2nd Session 37th Legislature
All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture
Economic Development Committee
Bill 17-The Student Aid Act
Bill 18 - The Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act
Bill 19-The Crown Lands Amendment Act
Bill 26 - The Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act
Bill 39-The Archives and Recordkeeping Act
Bill 301-The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company and National Trust Company Act
Industrial Relations Committee
Bill 2-The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act
Bill 3-The Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act
Bill 4-The Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act
Bill 6-The Pension Benefits Amendment Act
Bill 5-The Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act
Bill 6-The Enhanced Debt Collection(Various Acts Amended) Act
Bill 7-The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act
Bill 8-The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act
Bill 9- The Vital Statistics Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 10-The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 11 -The Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 12-The Real Property Amendment Act
Bill 13-The Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 14-The Consumer Protection Amendment Act
Bill 15-The Mortgage Amendment Act
Bill 21-The Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council Act
Bill 22-The Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 23-The Highway Traffic Amendment Act
Bill 24-The Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 27-The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2)
Bill 29- The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act
Bill 30-The Securities Amendment Act
Bill 33-The Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (2)
Bill 35-The Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended) Act
Bill 37-The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act
Bill 40-The Podiatrists Act
Bill 41- An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M v. H.
Bill 42-The Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act
Bill 46-The Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act
Bill 49-The Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2001
Bill 300-The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Incorporation Amendment Act
Bill 16-The Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act
Bill 20-The Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 25-The Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 28-The Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act
Bill 31 -The Municipal Assessment Amendment Act
Bill 32 - The City of Winnipeg Amendment Act
Bill 34 - The Municipal Amendment Act
Bill 38-The Local Authorities Election Amendment Act
Bill 43- The Auditor General Act
Bill 48 - The City of Winnipeg Amendment (Pensions) Act
Bill 50-The Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act