3rd Session 37th Legislature
Industrial Relations Committee
Bill 5-The Workers Compensation Amendment Act
Bill 27-The Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended)
Bill 29-The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act
Bill 30-The Architects Amendment Act
Bill 2-The Security Management (Various Acts Amended) Act
Bill 3-The Highway Traffic Amendment and Summary Convictions Amendment Act
Bill 4-The Order of Manitoba Amendment Act
Bill 6-The Fortified Buildings Act
Bill 7-The Local Authorities Election Amendment Act
Bill 8-The Limitation of Actions Amendment Act
Bill 10-The Environment Amendment Act
Bill 13-The Medical Laboratory Technologists Act
Bill 14-The Public Schools Modernization Act (Public Schools Act Amended)
Bill 15-The Fatal Accidents Amendment Act
Bill 16-The Class Proceedings Act
Bill 17-The Cooperatives Amendment Act
Bill 18-The Special Survey Amendment Act
Bill 19-The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act
Bill 21-The Partnership Amendment and Business Names Registration Amendment Act
Bill 22-The Public Schools Amendment Act (Francophone School Division Governance Structure); Loi modifiant Ia Loi sur Jes ecoles publiques (structure de gestion de la division scolaire de langue franaise)
Bill 23-The Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Amendment Act
Bill 24-The Securities Amendment Act
Bill 25-The Hearing Aid Amendment Act
Bill 26-The Occupational Therapists Act
Bill 28-The Registered Dietitians Act
Bill 31 -The Medical Amendment (Physician Profiles and Miscellaneous Amendments)
Bill 32-The Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act
Bill 33-The Private Vocational Institutions Act
Bill 34-The Charter Compliance Act
Bill 35-The Child and Family Services Authorities Act
Bill 36-The Drinking Water Safety Act
Bill 37-The Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act
Bill 38-The Public Health Amendment Act
Bill 40-The Highway Traffic Amendment Act
Bill 41-The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act
Bill 42-The Off-Road Vehicles Amendment Act
Bill 43-The Polar Bear Protection Act
Bill 44--The Provincial Police Amendment (Aboriginal Policing) Act
Bill 48-The Legal Profession Act
Bill 49-The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act
Bill 50-The Resource Tourism Operators Act
Bill 51-The Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2002
Bill 53-The Common-Law Partners' Property and Related Amendments Act
Bill 54-The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Amendment (Conflict of Interest Commissioner) Act
Bill 300-An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Portage District General Hospital Foundation
Bill 20-The Adult Learning Centres Act
Bill 27-The Safer Workplaces Act (Workplace Safety and Health Act Amended)
Bill 39-The City of Winnipeg Charter Act
Bill 41-The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act
Bill 49-The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act
301-The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Holding Company Limited Additional Powers
Bill 302-The Congregation Etz
Chayim Amalgamation Act
Bill 303-The Salvation Army William and Catherine
Booth College Incorporation
Bill 304-The Winnipeg Real Estate Board Incorporation
Amendment Act
Priviliges and Elections Committee
Bill 9-The Canadian Forces Personnel (Amendments Relating to Voting Rights and Driving Privileges) Act