HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 37th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 4th-37th


Labour-sponsored investment funds. See specific funds

Lathlin, Hon. Oscar (The Pas) N.D.P.

Granville Lake

Sewage system, 742-743

Oral Questions

Granville Lake

Sewage system, 742-743

Urban Aboriginal strategy

Update, 377

Urban Aboriginal strategy

Update, 377

Laurendeau, Marcel (St. Norbert) P.C.

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 10)

2R, 436

Flood protection

Diking projects, funding for, 497-498

Diking projects rebate, 381

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Bill 3)

2R, 237

Oral Questions

Flood protection

Diking projects, funding for, 497-498

Diking projects rebate, 381

Points of Order

P/O by Laurendeau respecting rotation of questions 141-142; taken under advisement (Santos) 141-142; Mackintosh 142; Speaker's ruling, 332-333

P/O by Laurendeau respecting the word "liar" 103; taken under advisement 100; Speaker's ruling, 261

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings

Debate, 233-235

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on. See also Law Amendments Committee index

1st Report

Martindale, 371

2nd Report

Martindale, 465

Law enforcement


Selinger, 506

Legislative Assembly. See also Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings

Interns, introduction of

Hickes, 11

Language used

Gerrard, 527

Pages, introduction of

Hickes, 9-10

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Bill 3)


Mackintosh, 189


Gerrard, 237

Laurendeau, 237

Mackintosh, 236-237

R/S, 449-450


Gerrard, 450


Liba, 487

Legislative Assembly Management Commission

Annual Report, 2002 (S.P. 1)

Hickes, 11

Legislative Assembly, Members of

Former Manitoba MLAs Association


63; ruled in order, 93

Remuneration (See Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Bill 3))

Resignation of Linda Asper (Riel)

Hickes, 561

Lemieux, Hon. Ron (La Verendrye) N.D.P.

Budget, 749-753

Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended) (Bill 201)

Government support, 471

Education and Youth, Department of

Supplementary information for Legislative Review (2003-2004) (S.P. 30), 783

Nicholls report

Class size and composition, 256-257

Oral Questions

Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended) (Bill 201)

Government support, 471

Nicholls report

Class size and composition, 256-257

Residential Education Support Levy (ESL)

Elimination, 602-603, 692-693

School division amalgamations

Salary harmonization costs, 691-692, 696

Sunrise School Division

Funding for collective agreements, 497, 570-57`

Salary harmonization, 497

Salary harmonization costs, 695

Public Schools Amendment Act (Appropriate Educational Programming) (Bill 17)

1R, 732

Residential Education Support Levy (ESL)

Elimination, 602-603, 692-693

School division amalgamations

Salary harmonization costs, 691-692, 696

Sunrise School Division

Funding for collective agreements, 497, 570-57`

Salary harmonization, 497

Salary harmonization costs, 695

Liba, Hon. Peter M., C.M. (Lieutenant Governor)

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 10)

R/A, 487

Fire Departments Arbitration Amendment Act (Bill 4)

R/A, 487

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Bill 3)

R/A, 487

Throne Speech, 1-9

Lighthouses program

Selinger, 505

Liquor Control Act. See Civil Remedies Against Organized Crime and Liquor Control Amendment Act (Bill 2)

Livestock industry

Environmental sustainability

Selinger, 509

Tuberculosis control

Cummings, 100-101, 101-102

Derkach, 102

Penner, Jack, 17, 430, 615

Wowchuk, 17-18, 100-101, 102, 430, 615

Load Line Manufacturing plant opening

Dyck, 381

Local Investment Council

Selinger, 506

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

Air ambulances

Usage policy, 66-67

Budget, 551-557

Cardiac surgery

Program review, 566-569, 647

Churchill High School Bulldogs

Legacy of Honour Dinner, 696

Geriatric psychiatric facility, northern Manitoba, 782

Health care system

Out-of-province treatment, 66-67

Patients in the hallways, 492-493

Private/public agreements, 254-255, 470-471

Health, Department of

Ministerial correspondence

Referral to regional health authorities, 426-427

Immunization programs

Funding, 647-648

Members' Statements

Churchill High School Bulldogs

Legacy of Honour Dinner, 696

Midwifery training program

Funding, 746

Nursing profession

Full-time employment opportunities, 136-137, 198-199, 327-328

Oral Questions

Air ambulances

Usage policy, 66-67

Cardiac surgery

Program review, 566-569, 647

Health care system

Out-of-province treatment, 66-67

Patients in the hallways, 492-493

Private/public agreements, 254-255, 470-471

Health, Department of

Ministerial correspondence

Referral to regional health authorities, 426-427

Immunization programs

Funding, 647-648

Midwifery training program

Funding, 746

Nursing profession

Full-time employment opportunities, 136-137, 198-199, 327-328

Orthopedic surgery

Waiting list, 14-15

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Management plan, 520-521, 563-565

Orthopedic surgery

Waiting list, 14-15


Geriatric psychiatric facility, northern Manitoba, 782

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Management plan, 520-521, 563-565

Smoke-Free Places Act (Non-Smokers Health Protection Act Amended) (Bill 200)

2R, 454-457

Throne Speech, 76-82

Debate, 58-61

Lyon, Sterling

St. Andrew's Society Citizen of the Year Award

Helwer, 335

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