Law Amendments - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Law Amendments Index


Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, 281

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)


Clause 5

76; defeated, 79

Clause 17

82; ruled out of order, 83

Municipal by-laws, 76-78

Sunday openings--Video lottery terminals, 75-76

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Term limits, 313

Feely, Shawn (IMPACT, The Injury Prevention Centre of Children's Hospital)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, 280, 281-282

Learner stage, 280

Night driving restrictions, 280

Passenger restrictions, 280

Program evaluation, 280

Fisher, Lloyd (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, 126

Health care/aging concerns, 126

Flett, Francis (Manitoba Keewatniwi Okimakinak)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Diesel service customers, 228-231

First Nation communities--schools, 229-230

Rate standardization, 230-231

Fulton, Keith Louise (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Children's rights, 120-121


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