Law Amendments - 3rd Session - 36th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Law Amendments Index


Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Employer contribution holidays

Doyle, 118, 119

Reid, 119

Self-directed funds

Doyle, 118

Gilleshammer, 125

Reid, 125

Surplus pension funds

Doyle, 118, 119

Gilleshammer, 124-125

Reid, 119, 124-125

Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Opening remarks

Maloway, 24

Provincial Court Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

Nominating committee

Mackintosh, 268, 270

Toews, 268, 270

Nonpartisan appointments

Mackintosh, 269

Toews, 269

Public Utilities Board Amendment Act (Bill 9), 123-124

Conditional regulations

O'Neill, 115, 116

Purpose section

O'Neill, 114-115



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