1st Session 37th Legislature



Industrial Relations Committee


Bill 3-The Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Amendment Act

Bill 18-The Labour Relations Amendment Act

Bill 18-The Labour Relations Amendment Act

Bill 44-The Labour Relations Amendment Act (2)

Bill 47-The Civil Service Amendment Act



Municipal Affairs Committee


Bill 2- The City of Winnipeg Amendment Act


Public Utilities and Natural Resources Committee


Bill 5-The Wildlife Amendment Act

Bill 6-The Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 7-The Protection for Persons in Care Act

Bill 14-The Provincial Railways Amendment Act

Bill 15-The Water Rights Amendment Act

Bill 16--The City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (2)

Bill 21 -The Water Resources Administration Amendment Act

Bill 29-The Health Sciences Centre Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 31-The Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer Protection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act

Bill 35-The Planning Amendment Act

Bill 37-The Miscellaneous Health Statutes Repeal Act

Bill 43-The Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 48-The Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act


Law Amendments Committee


Bill 8-The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 9-The Court Security Act

Bill 10-The Cooperatives Amendment Act

Bill 11 -The Winnipeg Stock Exchange Restructuring and Consequential Amendments Act

Bili 12-The Public Schools Amendment Act

Bill 13-The Taxicab Amendment Act

Bill 19-The Holocaust Memorial Day Act

Bill 20-The Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act

Bill 22-The Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Amendment Act

Bill 23-The Jury Amendment Act

Bill 24-The Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act

Bill 25-The Interpretation and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 26-The Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act

Bill 27-The Correctional Services Amendment Act

Bill 28-The Northern Affairs Amendment and Planning Amendment Act

Bill 30-The Social Services Administration Amendment Act

Bill 32-The Victims' Rights Amendment Act

Bill 33-The Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 34-The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2000

Bill 36-The Summary Convictions Act

Bill 39-The Insurance Amendment Act

Bill 40-The Business Names Registration Amendment, Corporations Amendment and Partnership Amendment Act

Bill 41-The Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 42-The Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

Bill 45-The Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act


Privileges and Elections Committee


Bill 4-The Elections Finances Amendment Act

Bill 17-The Elections Amendment Act