Industrial Relations - 3rd Session - 37th Legislature
Sabourin, Janet (Private Citizen)
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5), 2-4
Retroactive clause, 3
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Public presenters
Bergen, 78-79
Business Council of Manitoba, 87-90
Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 49-53
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500, 78-79
Carr, 87-90
Fraser, 84-87
Huebert, 79-84
Labossière, 60-65
Ludnick, 57-60
Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council, 91-93
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, 68-73
Manitoba Employers Council, 60-65
Manitoba Home Builders Association, 84-87
Martens, 91-93
Mesman, 53-57
Occupational Health Centre, 57-60
Olfert, 73-78
Remillard, 65-68
Starmer, 68-73
United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 832, 53-57
Walker, 46-49
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, 65-68
Wiseman, 49-53
Workers of Tomorrow Health and Safety Campaign, 73-78
Written submissions
Business Council of Manitoba, 124-132
Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 144-150
Carr, 124-132
Hacault, 123-124
Huebert, 132-140
Labossièrre, 158-166
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, 140-144
Manitoba Employers Council, 158-166
Manitoba Pork Council, 123-124
Mining Association of Manitoba, 132-140
Remilliard, 150-158
Starmer, 140-144
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, 150-158
Wiseman, 144-150
Clause 3
Clause 7(2)
Clause 22
Clause 31(2)
Clause 32
Clause 33(2)
Clause 34
Schuler 112; defeated, 112, 113
Clause 38
Clause 40
Clause 42
Schuler 118; ruled out of order, 118
Accountability of employees
Wiseman, 50
Administrative penalties
Carr, 89
Fraser, 85
Huebert, 81
Labossière, 63
Olfert, 75
Schuler, 67
Walker, 48
Wiseman, 52
Appeal process
Mesman, 56
Wiseman, 51
Clarity of the legislation
Olfert, 74
Starmer, 71
Consensus recommendations
Huebert, 83
Consensus report
Murray, S., 90
Schuler, 88-89
Culture of safety
Director, powers of
Labossière, 62-63
Wiseman, 51-52
Directors' liability
Olfert, 76
Discriminatory action
Labossière, 62
Wiseman, 51
Education and training
Fraser, 86
Huebert, 81-82
Martens, 92
Employers, duties of
Olfert, 74
Wiseman, 50
Bergen, 79
Martens, 92
Ergonomics regulation
Bergen, 78
Ludnick, 58-59
False complaints, consequences for employees
Wiseman, 51
Fines and penalties, funding public education
Wiseman, 52
Health and safety plans
Ludnick, 58
Wiseman, 50
Improvement orders
Wiseman, 51
Improvement orders, noncompliance with
Gerrard, 72
Injury reduction target
Remillard, 66
Starmer, 70-71
Inquests, mandatory
Bergen, 79
Olfert, 76
Internal responsibility system
Mesman, 54
Joint Safety and Health committees
General comments
Mesman, 55
Olfert, 75
Walker, 47
Powers of
Mesman, 55-56
Mesman, 55
Recommendations and 30-day response
Bergen, 78
Worker representatives
Mesman, 55
Legislative review
Olfert, 75
Penalty assessments
Mesman, 56
Right to refuse work
Labossière, 61-62
Wiseman, 51
Safety and health officers, role of
Starmer, 69
Safety and health program, written
Olfert, 75
Safety statistics
Huebert, 80-81
Stop-work orders
Fraser, 85-86
Stress in the workplace
Ludnick, 59
Supervisors, duties of
Olfert, 74-75
Supervisors, responsibilities of
Bergen, 78
Mesman, 56
Training, definition of
Walker, 48
Training, mandatory
Olfert, 75
Unions, access to information
Mesman, 55
Wages and benefits during stop-work orders
Huebert, 80
Labossière, 61
Wiseman, 51
Wages and benefits during training
Wiseman, 50
Working alone regulation
Olfert, 76
Workplace Safety and Health committees
Duties of
Ludnick, 58
Young workers, safety initiatives for
Mesman, 54
Schedler, Gerry (Private Citizen)
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5), 10-11
Schuler, Ron (Springfield) P.C.
Architects Amendment Act (Bill 30)
Architect, definition of, 42
Penalties, disposition of, 41-42
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27)
Clause 3
Clause 7(2)
Clause 22
Clause 31(2)
Clause 32
Clause 34
Clause 38
Clause 40
Clause 42
Administrative penalties, 67
Consensus recommendations, 53
Consensus report, 88-89
Smith, Hon. Scott (Brandon West) N.D.P.
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 5)
Firefighters' regular hours of work, 8
Starmer, Graham (Manitoba Chambers of Commerce)
Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended) (Bill 27), 68-73
Written submission, 140-144
Administrative penalties, 70, 72-73
Clarity of the legislation, 71
Improvement orders, noncompliance with, 70, 72
Injury reduction target, 70-71
Safety and health officers, role of, 69