Adoption and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 47)

Aboriginal issues

Martindale LA 204–5

Mitchelson LA 204–5

Access agreements

Cerilli LA 207

Mitchelson LA 207

Access to information

Shapiro LA 151

Wolf LA 150

Birth mothers--support

Martindale LA 199

Mitchelson LA 199–200

Child and Family Services

Cerilli LA 203

Mitchelson LA 203–4

Community support agencies

Cerilli LA 202, LA 206

Mitchelson LA 202–3, LA 206

Court records

Kading LA 136

Cross-cultural awareness

Linde LA 147

Martindale LA 147, LA 200–1

Mitchelson LA 201

Disclosure vetoes

Kading LA 136–7, LA 138

Martindale LA 138


Kading LA 137–8

Poyser LA 151–2

Fee schedules

Cerilli LA 206

Lyons LA 135

Martindale LA 135, LA 197, LA 208–9

Mitchelson LA 197–8, LA 206, LA 209

Financial assistance

Martindale LA 149–50

Peel LA 148, LA 149–50

Financial incentive

Martindale LA 201–2

Mitchelson LA 202

Home studies

Collings LA 144

Martindale LA 144, LA 198

Mitchelson LA 144, LA 198

Interim care agreements

Cerilli LA 207–8

Mitchelson LA 207–8

International adoptions

Linde LA 146

Martindale LA 209

Mitchelson LA 148, LA 210

Legal challenge

Kading LA 138

Martindale LA 132–3, LA 138, LA 152, LA 196–7

Mitchelson LA 197

Poyser LA 152–3

Vanstone LA 133

Legislative process

Kowalski LA 147

Linde LA 147

Licence requirements

Martindale LA 210

Mitchelson LA 210

Medical information

Vanstone LA 132

Order for adoption

Kading LA 136

Permanent wards

Coelho LA 139–40, LA 141, LA 142–3

Collings LA 143

Kowalski LA 149

Martindale LA 141

Mitchelson LA 142

Peel LA 148–9

Post-adoption registry

Coelho LA 140, LA 141–20

Collings LA 143

Martindale LA 198–9

Mitchelson LA 198–9

Private agencies

Cerilli LA 204

Martindale LA 200

Mitchelson LA 200, LA 204


Coelho LA 140, LA 142

Collings LA 143

Martindale LA 142


Martindale LA 211

Mitchelson LA 211

Special needs children

Martindale LA 205–6

Mitchelson LA 206

Status of adopted child

Linde LA 146

Vanstone LA 132

Surname of adopted child

Vanstone LA 132

The Hague Convention

Martindale LA 210

Mitchelson LA 210

Waiting period

Cerilli LA 133

Coelho LA 140

Vanstone LA 133

Animal Husbandry Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 54)

Opening remarks

Enns AG 10

Wowchuk AG 10

Arbitration and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 2)

Appointment of expert

Mackintosh ED 41

Toews ED 41

Arbitration, termination of

Greasley ED 26

Contracting out

Greasley ED 28

Mackintosh ED 27–8, ED 40

Toews ED 40

Documents, production of

Greasley ED 25, ED 27

Mackintosh ED 40–1

Toews ED 27, ED 41

Mediation and conciliation

Greasley ED 25–6

Lewis ED 28–30, ED 31

Mackintosh ED 31, ED 40

Toews ED 30, ED 40

Service by fax

Greasley ED 26

Verbal agreements

Greasley ED 25, ED 27

Mackintosh ED 27

Toews ED 27


Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company, Montreal Trust Company of Canada and Montreal Trust Company Act (Bill 301)


Clause 2


ED 191; passed ED 191

Opening remarks

Laurendeau ED 191

Strutt ED 191

Wowchuk ED 191


Child and Family Services Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 48)

Aboriginal issues

Helgason LA 159

Martindale LA 328

Mitchelson LA 328


Clause 5


LA 328; passed LA 328

Clause 6(2)


LA 328; passed LA 329

Clause 8(2)


LA 329-30; passed LA 330

Clause 8(3)


LA 330-1; passed LA 331

Clause 10(2)


LA 331; passed LA 331

LA 331-2; passed LA 332

Clause 10(4)


LA 332; passed LA 332

Clause 17


LA 332; passed LA 332

Clause 20


LA 332; passed LA 332

Clause 28


LA 333; passed LA 333

Appeal process

Martindale LA 181

Mitchelson LA 324–5

Santos LA 324–5

Suche LA 182


Martindale LA 317

Mitchelson LA 317

Application for protection hearing

Waters LA 166–7

Assessment process

Cerilli LA 161–2

Helgason LA 162


Dorge LA 179–80

Martindale LA 180, LA 326–7

Mitchelson LA 326–7

Child abuse allegations

Malenfant LA 156–7

Child abuse committees

Collings LA 171, LA 173

Ferguson LA 183–6

Martindale LA 173, LA 185–6, LA 320–2

McCormick LA 192

Mitchelson LA 320–2

Santos LA 322–4

Toews LA 184–5

Child abuse investigations

Martindale LA 315–6

Mitchelson LA 315–6

Child Abuse Registry

Malenfant LA 155–6

McCormick LA 194

Neuman LA 169

Zuefle LA 187–8

Child poverty

Cerilli LA 167

Helgason LA 159

Martindale LA 161

Waters LA 167

Child welfare reform

Martindale LA 311–2

Mitchelson LA 311–2

Child witnesses

Martindale LA 297

Mitchelson LA 297

Smorang LA 191

Children and Youth Secretariat

Martindale LA 313

Mitchelson LA 313

Community-based preventative services

Helgason LA 158, LA 160–1

Martindale LA 160

Mitchelson LA 160–1

Complaint process

Malenfant LA 154–5

Martindale LA 299–300

Mitchelson LA 299–300


Dorge LA 180

Martindale LA 180, LA 312

Mitchelson LA 313

Cost of care

Martindale LA 309

Mitchelson LA 309

Court of Queen's Bench

Martindale LA 318–20

Mitchelson LA 318–20

Toews LA 318–20

Court process

Malenfant LA 155

Date when application returnable

Collings LA 172

Decision of court

Friesen LA 298

Langtry LA 297–8

Martindale LA 297

Mitchelson LA 297

Employees, impact on

Cerilli LA 170

Collings LA 174

Kowalski LA 170

Martindale LA 169, LA 174

Neuman LA 168, LA 169, LA 170

Extended families, access to

Collings LA 172

Financial information

Cerilli LA 313

Collings LA 172

Martindale LA 167, LA 190

Mitchelson LA 313–4

Shapiro LA 190

Waters LA 165, LA 167–8

Financial support

Cerilli LA 314

Mitchelson LA 315

Grandparental rights

Britton LA 174–7

Ekerholm LA 177–8

Martindale LA 164, LA 177, LA 328

Mitchelson LA 176–7, LA 328

Wright LA 164


Martindale LA 299

Mitchelson LA 295–6, LA 299

Maintenance orders

Cerilli LA 304, LA 306–7

McGifford LA 305–6

Mitchelson LA 301–7

Toews LA 302


Martindale LA 316

Mitchelson LA 316–7


Mitchelson LA 298

Report of conclusion

Collings LA 172

Waters LA 166

Reporting process

Mitchelson LA 296

Rules for hearing

Suche LA 181

Rules for hearing--agents

McCormick LA 193

Smorang LA 191

Show-cause hearing

Dorge LA 181

Martindale LA 180–1

Temporary accommodations

Cerilli LA 173–4

Collings LA 174

Voluntary placement agreements

Martindale LA 307–8

Mitchelson LA 307–8

Young offenders

McCormick LA 194

Children's Advocate

Aboriginal child care agencies

Govereau PEsub 19

Kowalski PEsub 18–9

Mirwaldt PEsub 33–4

Aboriginal issues

Frankel, H. PEsub 39, PEsub 40–1

Kowalski PEsub 40, PEsub 41

Mirwaldt PEsub 33

Shangreaux PEsub 139–41


Frankel, H. PEsub 39

Markesteyn PEsub 180

Martindale PEsub 180

Sanders PEsub 110

Wood PEsub 68

Adolescent pregnancy

Helwer PEsub 173

Ross PEsub 170–4

Annual reports

Dunlop PEsub 76–7

Malenfant PEsub 132

Appeal process

Frankel, H. PEsub 41

Martindale PEsub 41

Best interests of the child

Funk PEsub 176, PEsub 178

Kowalski PEsub 178


Govereau PEsub 19–20

Martindale PEsub 19–20


Govereau PEsub 11–2

Tweed PEsub 11

Child death investigations

Govereau PEsub 21

Markesteyn PEsub 181

Martindale PEsub 21, PEsub 181

Child poverty

Zacharias PEsub 42–3

Child Welfare office

Malenfant PEsub 128–9

Child witnesses

Martindale PEsub 191

Vadas PEsub 189–91

Children's ombudsman

Govereau PEsub 8–9, PEsub 15, PEsub 18

Howard PEsub 114

Kowalski PEsub 17–8

Martindale PEsub 8–9, PEsub 101, PEsub 112

McGifford PEsub 15

Pinch PEsub 102

Consultations--collateral agencies

Funk PEsub 177

Cultural awareness

Funk PEsub 176

Dispute resolution methods

Berg PEsub 155–6

Coelho PEsub 136

Frankel, S. PEsub 182, PEsub 183

Funk PEsub 178–9

Galloway PEsub 167–8

Govereau PEsub 7

Lehman PEsub 150

MacKay PEsub 168

Martindale PEsub 7, PEsub 136, PEsub 155–6, PEsub 167, PEsub 178–9, PEsub 187

McGillivray PEsub 187

First Nations' advocate

Lehman PEsub 151

Martindale PEsub 151

Foster care

Malenfant PEsub 130–1


Hartry PEsub 120

Grandparental rights

Gaudry PEsub 160

Martindale PEsub 159–60

Wright PEsub 156–60

Hiring process

Govereau PEsub 18

Kowalski PEsub 18

Independent advocate

Frankel, H. PEsub 38

Govereau PEsub 6, PEsub 14–5

Martindale PEsub 6, PEsub 31, PEsub 36–7

McGifford PEsub 14–5

Mirwaldt PEsub 32–3, PEsub 36–7

Reid, J. PEsub 30–1

Reid, W. PEsub 31

Independent office

Coelho PEsub 135

Frankel, S. PEsub 182, PEsub 183

Funk PEsub 176, PEsub 177

Galloway PEsub 166, PEsub 167

Hartry PEsub 119, PEsub 120, PEsub 121, PEsub 123–4

Kowalski PEsub 48, PEsub 167

Lehman PEsub 150–1

MacIntyre PEsub 91

MacKay PEsub 162–3, PEsub 166

Markesteyn PEsub 180

Martindale PEsub 72, PEsub 121, PEsub 123, PEsub 147, PEsub 165–6, PEsub 177

Swaigen PEsub 48

Wesley PEsub 147

Wood PEsub 72


Bland PEsub 80–1

Dunlop PEsub 78

Govereau PEsub 10–1

Helwer PEsub 80

Kowalski PEsub 31–2

Reid, W. PEsub 32

Tweed PEsub 10–1


Malenfant PEsub 124–8, PEsub 133

Legal counsel for children

Galloway PEsub 163–4, PEsub 166

Martindale PEsub 166

Legislative review

Frankel, H. PEsub 40, PEsub 41

Martindale PEsub 41


Frankel, H. PEsub 38–9

Minister of the child

Martindale PEsub 45

Zacharias PEsub 45

Miscellaneous contacts

Govereau PEsub 11

Tweed PEsub 11

Office--Brandon, Manitoba

Howard PEsub 112

Martindale PEsub 112

Office--northern Manitoba

Bushby PEsub 84

Dimitrakopoulos PEsub 91, PEsub 95–6

Dunlop PEsub 79, PEsub 81

Govereau PEsub 20

Kowalski PEsub 37

MacIntyre PEsub 94–5

Martindale PEsub 20, PEsub 36, PEsub 81, PEsub 91, PEsub 101, PEsub 142

Mirwaldt PEsub 32, PEsub 36, PEsub 37–8

Pinch PEsub 101

Sanders PEsub 110, PEsub 112

Shangreaux PEsub 142

Tweed PEsub 94–5

Opening remarks

Govereau PEsub 2–5

Helwer PEsub 198

Kowalski PEsub 198

Martindale PE 2, PEsub 197–8

Mitchelson PE 2

Permanency planning

Shangreaux PEsub 141

Permanent wards, monitoring of

Govereau PEsub 12–3

Kowalski PEsub 12–3

Prevention programs

Helwer PEsub 69

Wood PEsub 69–70

Provincial comparisons

Christianson-Wood PEsub 181

Dunlop PEsub 82

Helwer PEsub 181

McGillivray PEsub 185

Tweed PEsub 82, PEsub 185

Public education/awareness

Boulé PEsub 89

Bushby PEsub 84–5, PEsub 86

Coelho PEsub 136–7

Frankel, H. PEsub 40

Helwer PEsub 85, PEsub 89

Howard PEsub 113, PEsub 115

Kowalski PEsub 40, PEsub 85, PEsub 100, PEsub 113, PEsub 136

MacIntyre PEsub 90

Martindale PEsub 68–9, PEsub 86, PEsub 114

Pinch PEsub 98, PEsub 100

Sanders PEsub 113, PEsub 115

Wood PEsub 68–9


Govereau PEsub 10, PEsub 17

McGifford PEsub 17

Tweed PEsub 10

Recommendations, impact of

Govereau PEsub 20–1

Martindale PEsub 20

Records confidentiality

Govereau PEsub 16–7

McGifford PEsub 15–7

Reporting process

Dunlop PEsub 83

Govereau PEsub 6–7, PEsub 14

Martindale PEsub 6–7

McGifford PEsub 14

Tweed PEsub 83

Response time

Govereau PEsub 18

Kowalski PEsub 18

Review process

MacKay PEsub 164–5, PEsub 166–7

Martindale PEsub 166


Boulé PEsub 88

Bushby PEsub 86

Christianson-Wood PEsub 181

Coelho PEsub 135–6, PEsub 137–8

Dimitrakopoulos PEsub 93–4

Dunlop PEsub 75–6, PEsub 80, PEsub 82–3

Frankel, H. PEsub 39, PEsub 40

Frankel, S. PEsub 182, PEsub 183, PEsub 187

Funk PEsub 176, PEsub 177, PEsub 178

Garneau PEsub 64–6

Govereau PEsub 7–8, PEsub 13

Hartry PEsub 119, PEsub 121, PEsub 122, PEsub 123

Helwer PEsub 65–60

Howard PEsub 111, PEsub 114

Kowalski PEsub 13, PEsub 37, PEsub 79–80, PEsub 88, PEsub 92, PEsub 121–2, PEsub 153–4, PEsub 177–8, PEsub 180–1, PEsub 186, PEsub 187

Lehman PEsub 150, PEsub 152–4

MacIntyre PEsub 90, PEsub 92–3

Markesteyn PEsub 181

Martindale PEsub 7–8, PEsub 40, PEsub 45, PEsub 48–50, PEsub 64–5, PEsub 66, PEsub 70–1, PEsub 82–3, PEsub 85–6, PEsub 88, PEsub 92, PEsub 93, PEsub 100, PEsub 113–4, PEsub 121, PEsub 122–3, PEsub 135, PEsub 137, PEsub 152, PEsub 177, PEsub 184, PEsub 186, PEsub 187, PEsub 191

McGifford PEsub 123, PEsub 137

McGillivray PEsub 184–5, PEsub 186–7, PEsub 188

Mirwaldt PEsub 34, PEsub 37

Pinch PEsub 100–1

Swaigen PEsub 48–50

Vadas PEsub 191

Wood PEsub 67–8, PEsub 71–2

Zacharias PEsub 44, PEsub 45

Social workers--certification process

Govereau PEsub 18, PEsub 22–3

Helwer PEsub 22–3

Kowalski PEsub 18

Minenko PEsub 23–4


Bushby PEsub 86

Govereau PEsub 17

Hartry PEsub 120

Kowalski PEsub 86

McGifford PEsub 17


Funk PEsub 176

Lister PEsub 143

Martindale PEsub 142, PEsub 143

Shangreaux PEsub 142, PEsub 143

Subcommittee, establishment of

Barrett PE 2–3, PE 5, PE 8

Kowalski PE 4, PE 6, PE 8

Martindale PE 4, PE 5–9

McGifford PE 4, PE 7

Mitchelson PE 2–10

Radcliffe PE 6–9

Reimer PE 4

Tweed PE 5–7

Subcommittee, report of

Dyck PE 11–2

Kowalski PE 13–4

Martindale PE 12–3, PE 14

Mitchelson PE 14

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Coelho PEsub 138

Hartry PEsub 121

Martindale PEsub 121, PEsub 138

City of Winnipeg Amendment and Municipal Amendment Act (Bill 34)

Opening remarks

Barrett ED 50–1

Condominium Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 35) ED 51

Common element fees

Beeston ED 35–7

Maloway ED 36

Radcliffe ED 37

Conservation Agreements Act (Bill 59)

Conservation Agreements Board

Briese ED 171–2

Easement agreements

Briese ED 170–1

Notice of intent

Briese ED 171

Opening remarks

Cummings 195


Briese ED 172

Termination of agreement

Briese ED 171

Corporations Amendment Act (Bill 26)


Clause 23


LA 25; passed LA 25

Council on Post-Secondary Education Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Independent colleges

Carlyle ED 63

Eichhorst ED 62

Friesen ED 62, Ed 84–5, Ed 86

McIntosh Ed 84–5, Ed 86


Friesen Ed 85–6

McIntosh Ed 86

Criminal Injuries Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Income replacement benefits

Mackintosh LA 271–2

Toews LA 271–2


Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Copyright costs

Friesen ED 49

McIntosh ED 49

Educational institutions, designation of

Friesen ED 49

McIntosh ED 49

Protection from liability

Friesen ED 49–50

McIntosh ED 50


Friesen ED 49

McIntosh ED 49

Education and Training, Department of

Opening remarks

Struthers 195

Elderly and Infirm Persons' Housing Amendment Act (Bill 60)


Cerilli LA 284–6

Reimer LA 284–6

Development incentive

Cerilli LA 288

Reimer LA 288

Grandfather clause

Cerilli LA 290–1

Reimer LA 290–1

Review process

Cerilli LA 288, LA 292

Reimer LA 288, LA 292

Square footage standards

Cerilli LA 286–8

Reimer LA 286–8

Emergency 911 Public Safety Answering Point Act (Bill 18)

CRTC application

Findlay AG 2–3

Jennissen AG 2–3

Northern Manitoba

Findlay AG 2

Jennissen AG 2

Opening remarks

Findlay AG 1–2

Jennissen AG 2

Emergency Measures Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 28)


Clause 11.1


ED 47-8; defeated ED 48

Appeal process

Bailey ED 32, ED 34

Lipsett ED 38

Mackintosh ED 38

Pitura ED 33, ED 48

Conscript, power to

Lipsett ED 37–8, ED 39

Mackintosh ED 38–9

Local authority

Lipsett ED 37

Ministerial authority

Bailey ED 32, ED 34

Pitura ED 33

Opening remarks

Maloway ED 46–7

Executions Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 33)

Bonding/liability requirements

Mackintosh LA 251

Toews LA 251


Mackintosh LA 250–1

Toews LA 250–1

Sheriff's Office--staffing

Mackintosh LA 250

Toews LA 250


Family Maintenance Amendment Act (Bill 56)


Clause 5


LA 275; defeated LA 275

Clause 6


LA 275-6; defeated LA 278

LA 278; defeated LA 279

LA 279-80; defeated LA 280

Clause 9


LA 280; defeated LA 281

LA 281-2; defeated LA 282

Child support guidelines--federal

Dyck, R. LA 223, LA 226

Toews LA 225


Dyck, R. LA 224–5

Mackintosh LA 224–5

Divorce Act

Dyck, R. LA 225

Toews LA 225

Maintenance enforcement

Dyck, R. LA 225

Mackintosh LA 225

Maintenance orders--indexing

Dyck, R. LA 226

Mackintosh LA 226

Medical expenses

Dyck, R. LA 223–4

User fees

Mackintosh LA 282

Toews LA 282

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 30) LA 126

Enforcement section

Enns LA 121–2

Shapiro LA 119–22

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 50)

Access to records--electronic form

Vallance-Jones ED 109

Advice to a public body

Sim ED 127–8

Vallance-Jones ED 109


Clause 10(1)(b)


ED 225; defeated ED 226


ED 225; passed ED 225

Clause 13(1)


ED 227; defeated ED 228


ED 227; passed ED 227

Clause 19(1)


ED 228; passed ED 229

Clause 19(2)


ED 229; defeated ED 229

Clause 23(1)


ED 230; passed ED 231

Clause 49


ED 233-4; ruled out of order ED 235

ED 235-9; ruled out of order ED 239

Clause 70(2)


ED 239; passed ED 239

Clause 77


ED 240; defeated ED 241

Clause 85(1)


ED 241; passed ED 241

Clause 98


ED 242; defeated ED 242

Assessment required for other uses

Chomiak ED 112

McGifford ED 232–3

Vallance-Jones ED 109–10, ED 112–3

Vodrey ED 232–3

Background research

MacIntyre ED 138

Cabinet confidences

Bailey ED 123

Kelcey ED 161, ED 162

Sim ED 127

Vallance-Jones ED 109, ED 111

Consultation process

Nielson ED 130–1


MacIntyre ED 137

Disclosure of personal information

Sim ED 128

Disclosure provisions

Kelcey ED 161

Discussion paper

McGifford ED 111

Vallance-Jones ED 111–2

Educational bodies

Chomiak ED 138–9

MacIntyre ED 137, ED 139

McGifford ED 224

Vodrey ED 224

Electronic communications

Bailey ED 122

Sim ED 127


Bailey ED 122


Nielson ED 131–2

Sim ED 126

Exemptions--City of Winnipeg

McGifford ED 135

Menzies ED 133–5


Bailey ED 122

Government contracts

Bailey ED 122

Independent schools

McGifford ED 224

Vodrey ED 224

Legislative process

MacIntyre ED 138

McGifford ED 138

Motor vehicle information

Chomiak ED 124–5

Comeault ED 124–5

Praznik ED 124–5


MacIntyre ED 137

Opening remarks

McGifford ED 222–4

Vodrey ED 219–22

Outside consultants

Kelcey ED 161–2

Privacy commissioner

Kelcey ED 164–5

MacIntyre ED 138

McGifford ED 129, ED 164

Praznik ED 164–5

Sale ED 113

Sim ED 126, ED 129

Vallance-Jones ED 113

Repetitive or abusive requests

Kelcey ED 162

Sim ED 127

Vallance-Jones ED 109, ED 111

Sustainable Development Act

Bailey ED 122

Time limit for responding

McGifford ED 226

Vodrey ED 226


Government Essential Services Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Child and Family Service

Sumerlus ED 56

Collective bargaining process

Doyle ED 58

Sumerlus ED 57

Employee morale

Doyle ED 61–2

Sale ED 61

Health care sector

Doyle ED 59–60

Opening remarks

Reid ED 82–3

Voluntary agreements

Doer ED 57–8

Doyle ED 60–1

Reid ED 60–1

Sumerlus ED 56, ED 57–8


Highway Traffic Amendment, Summary Convictions Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 57)


Findlay AG 7

Jennissen AG 7


Findlay AG 6–7

Jennissen AG 6

Opening remarks

Findlay AG 5

Jennissen AG 5–6

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (2) (Bill 38)

Alternative measures--johns school

Bussey LA 226–9

Mackintosh LA 228–9

Toews LA 228

Blood alcohol level

Kowalski LA 267–8

Toews LA 268

Election promises

Mackintosh LA 264–5

Toews LA 264–5

Forfeiture of vehicles

Mackintosh LA 265–6, LA 267

Toews LA 266, LA 267

Impaired drivers

Mackintosh LA 266, LA 268

Toews LA 266, LA 268

Opening remarks

Jennissen LA 261–2

Toews LA 262–3

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 37)


Clause 3(2)


AG 4; passed AG 4

Clause 21.12(1)


AG 4; passed AG 5

Clause 35(a)


AG 5; passed AG 5

License plate fee

Findlay AG 5

Jennissen AG 4–5

Opening remarks

Findlay AG 3

Jennissen AG 3–4

Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Opening remarks

Mackintosh ED 42

Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 55)

Limestone generating station

Doer LA 39

Tesarski LA 39


Doer LA 40


Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 13) LA 24


Jury Amendment Act (Bill 21)

Financial hardship

Kowalski LA 246

Toews LA 246

Income Assistance recipients

Cerilli LA 246–7

Friesen LA 245–6

Toews LA 245–7

Jury composition study

Kowalski LA 247

Mackintosh LA 248–9

Toews LA 247


Friesen LA 247–8

Toews LA 247

Opening remarks

Mackintosh LA 245

Toews LA 245


Labour-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Act (Bill 39)


Clause 1(1)


ED 96 passed ED 96


ED 96-7 defeated ED 97

Clause 4(c)


ED 97-8; defeated ED 98

Definitions--employee organization

Downey ED 76–7

Hilliard ED 75–6

Law Reform Commission Amendment Act (Bill 58)

Agency of government

Edwards LA 239


Clause 3


LA 283; passed LA 283


Edwards LA 240

Finkbeiner LA 238

Mackintosh LA 238, LA 240, LA 243

Smorang LA 243


Edwards LA 239–40, LA 242

Mackintosh LA 242

Smorang LA 243

Law reform, impact on

Edwards LA 240

Finkbeiner LA 236–8

Loveless LA 232–4

Mackintosh LA 233–4, LA 240–1

Price LA 244

Riley LA 234

Ritchie LA 235–6


Edwards LA 239, LA 240, LA 241–2

Mackintosh LA 241

Toews LA 241


Edwards LA 239, LA 240

Price LA 244

Law Society Amendment Act (Bill 43)

Appeal process

Mackintosh LA 271

Toews LA 271

Livestock and Livestock Products and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 31)


Clause 6(5)


AG 9; passed AG 9

Clause 12


AG 9-10; passed AG 10


Enns AG 8

Wowchuk AG 8

Livestock registry

Enns AG 9

Wowchuk AG 8–9

Opening remarks

Enns AG 8

Wowchuk AG 8

Local Authorities Election Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 553)

Opening remarks

Derkach Ed 194–5


Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 40) ED 51–2

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 55)


Clause 2(c)


LA 104; defeated LA 105

Clause 3


LA 105-6; defeated LA 108

Clause 6(6)


LA 108-9; defeated LA 110

Clause 24


LA 111 ruled out of order LA 111

Board of directors--employee representation

Gallant LA 100

Sale LA 100

Cost to consumers

McLean LA 36

Hydro developments

Doer LA 37

McLean LA 37–8

Labour relations

Doer LA 38, LA 90, LA 101

Gallant LA 101

McLean LA 38

Moist LA 90


Maes LA 89

Moist LA 88–9


McLean LA 37

Merger--Winnipeg Hydro

Newman LA 94

Opening remarks

Mihychuk LA 102–4


Newman LA 93

Ownership, perception of

Moist LA 92–3


Doer LA 91

Gallant LA 99

Maes LA 91

Moist LA 91

Public awareness

Doer LA 90

Moist LA 90–1

Public hearings

Maes LA 89–90

Mihychuk LA 97–8

Rates, impact on

Newman LA 94


Moist LA 91–2

Sale LA 91

Reliability of service

McLean LA 36

Safety and employment

McLean LA 37

Social impact

McLean LA 36

Stranded cost

McLean LA 36–7

Universal access

McLean LA 36

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Brochet/Lac Brochet

Brennan PUNR 15

Jennissen PUNR 15

Capital investments

Brennan PUNR 11

Kowalski PUNR 11

Centra Gas partnership

Brennan PUNR 18–9

Mihychuk PUNR 18–9

Newman PUNR 18

Computer system--Year 2000 compliance

Brennan PUNR 42

Sale PUNR 42

Contracting out

Brennan PUNR 40–2

Mihychuk PUNR 39–41

Newman PUNR 40–1


Brennan PUNR 29

Mihychuk PUNR 29

Debt payment plan

Brennan PUNR 27–9

Mihychuk PUNR 27–8


Brennan PUNR 4–5, PUNR 27

McCallum PUNR 4

Mihychuk PUNR 3–6, PUNR 24–5, PUNR 27

Newman PUNR 3–4, PUNR 5–6, PUNR 27

Energy conservation programs

Brennan PUNR 35–7

Mihychuk PUNR 35–6

Newman PUNR 36

Hayes River

Newman PUNR 13

Robinson PUNR 13


Brennan PUNR 10–1

Kowalski PUNR 10

McCallum PUNR 10

Hydro rates

Brennan PUNR 12–3, PUNR 33–5

McCallum PUNR 35

Mihychuk PUNR 32–5

Newman PUNR 13, PUNR 33–5

Robinson PUNR 12–3

Mathais Colomb First Nation

Brennan PUNR 15

Jennissen PUNR 14–5

North Central Project

Brennan PUNR 12

Newman PUNR 11–2

Robinson PUNR 11–2

Opening remarks

McCallum PUNR 2

Mihychuk PUNR 2

Newman PUNR 1

Pension fund

Brennan PUNR 42–3

Sale PUNR 42


Ashton PUNR 8–9

Brennan PUNR 29–30

McCallum PUNR 10, PUNR 30

Mihychuk PUNR 3, PUNR 6–8, PUNR 25, PUNR 29–30

Newman PUNR 3, PUNR 6–10, PUNR 26


Brennan PUNR 30–2

McCallum PUNR 32

Mihychuk PUNR 30–1

Sale PUNR 31–2

Retail sales

Brennan PUNR 11

Kowalski PUNR 11

Services--northern Manitoba

Brennan PUNR 17–8

Mihychuk PUNR 15–8, PUNR 25

Newman PUNR 16–7

Shamattawa, Manitoba

Brennan PUNR 14

Newman PUNR 13–4

Robinson PUNR 13

U.S. subsidiary companies

Brennan PUNR 29

Mihychuk PUNR 29

Winnipeg Hydro

Brennan PUNR 19–20, PUNR 37–9

McCallum PUNR 38

Mihychuk PUNR 19–20, PUNR 37

Newman PUNR 19–20, PUNR 38–9

Sale PUNR 37–9

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Brew pubs

Lamoureux PUNR 141–2

Vodrey PUNR 142

Wright PUNR 141

Chief Executive Officer, former

Ashton PUNR 128–9

Holmes PUNR 128–9


Ashton PUNR 132–3

Vodrey PUNR 132–3

Wright PUNR 132

Licensing application--Hooters

Ashton PUNR 134–5

Wright PUNR 134

Licensing application--Mr. Barrett

Ashton PUNR 138–40

Lathlin PUNR 136–9

Vodrey PUNR 137–8, PUNR 140–1

Wright PUNR 136

Licensing application--Mrs. Sweeney

Lathlin PUNR 135–6

Vodrey PUNR 135–6


Lamoureux PUNR 142–3

Wright PUNR 143

Multipurpose facilities

Ashton PUNR 133–4

Wright PUNR 133

Opening remarks

Ashton PUNR 120–2

Holmes PUNR 120

Lamoureux PUNR 123

Vodrey PUNR 119–20

Overserving--licensed premises

Ashton PUNR 129–30

Vodrey PUNR 129–30

Wright PUNR 130


Ashton PUNR 131

Vodrey PUNR 131–2

Private wine stores--study

Ashton PUNR 124–5

Vodrey PUNR 124–5

Wright PUNR 124–5


Ashton PUNR 123, PUNR 125–7

Vodrey PUNR 123–4, PUNR 125–7

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Crystal Casino

Closure, impact of

Mihychuk ED 12–5

Stefanson ED 13–6


Future status

Mihychuk ED 18

Stefanson ED 18

Tourism, impact on

Mihychuk ED 16–7

Stefanson ED 16–8

Gaming Control Commission

Gaming policy consultations

Mihychuk ED 4–8

Stefanson ED 4–8

Gaming facilities

Advertising campaign

Reid ED 21

Stefanson ED 21

Alcoholic beverages

Mihychuk ED 9

Reid ED 19

Stefanson ED 9–10, ED 19


Mihychuk ED 10–2

Reid ED 18–9, ED 20

Stefanson ED 10–2, ED 18–9, ED 20–1


Reid ED 22

Stefanson ED 22

Opening remarks

Mihychuk ED 2–4

Stefanson ED 1–2


Mihychuk ED 8–9

Stefanson ED 8–9

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation


Ashton PUNR 104

McCrae PUNR 104


Ashton PUNR 111–2

McCrae PUNR 111–2

Appeal process

Ashton PUNR 104–6

McCrae PUNR 105–6

Zacharias PUNR 104–5

Benefit-of-the-doubt clause

Ashton PUNR 106–8

McCrae PUNR 107–8

No-fault insurance

Ashton PUNR 116–8

McCrae PUNR 117

Zacharias PUNR 117

Opening remarks

Ashton PUNR 96–100

McCrae PUNR 95–6, PUNR 101–3

Public awareness programs

Ashton PUNR 108

McCrae PUNR 109

Special investigations unit

Ashton PUNR 112–6

McCrae PUNR 113–6

Zacharias PUNR 113, PUNR 115

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Advisory committee

Ashton LA 20

Dwornick LA 20


Ashton LA 3, LA 4, LA 5

Charney LA 3, LA 4

Sansom LA 16

Santos LA 16


Clause 2


LA 28; ruled out of order LA 29–30

LA 30; ruled out of order LA 30

LA 30-1; ruled out of order LA 32

Appeal process

Charney LA 2–3

Benefit of the doubt

Ashton LA 13–4

Sansom LA 14


Sansom LA 9–10

Customer satisfaction surveys

Ashton LA 10

Sansom LA 10

Income replacement

Ashton LA 11

Fabbro LA 9

Radcliffe LA 9

Sansom LA 11

Santos LA 9

Information availability

Ashton LA 3–4, LA 12–3

Charney LA 4

Sansom LA 12–3

Legal Aid

Charney LA 6

Newman LA 6

Legal representation

Newman LA 14–5

Sansom LA 14–5

Opening remarks

Ashton LA 25–8

McCrae LA 25

Personal health information

Ashton LA 19–20

Dwornick LA 19

Public interests

Ashton LA 12

Sansom LA 12–3

Right to know

Sansom LA 15–6

Santos LA 15–6

Manitoba Water Services Board Amendment Act (Bill 12)

Full-cost accounting

Cummings ED 178

Morris ED 178

Land use planning

Barrett ED 177–8

Morris ED 177–8

Opening remarks

Derkach ED 192

Evans, C. ED 192–3

Water distribution systems--privatization

Morris ED 176–7

Midwifery and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 7)


Howard LA 60–1

McGifford LA 75

Praznik LA 75–6


Fricke LA 67–8

Goertzen LA 59

Howard LA 60

Nembhard LA 56

Pallister, E. LA 46

Birthing options

Hawkins LA 54

Howard LA 61

Malegus LA 50

Marchildon LA 49

College of Midwives

Goertzen LA 59–60

Community services, reduction of

Desharnais LA 43

Mihychuk LA 42–3

Praznik LA 43

Competency-based registration

Chomiak LA 76

Praznik LA 76–7

Whitely LA 64–5

Continuity of care

Hawkins LA 54–5

Nembhard LA 56

Thiessen LA 70

Whitely LA 64

Cost effectiveness

Brandt LA 42

Hawkins LA 55

Reimer, V. LA 44

Council appointments

Chomiak LA 75

Praznik LA 75


Praznik LA 45

Reimer, V. LA 44


Chomiak LA 72

Praznik LA 72

Education programs

McAlpine LA 74

McGifford LA 72–4

Nembhard LA 57

Praznik LA 73–4


Reimer, V. LA 44

Family focus

Brandt LA 42


Nembhard LA 57


Done LA 68

McAlpine LA 68

Home birth, safety of

Moon LA 62–3

Home birthing

Chomiak LA 74

Praznik LA 74–5

Insured health service

Fricke LA 68

Goertzen LA 59

Nembhard LA 56–7

Labour induction

Reimer, V. LA 43

Manitoba Health Services coverage

Buchanan LA 53

Pain management

Reimer, V. LA 43–4

Physicians, relationship with

Buchanan LA 53–4

Postpartum depression

Reimer, V. LA 44


Buchanan LA 53


Nembhard LA 57

Registered nurses

Praznik LA 66

Whitely LA 65–6


Chomiak LA 72

Praznik LA 72

Standing committees

Chomiak LA 75

Praznik LA 75

Mineral Exploration Incentive Program Repeal Act (Bill 5) LA 122–3

Municipal Amendment Act (Bill 44)

Opening remarks

Derkach Ed 193–4

Evans, C. Ed 194


Natural Gas Supply Repeal and Public Utilities Board Amendment Act (Bill 6)


Clause 1


LA 23; passed LA 23

Opening remarks

Maloway LA 23

Newman LA 23

North American Environmental and Labour Cooperation Agreements Implementation Act (Bill 3)

Arbitral panel

Downey PUNR 149–54

Sale PUNR 148–54

Enforcement proceedings

Downey PUNR 159–61

Sale PUNR 159–61

Opening remarks

Downey PUNR 146

Penner PUNR 147–8

Sale PUNR 146–7

Private access to remedies

Downey PUNR 155

Sale PUNR 154–5

Soveriegnty, impact on

Downey PUNR 161

Sale PUNR 161

Standards, level of

Downey PUNR 156–7

Sale PUNR 155–7

Northern Affairs Amendment Act (Bill 11) ED 82


Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Employer contribution holidays

Doyle LA 118, LA 119

Reid LA 119

Self-directed funds

Doyle LA 118

Gilleshammer LA 125

Reid LA 125

Surplus pension funds

Doyle LA 118, LA 119

Gilleshammer LA 124–5

Reid LA 119, LA 124–5

Personal Health Information Act (Bill 51)


Whitely ED 141


Clause 21(d)


ED 264; passed ED 264

Clause 23(1)


ED 259; passed ED 260

Clause 63(3)(a)


ED 263; passed ED 263

Clause 64(1)


ED 263; passed ED 264

Appeal process

Sim ED 147


Soper ED 151–2

Corrections to personal information

Sim ED 144–5

Whitely ED 140–1


Sim ED 145

Disclosure provisions

Brown ED 156

Chomiak ED 160–1

Hancharyk ED 158, ED 159–60

Praznik ED 159–60

Sim ED 146

Soper ED 152


Whitely ED 141


Sale ED 153

Soper ED 153

Health information privacy committee

Praznik ED 153

Soper ED 153

Information, collection of

Sim ED 145–6

Information managers

Sim ED 146

Institutional research review committees

Sim ED 146

Legislative process

Sim ED 143–4

No disclosure if possible harm

Chomiak ED 260

Praznik ED 260

Notices of collection practices

Chomiak ED 255–6

McLaren ED 257

Perry ED 257

Praznik ED 255–7

Sale ED 256–7

Offences and penalties

Brown ED 156

Praznik ED 156

Sim ED 147

Ombudsman, resources for

Dunlop ED 143

Lamoureux ED 143

Whitely ED 141

Opening remarks

Chomiak EDb 252

Praznik ED 252

Privacy commission

Chomiak ED 153–4, ED 160

Hancharyk ED 158–9, ED 160

Martin ED 154–5

Praznik ED 150, ED 160

Ritchie ED 149–50

Soper ED 152, ED 154

Private health care providers

Chomiak ED 253–5

Praznik ED 253–5

Prohibition on sale of personal health information

Chomiak ED 260

Praznik ED 260–1

Sale ED 261

Restrictions on use of information

Chomiak ED 258–9

Praznik ED 258–9

Review period

Whitely ED 141


Chomiak ED 142–3

Dunlop ED 142–3

Hancharyk ED 159

Soper ED 152

Whitely ED 140

Security safeguards

Sim ED 146

Sensitive health information

Chomiak ED 147, ED 150–1

Ritchie ED 151

Sim ED 145, ED 147

Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Opening remarks

Maloway LA 24

Proceeds of Crime Registration Act (Bill 25)


Clause 1


ED 45; passed ED 45

ED 45-6 passed ED 46

Filing protocol

Mackintosh ED 45, ED 46

Toews ED 45, ED 46

Provincial Court Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

Nominating committee

Mackintosh LA 268, LA 270

Toews LA 268, LA 270

Nonpartisan appointments

Mackintosh LA 269

Toews LA 269

Public Accounts

Accountability reporting

Sale PA 12–4

Singleton PA 12–4

Stefanson PA 13–4

Accounting practices--capital assets

Sale PA 14–5

Stefanson PA 14–5

Accounting structure

Singleton PA 30–1

Stefanson PA 30–1

Accrual of accounts receivable

Sale PA 15

Stefanson PA 15

Accumulated deficits

Sale PA 30

Singleton PA 30

Stefanson PA 30

A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd.

Sale PA 49

Singleton PA 49

Stefanson PA 49


Lamoureux PA 25

Sale PA 24–5

Singleton PA 25–6

Stefanson PA 25

Audits--contracting out

Lamoureux PA 45–7

Singleton PA 45–6

Stefanson PA 45–7

Child and Family Services Information System

Cerilli PA 11–2

Sale PA 8–10

Stefanson PA 8–11, PA 12

Children and Youth Secretariat

Cerilli PA 11

Stefanson PA 11

Civil Service Superannuation Fund

Sale PA 17–20

Singleton PA 18–20

Stefanson PA 17–20

Consolidated statements

Sale PA 26–7, PA 28

Singleton PA 27

Stefanson PA 26–7, PA 28

Faneuil ISG Inc.

Sale PA 3–6, PA 31–3

Singleton PA 33

Stefanson PA 4–6, PA 31–3

Fiscal Stabilization Fund

Sale PA 33–5

Singleton PA 34

Stefanson PA 33–5

Health care facilities

Sale PA 20

Stefanson PA 20

Highways, Department of--audit

Ricard PA 17

Sale PA 17

Housing, rent geared to income

Cerilli PA 35–7

Singleton PA 36–7

Stefanson PA 37

Housing projects, sponsored

Cerilli PA 43–4

Singleton PA 43–4

Stefanson PA 44

Integrated Management Information Strategy

Sale PA 15–7

Singleton PA 16–7

Stefanson PA 16–7

Linnet Graphics

Sale PA 49–50

Singleton PA 50

Stefanson PA 49

Lottery revenues

Sale PA 27–8

Stefanson PA 27–8

Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation

Sale PA 6

Singleton PA 7–8

Stefanson PA 6–7

Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation

Cerilli PA 37–43

Sale PA 41, PA 48–9

Singleton PA 39–42

Stefanson PA 37–43, PA 48–9

Mineral exploration companies--audit

Sale PA 20

Stefanson PA 20

Opening remarks

Lamoureux PA 24

Sale PA 24

Singleton PA 2–3

Stefanson PA 2, PA 23–4

Provincial-Municipal Tax Sharing

Sale PA 28–9

Stefanson PA 29

Winnipeg Jets agreement

Sale PA 48

Stefanson PA 48

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 27)

Compulsory school age

Beresford ED 78, ED 81

Friesen ED 81, ED 91

McIntosh ED 91


Beresford ED 77–8, ED 79–80

McIntosh ED 79

Principal's duties

Beresford ED 77

Right to attend school

Beresford ED 78, ED 80–1

Friesen ED 88–91

Kowalski ED 81

McIntosh ED 79–80, ED 88–91

Student transportation policy

Beresford ED 77, ED 79

Friesen ED 87–8

McIntosh ED 79, ED 87

Public Utilities Board Amendment Act (Bill 9) LA 123–4

Conditional regulations

O'Neill LA 115, LA 116

Purpose section

O'Neill LA 114–5


Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 8) LA 23–4

Regional Health Authorities Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 41)


Clause 3.1


ED 216; ruled out of order ED 217

Clause 4


ED 243; withdrawn ED 243

Clause 8(2)


ED 244; passed ED 244

Clause 9


ED 244; passed ED 244

Clause 13


ED 245; passed ED 245

Clause 19(6)


ED 246; passed ED 246

Clause 23


ED 246; defeated ED 247

Board members--elected

Praznik ED 216–7


Chomiak ED 115–6

Praznik ED 116

Wehrle ED 114–5, ED 116

Health care corporations

Wehrle ED 115

Health care facilities--borrowing

Wehrle ED 114

Interim manager

Chomiak ED 116

Wehrle ED 114, ED 116

Opening remarks

Chomiak ED 202–9

Praznik ED 202

Proposal and consultation

Chomiak ED 213

Praznik ED 213–4

Public health programs

Chomiak ED 119–20

Praznik ED 118–9, ED 120

Sale ED 210–3

Timm-Rudolph ED 117–8, ED 119–20

Regional Health Authorities--debts

Wehrle ED 115

Winnipeg, city of

Chomiak ED 210

Praznik ED 210

Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Amendment Act (Bill 17) LA 125

Rules of the House

Members' statements

Kowalski RH 2

Lamoureux RH 1–2

Opening remarks

Ashton RH 1

Kowalski RH 2

Lamoureux RH 1–2

McCrae RH 1

Question Period

Kowalski RH 2

Recorded votes

Ashton RH 2–3

Weekly agenda

Ashton RH 1


Statute Law Amendment Act, 1997 (Bill 52)

Law Fees Act

Lindsay LA 229–32

Mackintosh LA 231, LA 273

Toews LA 273

Steam and Pressure Plants Amendment Act (Bill 4)

Opening remarks

Reid PUNR 145–6

Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 20)


Mackintosh ED 44

Toews ED 44

Fines--collection rate

Mackintosh ED 44

Toews ED 44

Opening remarks

Toews ED 43

Sustainable Development and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 61)


Clause 7


ED 249-50; ruled out of order ED 250

Clause 14(c)


ED 250; passed ED 251

Clause 19


ED 251; defeated ED 252


Mesman ED 181

Crown corporations

Muldrew ED 185

Effect of adoption

Lindsey ED 187

Employment protection

Mesman ED 180–1

Energy conservation

Mesman ED 181

Environmental bill of rights

Mesman ED 181

Muldrew ED 186

Struthers ED 186

Environmental licensing

Lindsey ED 187–8

Government subsidies

Mesman ED 181, ED 182

Struthers ED 182

Guidelines for local authorities and others

Briese ED 173

Interdepartmental Planning Board

Muldrew ED 184–5

Intervener funding

Mesman ED 183

Muldrew ED 185

Struthers ED 183

Land use policies

Briese ED 174, ED 175

Struthers ED 175

Multilateral agreement on investment

Muldrew ED 185


Briese ED 175

Struthers ED 174–5


Mesman ED 181

Principles of Sustainable Development

Lindsey ED 188

Provincial sustainable indicators

Muldrew ED 185

Provincial sustainable report

Lindsey ED 188

Resource extraction

Muldrew ED 186

Struthers ED 185–6

Round table appointments

Lindsey ED 188

Muldrew ED 185

Sustainable Development Coordination Unit

Lindsey ED 188

Transportation policy

Mesman ED 182

Union/management environmental committees

Mesman ED 180

Water reduction

Mesman ED 181–2

White paper

Cummings ED 189

Lindsey ED 189


TD Trust Company and Central Guaranty Trust Company Act (Bill 300)

Opening remarks

Laurendeau ED 190

Strutt ED 190

Wowchuk ED 190


Wildfires and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 36)

Opening remarks

Cummings ED 193

Workers Compensation Board

Appeal Commission

Davis PUNR 52, PUNR 55–60

Fox-Decent PUNR 54, PUNR 56–8

Reid PUNR 52–60

Assessment rate--employer

Gilleshammer PUNR 49–50

Reid PUNR 49–51


Davis PUNR 51–2

Fox-Decent PUNR 51

Reid PUNR 51

Education programs

Edgeworth PUNR 84

Fox-Decent PUNR 66–7, PUNR 86–7

Hildebrand PUNR 85–6

Reid PUNR 66, PUNR 84–7

Experience rating

Edgeworth PUNR 83

Reid PUNR 83

Hearing loss

Fox-Decent PUNR 68

Reid PUNR 68

Investment committee

Gilleshammer PUNR 75–6

Reid PUNR 75–6

Legislative reform, costs of

Black PUNR 77

Fox-Decent PUNR 81

Gilleshammer PUNR 76–7

Reid PUNR 76–82

Medical Services unit

Fox-Decent PUNR 91–2

Gilleshammer PUNR 92–3

Reid PUNR 89–92

Rogers PUNR 89–90

Merit surcharge program

Edgeworth PUNR 82–3

Reid PUNR 82

Modified work programs

Reid PUNR 69–70

Rogers PUNR 70

Opening remarks

Fox-Decent PUNR 47

Gaudry PUNR 48

Gilleshammer PUNR 46–7, PUNR 74

Reid PUNR 48

Poulin's accident

Fox-Decent PUNR 67

Paul PUNR 68

Reid PUNR 67–8

Power Vac accident

Fox-Decent PUNR 66, PUNR 67

Paul PUNR 66

Reid PUNR 65–6, PUNR 67

Pre-exiting medical conditions

Fox-Decent PUNR 63, PUNR 65

Paul PUNR 64

Reid PUNR 63–5

Special investigations unit

Reid PUNR 60–3

Scramstad PUNR 60–3

Traumatic events

Fox-Decent PUNR 69

Paul PUNR 69

Reid PUNR 69

Workplace Safety and Health--budget

Fox-Decent PUNR 87

Gilleshammer PUNR 87–9

Reid PUNR 87–9

Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (2) (Bill 32)


Clause 2(1)


ED 93; defeated ED 93–4

Clause 2(2)


ED 94; ruled out of order ED 94–5

Criminal liability

Mesman ED 67, ED 68

Reid ED 68

Employee rights

Mesman ED 66


Mesman ED 65–6

Shiaro ED 69–70


Reid ED 71

Shiaro ED 71

Penalty assessment system

Mesman ED 64–5

Prosecutions--company owners

Kuryk ED 74

Mesman ED 68

Reid ED 68, ED 73