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The BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Program

A chance to learn.

A chance to grow.

The BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Program provides bursaries to post-secondary students in Manitoba.

To be eligible, you must be living in subsidized rental housing or receive a rental subsidy funded by Manitoba Housing. This includes individuals living in:

  • direct-managed housing
  • sponsor-managed housing
  • non-profit housing
  • co-op housing
  • urban native housing

or receiving:

  • a rent supplement funded by Manitoba Housing

Bursaries are awarded based on academic achievement and volunteer participation.

**Starting in 2024, the BUILDINGFoundations Bursary is now available to eligible full-time and part-time post-secondary students.

How to apply for a BUILDINGFoundations Bursary:

Applications will be accepted until November 30, 2024. Applications received after the November 30, 2024 deadline will not be considered.

Open and complete the fillable PDF application form (PDF) of your choice (English or French version of the application form). Be sure to sign all required declarations. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Once filled, please print the completed application. You can then scan and attach the application form to an email and send it to Alternatively, you can mail a printed copy of your application to:

  • BUILDINGFoundations Bursary
    2nd Floor – 352 Donald Street
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 2H8.

Bursary for Post-Secondary Students:

$2,000 bursaries are awarded to successful post-secondary students enrolled in full time studies and $1,000 bursaries are awarded to successful part-time students. To be eligible to receive a bursary all students must attend a post-secondary institution in Manitoba. This includes universities, colleges and trade schools Applicants must also indicate how they participate in their community through volunteering, including all volunteer roles and activities over the past three years.

At least 60 per cent of these Bursaries are available to students of Indigenous ancestry (First Nations, Inuit, or Métis students).

One of the bursaries may be successfully awarded to a graduate student studying at a Manitoba university. The graduate student may be offered a summer internship with the Department of Housing, Addictions and Homelessness where a position exists in either the applicant’s field or a related field of study.

You can help students pursue their education goals and future dreams by making a donation to the BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Fund by visiting The Winnipeg Foundation or by calling the Foundation at 204.944.9474 (toll-free 1.877.974.3631).

You can also complete and mail the Student Success through your donation - The BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Fund donation form (PDF)

Where can I get more information about the BUILDINGFoundations Bursary?

Contact us at:

Department of Housing, Addictions and Homelessness - Manitoba Housing
2nd Floor - 352 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2H8
Phone: 204-945-4663
Toll free: 1-800-661-4663
Fax: 204-945-5710



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