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Regulatory Sandbox Pilot Project

The Family Resolution Service (“FRS”) has launched a new pilot program that came into effect on August 30, 2024, based on The Law Society of Manitoba’s (“the Law Society”) Regulatory Sandbox Pilot Project initiative. Our Family Guides – Court Operations Specialist (“Guides”) are now able to offer limited legal advice to the public in navigating the court process.

The Guides are experienced in providing information as to rules and procedures under the Court of King’s Bench Act and Rules but are not practising lawyers governed by the Law Society under The Legal Professions Act. The Law Society requires the FRS to disclose the following information to the public about our pilot program:

  • Our Services are not provided by a lawyer regulated by the Law Society. As a result, our communications with clients are not subject to solicitor - client privilege and we may be required to disclose to a third party such communications and any documents you provide in relation to our advice and assistance.
  • The Family Resolution Service is a Branch of the Courts Division of Manitoba Justice, a Department within the Government of Manitoba, and therefore is self-insured for errors or omissions made in the delivery of legal services.
  • There is no statutory complaint process under The Legal Professions Act in relation to services that we provide. Manitoba Justice has its own complaint process.
  • The Law Society has not evaluated the competence, character and/or fitness of a Guide to provide limited legal services; and
  • We are providing our services through the operation of the Law Society of Manitoba’s regulatory sandbox pilot program. There is no guarantee of completion of your matter using this service delivery model.

Please visit the Law Society’s regulatory sandbox webpage for more information.