Agriculture - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature
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Agricore. See Silver, Neil (Agricore)
All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture
Public presenters
Arason, Greg, 285-289
Arnold, Lorne, 64-66
Association of Manitoba Municipalities, 48-52, 75-80
Baker, Andy, 194-198
Boguski, Lorne, 48-52
Boznianin, Dorothy, 222-227
Broadfoot, Duncan, 106-107
Canadian Federation of Agriculture, 296-301
Canadian Wheat Board, 285-289
Chapman, R. S., 165-166
Chuckry, Bill, 211-213
Cook, Edward, 315-319
Cowan, Art, 142-146
Dalmyn, Ron, 308-311
Dennis, Andrew, 86-90
Desrochers, Lynda, 90-91
Desrochers, Roger, 90-91
Dewar, Don, 274-279
Downing, Linda, 252-256
Downing, Murray, 14-18
Drul, Terry, 146-151
Drul, Wayne, 205-210
Duchanan, Ken, 140-142
Dusik, Joe, 256-261
Dutchyshen, Gaylene, 39-44
Elliott, Lavern, 66-68
Embryk, Fred, 52-56
Federowich, Joe, 61-64
Finlay, Walter, 152-156
Flett, Cameron, 35-39
Friesen, Robert, 296-301
Galbraith, Shirley, 311-315
Gluska, Leonard, 185-189
Grassroots Farmers, 14-18
Guilford, Celia, 322-323
Hacault, Marcel, 270-274
Hanlin, David, 80-82
Heeney, Dennis, 107-111
Howden, Gladys, 115-119
Kaastra, Renski, 156-161
Kelley, Brian, 218-222
Keystone Agricultural Producers, 59-61, 274-279
Keystone Agricultural Producers, Taxation and Alcohol Production Committee, 103-106
Kieper, Tom, 264-270
Kleebaum, Tim, 22-26
Knight, Daryl, 334-338
Kolisnyk, Walter, 56-59
Krieser, Donald, 20-22
Lussier, Gilbert, 289-291
Manitoba Pork Council, 270-274
Manitoba Pulse Growers Association, 301-303
Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Association, 156-161
Manitoba Women's Institute, 156-161
Marshall, Al, 31-35
Martens, Herm, 303-307
Mazur, Brad, 320-322
McGonigal, Larry, 227-229
McIntyre, Jan, 323-324
McPhee, Gordon, 59-61
Melnyk, Ed, 18-20
Melnyk, James Warren, 245-247
Melnyk, Susan, 85-86
Morningstar, Bill, 103-106
Motheral, Wayne, 75-80
Mowbray, Tom, 122-127
Mroz, Brad, 198-202
Newton, Weldon, 135-140
Oster, David, 332-334
Palahicky, Perry, 82-85
Paterson, Kathleen, 247-252
Paterson, Kirsty, 127-129
Peltz, Lloyd, 26-31
Penner, Dan, 301-303
Penner, Jim Reeve, RM of Wallace, 160-164
Pogson, Val, 323
Provincial Coalition for Responsible Resource Management, 308-311
Puchailo, Sydney, 44-48
Raffard, Marc, 291-296
Redpath, Larry, 94-96
Roeland, Claude, 214-217
Schellenberg, Dolores and Ken, 326-331
Sokal, John, 202-205
Southwest Lobby Group, 152
Stephenson, Hugh, 72-75
Stevenson, L. J. (Roy), 101-103
Temple, Gary, 97-101
Tymko, Al, 189-194
United Grain Growers, 205-210
Waddell, Ken, 131-135
Walker, Larry, 111-115
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, 315-319
Westfall, Harvey, 261-264
Wheat City Seeds, 119-122
Whetter, Bernie, 119-122
Wishart, Ian, 279-285
Yuill, Ken, 217-218
Written submissions
Agricore, 265-269
Bartley, Gordon, 170-171
Brown, Dorothy, 412-413
Cochraine, Bill, 177-179
Combs, Shannon, 350-351
Desrocher, Cindy, 166-167
Drul, Wayne, 205-209
Ellis, Warren, 175-177
Franklin, Glen, 346-350
Glenn, Diana, 172
Goethals, Roger, 230-231
Groening, Ben, 341-343
Hacault, Marcel, 353-356
Hathaway, Neil, 343-344
Kelly, Tom, 344-345
Keystone Agricultural Producers, Rural Development Committee
Kieper, Tom, 369-373
Manitoba Canola Growers Association, 175-177
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, 231-233, 350-351
Manitoba Pork Council, 352-353
McLean, Robert, 363-365
McNabb, Robert, 180-181
Minnedosa Focus Group, 180-18
Prairie Winds Clothing, 412-413
Radcliffe, Robert, 409-410
Ramsey, Doug, 167-169
Redfern Ray, 172-175
Riley, Tony, 410-412
Robson, Ian, 233-234
Rogasky, Tim, 171
Rural Disaster Recovery Coalition, 172-175
Silver, Neil, 365-369
Solas, Wayne, 169-170
South Norfolk--Treheren Community Development Corporation, 341-343
Stevenson, L. J. (Roy), 179-180
Strathclair Council and Youth
Thompson, Gordon, 180-181
Turenne Maynard, Julie, 231-233
Twin Valley Co-op, 169-170
United Grain Growers, 234-242
VanHumbeck, Perry, 345-346
Wishart, Ian, 356-363
Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance
Friesen, R., 299
Kieper, 264-265
Knight, 335
Lussier, 290
Melnyk, 246
Melnyk, S., 86
Motheral, 77
Aging farm population
Kolisnyk, 58
Wowchuk, 58
Best management cropping practices
Pogson, 323
Biosafety protocol
Friesen, R., 299-300
Chemicals and fertilizers
Dusik, 257-258
Commodity prices
Mowbray, 123
Penner, D., 302
Corporate interests
Dalmyn, 308
Drul, T., 147
Duchanan, 141
Kolisnyk, 58
Walker, 112-113
Cost of production
Hanlin, 80
Puchailo, 44
Stephenson, 73
Wowchuk, 34
Disaster assistance
Ashton, 385
Cook, 318
Cummings, 20
Downing, L., 253
Downing, M., 16
Knight, 335
Penner, Jack, 21-22
Puchailo, 45
Roeland, 214
Smith, S., 134-135
Stephenson, 73
Waddell, 135
Export enhancement programs
Arason, 288-289
Maguire, 288
Family farm, future of
Galbraith, 313-314
Penner, Jack, 313-314
Family farms, future of
Dewar, D., 276
Farm incomes
Martens, 304
Federal support
Drul, W., 206
Fertilizer/chemical use
Westfall, 262
Food and mouth disease
Gerrard, 159-160
Kaastra, 159-160
Free trade agreements
Cook, 317
Friesen, R., 297-298
Raffard, 292-293
Wowchuk, 292
Freight rates
Gerrard, 21
Krieser, 21
GMO commodities
Wowchuk, 42
GMO products
Dusik, 258
High protein wheat
Gerrard, 34-35
Marshall, 34-35
Input costs
Dewar, D., 275
Friesen, R., 297
Kaastra, 159
Kieper, 265
Knight, 336
Krieser, 21
Lussier, 290
Martens, 303-304
Penner, Jack, 296
Raffard, 296
Land transfers, generation to generation
Roeland, 215
Wowchuk, 215
Land use policies
Kaastra, 158
Land use policy
Sokal, 203
Long-term agricultural policy
Friesen, R., 300
New loans
Puchailo, 45
Noise complaints
Kaastra, 158
Off-farm employment
Puchailo, 45
Organic crops
Puchailo, 46
Organic production
Westfall, 262-263
wow, 262
Production costs
Howden, 115
Westfall, 261-263
Research and development
Dutchyshen, 41
Set-aside program
Wishart, 281
Administrative costs
Wishart, 283
Wowchuk, 283
Boznianin, 225-226
Conservation cover program
Wishart, 280
Cummings, 284
Wishart, 283
Wowchuk, 283
Grazing management
Wishart, 280
Maguire, 284-285
Marketplace, impact on
Wishart, 281-282
Negative impacts
Wishart, 282
Penner, Jack, 284
Permanent riparian areas
Wishart, 280
Pitura, 202
Praznik, 225-226
Program integration
Gerrard, 283
Wishart, 283
Transition issue
Wishart, 282
Water storage areas
Wishart, 281
Wishart, 284-285
Wowchuk, 200
Dutchyshen, 40
Arason, 286-287
Ashton, 385
Cook, 319
Drul, T., 149
Friesen, R., 297-298
Kieper, 265-266
Maguire, 319
McIntyre, 324
Penner, D., 302
Penner, Jack, 149, 216-217, 396
Raffard, 292
Roeland, 216-217
Schellenberg, K., 328
Subsidized production
Walker, 111-112
Subsidy levels
Flett, C., 36
Wowchuk, 38
Guilford, 323
Sustainable development
Gerrard, 205
McIntyre, 323-324
Penner, Jack, 205
Sokal, 205
Tax incentive programs
Motheral, 77
Wowchuk, 77
Technology, impact of
Kieper, 266
Transportation and elevator fees
Marshall, 32-33
Transportation costs
Ashton, 144
Howden, 115
Martens, 304
Penner, Jack, 146
Schellenberg, K., 328
Westfall, 262
Transportation system
Ashton, 141
Cook, 316-317
Duchanan, 141-142
U.S. subsidies
Duchanan, 140-141
Kieper, 266
Value-added processing
Arason, 288
Drul, W., 208
Economic benefits
Kelley, 220
GMO products
Kelley, 221
Lussier, 290
Motheral, 77
Product development
Kelley, 219
Public sector support
Kelley, 220
Research and development
Wowchuk, 418
Yuill, 218
Value-added projects
Embryk, 53
Young farmer incentives
Arnold, 64-65
Dutchyshen, 41
Elliott, 66-67
Friesen, R., 298
Kaastra, 157
McPhee, 59-60
Melnyk, S., 86
Penner, Jack, 246-247
Puchailo, 45
Wowchuk, 86
Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance
Federowich, 62
Income calculations
Gerrard, 61
McPhee, 61
Free trade agreements
Hacault, 271
Sustainable development
Hacault, 270-271
Alternative energy
Tax incentives
Praznik, 200
Ambulance service
Rural Manitoba
Mowbray, 125
Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of
Drainage system
Gerrard, 193
Penner, Jack, 194
Praznik, 193
Wowchuk, 193
Agriculture initiatives
Schellenberg, K., 327
Canada Wheat Board
Dusik, 257
Canada-Manitoba Adjustment Program
Peltz, 30
Penner, Jack, 29-30
Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program
Baker, 197
Gerrard, 197
Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program 2
Dewar, D., 275
Canadian Farm Income Program
Penner, Jack, 148-149
Wowchuk, 151
Committee report
Wowchuk, 418
Commodity prices
Arason, 287-288
Ashton, 287
Commodity pricing
Friesen, R., 298
Kieper, 266
Temple, 99
Conservation districts
Tymko, 192
Wowchuk, 224
Maguire, 48
Puchailo, 48-49
Crop insurance
Boznianin, 223
Cost of production formula
Chuckry, 211-213
Gerrard, 211
Maguire, 213
Martens, 307
Melnyk, 246
Paterson, Kathleen, 252
Penner, Jack, 213
Wowchuk, 212
Dewar, D., 278-279
Gerrard, 247, 263, 278, 291, 319
Input costs
Temple, 98
Penner, D., 301
Penner, Jack, 263
Pitura, 291
Downing, M., 16-17
Melnyk, 246
Wowchuk, 246
Unseeded acres
Paterson, Kathleen, 250
Wowchuk, 250
Westfall, 263-264
Crop residue burning
Mroz, 199
Crow benefit
Embryk, 56
Wowchuk, 56
Crow benefit--elimination
Dutchyshen, 42
Wowchuk, 42
Crow rate, elimination of
Cummings, 389
Economic impact
Maguire, 100
Wowchuk, 99
Kieper, 267
Mroz, 201
Penner, Jack, 394-395
Delegation to Ottawa
Derkach, 383
Gerrard, 387
Penner, Jack, 381-382
Pitura, 394
Smith, S., 406
Draft report
Wowchuk, 419
Drainage system
Galbraith, 314-315
Gerrard, 215, 225, 228, 314-315
Martens, 305
McGonigal, 227-229
Oster, 332-334
Praznik, 205
Roeland, 215
Wowchuk, 204
Drainage systems
Mroz, 198
Education levies
Agricultural land
Penner, Jack, 20
Education programs
Agriculture curriculum
Tymko, 190
Urban-rural awareness
Kaastra, 157
Elevator closures
Embryk, 52-53
Martens, 306
Ethanol industry
Ashton, 106
Krieser, 21
Morningstar, 103-106
Wowchuk, 105
Murray, 252
Paterson, Kathleen, 252
Family farms
Wowchuk, 148
Federal agriculture committee
Maguire, 403-404
Manitoba meeting request
Gerrard, 398
Penner, Jack, 395
Pitura, 394
Smith, S., 405-406
Wowchuk, 389-390, 398-399, 401, 418
Wowchuk, 407
Federal ministers
Meeting requests
Ashton, 385
Smith, S., 388
Financial institutions
Agricultural loans
Gerrard, 269
Kieper, 269
Flooding (1999)
Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance
Gerrard, 17
Ashton, 251
Derkach, 251
Disaster assistance
Ashton, 153-154
Cowan, 145
Finlay, 152-155
Gerrard, 154
Maguire, 145
Temple, 97-98
Wowchuk, 391
Downing, L., 252
Maguire, 250
Paterson, Kathleen, 248, 250-251
Foot and mouth disease
Dutchyshen, 43
Gerrard, 43
Free trade agreements
Hanlin, 81
Howden, 115
Wowchuk, 81
Government agencies, co-operation of
Kaastra, 157
Grain and oilseed sector
Chapman, 165
Grain elevators
Ashton, 100
Embryk, 55
Dutchyshen, 42-43
Penner, Jack, 42-43
Grain transportation
Morningstar, 103
Downing, M., 15
Port of Churchill
Embryk, 53
Grains and oilseed sector
Commodity pricing
Newton, 136
Free trade agreements
Newton, 137
Global market
Newton, 136
Government support
Gerrard, 140
Wowchuk, 138
Input costs
Newton, 139
Wowchuk, 139
Land use policies
Newton, 137
Marketing system
Newton, 138
Newton, 135
U.S. subsidies
Newton, 137
Grains and oilseeds
Marketing system
Cook, 316
Pricing options
Cook, 316
Gross Revenue Insurance Program
Baker, 194
Temple, 98
Cummings, 19-20
Highway construction/maintenance
Ashton, 109
Heeney, 109-110
Highway 25
Heeney, 108
Penner, Jack, 109
Trans-Canada Highway
Heeney, 108
Infrastructure funding
Motheral, 79
Hog industry
Dalmyn, 308-310
Gerrard, 145
Income Assurance Program
Downing, L., 254-256
Dusik, 260-261
Gerrard, 255
Maguire, 256
Penner, Jack, 255
Wowchuk, 254
Income tax system
Farm losses
Livestock industry
Dutchyshen, 40
Feed costs
Hacault, 273
Penner, Jack, 273
Hacault, 270
Identification program
Gerrard, 48-49
Production skills
Faurschou, 274
Hacault, 274
Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation
Credit extension
Penner, Jack, 395-396
Land transfers--intergenerational
Knight, 337
Wowchuk, 337
Downing, M., 16
Gerrard, 272
Hacault, 272
Puchailo, 46
Wowchuk, 46
Young farmer incentives
Federowich, 62
Marginal land
Flett, C., 36
Net Income Stabilization Account
Cummings, 294
Drul, W., 209-210
Gerrard, 100-101
Kieper, 265
Maguire, 196
Melnyk, S., 86
Raffard, 294
Federowich, 64
Wowchuk, 64
Temple, 101
Wowchuk, 209-210
Net Income Stabilization Account
Galbraith, 312
Penner, D., 302
Wowchuk, 312
Organization meeting
Derkach, 2-3, 6-7, 7, 9, 10-11
Dewar, 8
Nevakshonoff, 10
Penner, Jack, 2, 3, 5-6, 8, 9, 10-11
Wowchuk, 2-11
Pogson, 323
Prairie Grain Roads Program
Ashton, 210
Drul, W., 210
Praznik, 210
Urban centres
Ashton, 51
Prime Minister
Meeting requests
Gerrard, 402
Wowchuk, 380-381, 391, 399-400, 415-419
Penner, Jack, 419-420
Rossburn, Rural Municipality of
Land sales
Gerrard, 19
RTAC highways
Gerrard, 102
Rural Manitoba
Duchanan, 141
Gerrard, 51
Guilford, 322-323
Economic development
Wowchuk, 50-51
Safety net programs
Downing, M., 14-15
Auditing system
Maguire, 294-295
Raffard, 295
Cook, 317
Cost of production
Pitura, 215
Roeland, 215
Cost of production formula
Ashton, 150
Chapman, 165-166
Cummings, 294
Downing, M., 18
Galbraith, 313
Howden, 116-117
Kaastra, 157
Kieper, 270
Maguire, 273
Peltz, 27
Penner, Jack, 18
Raffard, 294
Stephenson, 73
Crop reserve program
Pogson, 323
Downing, L., 253
Drul, W., 209
Federowich, 63-64
Gerrard, 63
McPhee, 60
Penner, D., 302
Puchailo, 45-46
Wowchuk, 302
Fairness and equity
Peltz, 27
Food security
Maguire, 295
Raffard, 295
Free trade agreements
Baker, 198
Maguire, 216
Roeland, 216
Wowchuk, 198
Friesen, R., 296-297, 298-299, 300-301
Oster, 334
Wowchuk, 334
Galbraith, 312
Gerrard, 301
Guaranteed income
Stevenson, 102
Income assurance program
Temple, 99
Wowchuk, 99
Knight, 335
Loan deficiency payment program, U.S.
Maguire, 303
Penner, D., 303
Long-term plan
Paterson, Kathleen, 249
Long-term solutions
Kieper, 269
Wowchuk, 268-269
Long-term strategy
Penner, Jack, 382
Wowchuk, 391
Long-term strategy--consultations
Derkach, 277-278
Dewar, D., 277-278
Maguire, 196
Paterson, Kathleen, 249
Penner, Jack, 197, 301, 325-326
Pitura, 293
Policy Failure Offset Program
Cook, 318
Provincial comparisons--Québec
Lussier, 291
Penner, Jack, 291
Raffard, 293
Revenue insurance program
Wowchuk, 57-58
Wowchuk, 418
Set-aside program
Cummings, 64
Federowich, 64
Gerrard, 58-59
Kieper, 269-270
McIntyre, 324-325
Smith, S., 269
Short-term issues
Penner, Jack, 419-420
Smith, S., 388
Wowchuk, 391
Stephenson, 73
U.S. programs
Baker, 197
Federowich, 64
Value-added processing
McIntyre, 326
School divisions
Mowbray, 124-125
Taxation system
Farm fuels, 260
Education levy
Lussier, 290
Puchailo, 45
Raffard, 292
Waddell, 132
Farm fuels
Cook, 317-318
Dewar, D., 279
Drul, W., 208
Dusik, 260
Mroz, 201
Wowchuk, 38-39
Income tax
Faurschou, 160
Input costs
Faurschou, 274
Hacault, 274
Waddell, 134
Wowchuk, 398
Input costs--Goods and Services Tax
Martens, 304
Input costs--Provincial Sales Tax
Martens, 304
Provincial sales tax--production buildings
Dewar, D., 276
Raffard, 292
Tax on food
Embryk, 53
Flett, C., 36
Kaastra, 158
Tax on food production
Cook, 317
Time frame
Gerrard, 402
Wowchuk, 419
Trade balance
Penner, Jack, 133
Transportation infrastructure
Ashton, 306
Penner, Jack, 307
Transportation system
Drul, W., 208
Derkach, 382-383
Penner, Jack, 381
Western premiers, involvement of
Smith, S., 405
Whetter, 119-122
Arason, Gregy (Canadian Wheat Board)
All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture
Export enhancement programs, 288-289
Subsidization, 286-287
Value-added processing, 288
Commodity prices, 287-288
Arnold, Lorne (Private Citizen)
All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture
Young farmer incentives, 64-65
Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.
All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture
Disaster assistance, 385
Subsidization, 385
Transportation costs, 144
Transportation system, 141
Commodity prices, 287
Crow rate, elimination of, 201, 384, 386
Elevator closures, 52-53, 126, 306
Ethanol industry
Expansion, 106
Federal ministers
Meeting requests, 385
Flooding (1999), 251
Disaster assistance, 153-154
Grain elevators
Closures, 100
Highway construction/maintenance, 109
Infrastructure funding
Ashton, 79
Prairie Grain Roads Program, 210
Urban centres, 51
Safety net programs
Cost of production formula, 150
Taxation system
Farm fuels, 201, 260, 279, 384
Transportation infrastructure, 306
Association of Manitoba Municipalities. See Boguski, Lorne (Association of Manitoba Municipalities); Motheral, Wayne (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)