4th Session 36th Legislature
Economic Development Committee
Bill 47-The Brandon University Act
Bill 48-The Mennonite College Federation and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 49-The University of Winnipeg Act
Bill 50-The Universities Establishment Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 2-The Treasury Branches Repeal Act
Bill 3-The Elections Finances Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 4-The Child and Family Services Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 5-The Agricultural Credit Corporation Amendment Act
Bill 6-The Animal Liability and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 7-The Public Utilities Board Amendment Act
Bill 8-The Real Property Amendment Act
Bill 9-The Mines and Minerals Amendment Act
Bill 10-The Mining Tax Amendment Act
Bill 11-The Elections Amendment Act
Bill 12-The Addictions Foundation Amendment Act
Bill 13-The Prescription Drugs Cost Assistance Amendment Act
Bill 14-The Executions Amendment Act
Bill 15-The Dutch Elm Disease Act
Bill 16-The Water Resources Administration Amendment Act
Bill 17- The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act
Bill 18-The Registry Amendment Act
Bill 19-The Public Trustee Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 20-The Medical Amendment Act
Bill 21-The Communities Economic Development Fund Amendment Act
Bill 22-The Veterinary Services Amendment Act
Bill 24-The Crop Insurance Amendment Act
Bill 25-The Highway Traffic Amendment Act
Bill 26-The Teachers' Society Amendment Act
Bill 27-The Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act
Bill 28-The Employment Standards Code and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 30-The Pharmaceutical Amendment Act
Bill 31 -The Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act
Bill 32-The Municipal Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 33-The Municipal Assessment Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 34-The Public Schools Amendment Act Bill 39-The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (2)
Bill 35-The Mental Health and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 37-The Farm Machinery and Equipment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 38-The Planning Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 39-The Highway Traffic Amendment Act
Bill 40-The Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 41 -The Life Leases and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 42-The Norway House Cree Nation Northern Flood Master Implementation Agreement Act
Bill 43 -The Victims' Rights and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 44-The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1998
Bill 45-The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
Bill 46- The Correctional Services Act
Bill 47-The Brandon University Act
Bill 51 -The Cooperatives and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 52-The Health Services Insurance Amendment Act
Bill 53-The Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act
Bill 54-The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions and Consequential Amendments Act
Bill 55-The Certified Applied Science Technologists Act
Bill 57-The Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act
Bill 300-The Brandon University Foundation Incorporation Amendment Act
Bill 301 -An Act to Amend an Act to Incorporate the Dauphin General Hospital Foundation
Bill 302-The St. Paul's College Incorporation Amendment Act
Bill 303 -The Brandon Area Foundation Incorporation Amendment Act
Bill 36-The City of Winnipeg Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act