Sex Offender


Date of Notification – September 13, 2024

Name: Brett Russell Jeffrey PILCH

Convicted of: indecent phone calls (9 counts), harassing phone calls (5 counts), utter threats (7 counts), sexual assault, criminal harassment (3 counts), assault, failing to comply with probation and recognizance (13 counts), and theft from mail (9 counts).

Nature of Risk: All females are at risk


Image of Brett Russell Jeffrey PILCH

Appearance may have changed since photo was taken

The Manitoba Integrated High Risk Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) is a joint forces unit of the Winnipeg Police Service and the RCMP. MIHRSOU today provides information regarding Brett Russell Jeffrey PILCH, 59 years of age, a convicted sex offender who is considered high risk to re-offend in a sexual manner.

PILCH will be released from Stony Mountain Institution, Manitoba on September 13, 2024. He is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg.

Brett Russell Jeffrey PILCH, born May 26, 1965, is 5’6” (170 cm), weighs 67 kg (147 lbs), has brown hair, blue eyes and is Caucasian, Scar under chin and above right eyebrow; Tattoos – left forearm “Bonnie.”

PILCH has a history of sexual offences in relation to females, usually young adult women. Although he has attended sexual offender treatment in the past, PILCH is still considered high risk to re-offend. All females are at risk of sexual violence and harassment of a sexual nature, particularly stalking and voyeurism.

This information is provided to enable members of the public to take suitable measures to protect themselves. Any form of vigilante activity or other unreasonable conduct directed at Mr. PILCH will not be tolerated.

If you have any information regarding PILCH, and wish to speak directly to a police officer, please call the Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) at (431) 489-8056 or contact the Winnipeg Police Service at (204) 986-6222, your local RCMP Detachment, or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at (204) 786-8477 or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.

Background information:

Brett Russell Jeffrey PILCH is a 59-year-old male with a lengthy criminal record for making indecent phone calls (9 counts), harassing phone calls (5 counts), utter threats (7 counts), sexual assault, criminal harassment (3 counts), assault, failing to comply with probation and recognizance (13 counts), and theft from mail (9 counts).

Over a period of approximately 30 years, PILCH has repeatedly engaged in predatory behaviour, where he has sexually harassed women with whom he has had no prior relationship, by repeated telephone calls that are sexually and physically threatening, and, by stalking behaviour. This harassing sexual conduct usually takes place over the telephone, but has, on occasion, taken the form of direct physical sexual violence. PILCH has repeatedly failed to comply with probation and recognizance orders by possessing and using a cell phone, having contact with females under 18 years and being involved in a relationship with a female while failing to notify his probation officer. He has also approached unknown females making sexually harassing and threatening comments, and, on occasion following the females as they tried to avoid contact with PILCH.

PILCH has served several federal sentences for his criminal behaviour described above.

PILCH was released on September 13, 2024. He will be subject to the following conditions including, but not limited to:

  • Report to probation officer;
  • Not to have contact with or be in the presence of any female actually or apparently under the age of eighteen (18) years, except for unavoidable encounters in a public place and except in the company of an adult approved in writing, in advance, by Probation Services;
  • Attend, complete and follow the rules of any assessment, treatment, counselling, and/or community programming as directed by probation officer;
  • Not to possess weapons;
  • Observe a curfew between 10pm and 7am, except for verifiable emergencies or when you are given special permission in writing, in advance, by your probation officer, and be subject to curfew checks;
  • Not to have contact and communication with any sex trade worker; and
  • Not to attend any establishment featuring strippers.

Upon release, PILCH is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

PILCH has attended sex offender treatment programs, however, he is still considered high risk to re-offend sexually. All females are at risk of sexual violence and harassment of a sexual nature, particularly stalking and voyeurism.