)
[Bill 5], 2R, 926-927
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Protection of Crown Assets)
[Bill 11], 2R, 931-932
Manitoba Schools Science Symposium, 1616
Manitoba Telephone System, privatization, 931
Mother's Day celebration, 1854-1855
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 418-419
Nellie McClung Foundation Act
[Bill 202]
2R, 197-198
C/3R, 430
Oral Questions
Immigration, statistics, 1154
Students, international, enrolment figures, 100
Pension Freedom Act (Pension Benefits Act Amended)
[Bill 212], 2R, 2903
Pischke, Garth, 27
Private Members' Business
Agriculture Awareness Day [Resolution 1], 1689-1690
Social and Economic Development, Standing Committee on
1st Report, 335-337
2nd Report, 2413-2414
3rd Report, 2703-2704
4th Report, 3149-3151
5th Report, 3351-3353
Sport Expo, 989-990
Students, international, enrolment figures, 100
Throne Speech Debate, 220-225
University of Manitoba, capital campaign, 923-924
Winnipeg Foundation Act
[Petition], 1693
[Bill 300]
1R, 1917
2R, 2078-2079
Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, 2939
YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards, 1707-1709
Bridging Generations program
Penner, 1450
Wowchuk, 1450
Brokenhead Casino
Second-hand smoke, impact on employees
Ashton, 617-618
Tweed, 617-618
Smoking policy
Tweed, 617
Brokenhead River Community Foundation
Hawranik, 191
Brokenhead River First Nation
Cottage lot development
Hawranik, 2394-2396
Lathlin, 2395-2396
Bruce Middle School
Murray, 2349-2350
See Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
BSE Recovery Program
Wowchuk, 1383-1384
Selinger, 963-976
Vote, 1277-1278
Murray, 995-996
Vote, 1275-1277
Gerrard, 1087-1088
Vote, 1275
Aglugub, 1180-1182
Ashton, 997-1003
Bjornson, 1232-1233, 1251-1254
Caldwell, 1094-1099
Doer, 1262-1265
Driedger, 1039-1044
Dyck, 1048-1054
Eichler, 1259-1262
Faurschou, 1008-1017
Gerrard, 1084-1088
Goertzen, 1127-1134
Hawranik, 1228-1232
Jennissen, 1158-1165
Jha, 1088-1091
Korzeniowski, 1225-1228
Lamoureux, 1175-1180
Loewen, 1265-1275
Maguire, 1099-1105
Melnick, 1257-1259
Mitchelson, 1221-1224
Murray, 991-996
Nevakshonoff, 1054-1058
Oswald, 1134-1139
Penner, 1058-1063
Reid, 1105-1112
Reimer, 1182-1188
Rocan, 1254-1257
Santos, 1008-1012
Schellenberg, 1044-1048
Schuler, 1003-1008
Taillieu, 1091-1094
Tweed, 1165-1170
Wowchuk, 1170-1175
Advertising campaign
Doer, 1311
Loewen, 1828
Expenditure estimates
Loewen, 982-983
Selinger, 982-983
Generally accepted accounting principles
Spending priorities
Doer, 913-914
Loewen, 915
Murray, 913-914
Selinger, 915
Tax increases
Doer, 980-982, 986-987, 1152-1153
Gerrard, 986-987, 990, 1152-1153
Lamoureux, 987
Murray, 980-981
Penner, 984-985
Selinger, 983-984, 987, 988, 1072-1073
Stefanson, 983
Tweed, 988
Wowchuk, 985
Transportation infrastructure projects
Lemieux, 987-988
Schellenberg, 987
Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2004
[Bill 54]
1R, Selinger, 2745-2746
Gerrard, 2946-2948
Lamoureux, 2948-2952
Loewen, 3084-3086
Selinger, 2945-2946
Gerrard, 3406-3410
Loewen, 3398-3406
Selinger, 3401-3410
C/3R, 3410
R/A, Liba, 3426
Builder Bonds
See Manitoba Builder Bonds
Building Communities program
Martindale, 882-883
Bunclody bridge
Lemieux, 2054
Rowat, 2054
Burlakow, Klaus
Hawranik, 876
Burnt (rock band)
Rocan, 295
Burton, Faye
Cancer treatment availability
Chomiak, 210-211
Derkach, 210-211
Business Start Program
Eichler, 2170
Smith, 2170
Butler, Maurice
Make a Difference Community Award recipient
Dyck, 2104-2105