Hydrogen Steering Committee
The Manitoba Hydrogen Steering Committee was formed to provide broad direction on development of potential hydrogen opportunities for Manitoba.
The Committee consists of core stakeholders with direct interest or involvement in hydrogen development, including the following organizations:
- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
- City of Winnipeg
- Community and Economic Development Committee of Cabinet
- Kraus Global
- Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade
- Manitoba Hydro
- Manitoba Infrastructure
- Natural Resources Canada
- New Flyer Industries
- Red River College
- University of Manitoba
- University of Winnipeg
- Vehicle Technology Centre Inc.
Contact Information:
Robert Parsons, MBA, P.Eng.
Hydrogen Specialist
Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade
Energy Development Initiative
12th Floor - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3H8
Phone: (204) 945-6077
Fax: (204) 943-0031
Email: robert.parsons@gov.mb.ca