Law Amendments - 1st Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Law Amendments Index


Victims' Rights Amendment Act (Bill 32)


Clause 4


142; passed, 143

143; passed, 144

144; passed, 144


Mackintosh, 140

Consultation with Crown attorneys

Praznik, 138

Dangerous offenders

Mackintosh, 143-144

Free and independent counsel

Mandzuik, 110

General destination upon release

Mandzuik, 110

Investigation jeopardization

Mackintosh, 141-142

Praznik, 141-142

Opening remarks

Praznik, 138-139

Opinions on alternative measures and release

Mandzuik, 108-109


Mandzuik, 108

Public presentations

Mandzuik, 108-10

Right to be consulted about prosecution

Mandzuik, 109

Right to information about investigation

Mandzuik, 110-111

Praznik, 110-111


Mackintosh, 112, 140, 142-143

Mandzuik, 108, 111, 113

Penner, Jim, 111, 140

Praznik, 111, 138, 142-143

Vigier, Claude (Association des éducatrices et éducateurs franco-mantiobains)

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42), 234-39

Arbitration, 238-239

Class size and composition, 237

Education system–funding formula, 239

Labour Relations Act, 237

Management rights, 238

Property taxes, impact on, 237-238

Teacher shortage, 238

Vrsnik, Victor (Canadian Taxpayers Federation)

Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 41)

Application to government change, 101, 102-103

Debt retirement–repayment schedule, 101

Definitions, 101

Pension liability, 103

Provincial comparisons, 103

Taxpayer protection, 101-102

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42), 339-340

Property taxes, impact on, 339-341



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