Provincial Respiratory Surveillance Report

Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal influenza can result in severe morbidity and mortality. Year-round monitoring of influenza across Manitoba is performed by Epidemiology and Surveillance (E&S) in collaboration with Cadham Provincial Laboratory (CPL) through a variety of indicators. This report provides a weekly update on the provincial influenza activity during a season.

Data are reported with a one-week delay for increased data accuracy, completeness and reliability. More analyses may be conducted and will be added to this report when available. It is published online at approximately 3:00pm every Friday.

Week 23 (June 5 – June 11)

About epidemiological week

Data extracted up to 1:00 am on June 16, 2022

This is the last weekly report for this season. We'll continue to monitor influenza during summer.

Influenza: Decreased Activity

In Manitoba, the number of influenza cases increased in the last nine weeks, higher than we would normally see for this time of year, and peaked in Weeks 17 and 18. In Week 23, there was one new laboratory-confirmed influenza A case reported. Activity level in other respiratory indicators continued to be lower than or within the expected levels for this time of year.

Nationally in Week 22, influenza activity continued to decrease, but remained above the epidemic threshold. Influenza activity continued to be reported in almost all regions of all provinces and territories.


About cases

New cases this week

  • Influenza A: 1
  • Influenza B: 0


  • Influenza A: 527
  • Influenza B: 0

Check Trend


About severity

Severe outcomes associated with influenza

This week

  • Hospitalizations: 0
  • ICU admissions: 0
  • Deaths: 0


  • Hospitalizations: 99
  • ICU admissions: 8
  • Deaths: 6


About outbreaks

Labratory-confirmed influenza outbreaks

This week

  • Influenza A: 0
  • Influenza B: 0
  • Influenza A & B: 0


  • Influenza A: 3
  • Influenza B: 0
  • Influenza A & B: 0

Check Trend


About Vaccination

Residents immunized: 400,480 (28.6%)

Check Trend

Syndromic Indicators: Low Activity

The respiratory activity levels in the community, primary care and emergency rooms continued to be low for this time of a year.


About FluWatchers

Participants reporting: 572

Reporting fever and cough: 1.4%

Check Trend

Physician Visits

About sentinal physicians

Influenza Like Illness (ILI) Visits to sentinel physicians: 0.0%

Check Trend


About Antiviral

Units of antiviral dispensed from pharmacies: 0

Influenza isolates resistant to antiviral this season in Canada

  • Oseltamivir: 0
  • Zanamivir: 0

Check Trend

ED Visits

About emergency room visits

Average daily respiratory visits to emergency department (ED): 140

Check Trend

Important Notes

  1. Data about influenza cases are extracted from PHIMS.
  2. Numbers are subject to change. Missed events in the current report due to reporting delays will be included in later reports when data becomes available.


Figure 1. Weekly Cases of Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022


Figure 2. Age Distribution of Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Cases, Manitoba, September 1, 2021 – June 11, 2022


Table 1. Cases of Influenza by Health Region, Manitoba, September 1, 2021 – June 11, 2022

Health Region Total Influenza A Total Influenza B Influenza A this week Influenza B this week
Winnipeg RHA 100 0 1 0
Southern Health-Santé Sud 24 0 0 0
Interlake-Eastern RHA 50 0 0 0
Prairie Mountain Health 19 0 0 0
Northern Health Region 334 0 0 0

Table 2. Antiviral Resistance of Isolates by Influenza Type and Subtype, Manitoba, September 1, 2021 – June 9, 2022

Resistant Susceptible Resistant Susceptible
A (H3N2) 0 139 0 139
A (H1N1) 0 5 0 5
B 0 0 0 0
A (H3N2) 0 61 0 61
A (H1N1) 0 1 0 1
B 0 0 0 0

Table 3. Influenza Strain Characterization reported by National Microbiology Laboratory, Manitoba, September 1, 2021 – June 9, 2022

Number of viruses
Canada Manitoba
A/Cambodia/e0826360/2020 (H3N2)-like 151 63
A/Wisconsin/588/2019 (H1N1)-like 5 1
B/Washington/02/2019-like 0 0
B/Phuket/3073/2013-like 0 0

Note: As per the World Health Organization (WHO), all seasonal quadrivalent influenza vaccines for 2021-2022 in the northern hemisphere contain those strains.



Figure 3. Weekly Respiratory and Influenza Outbreaks, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022

Note: COVID-19 outbreaks were not included.



Table 4. Age Distribution and Coverage of Vaccinations, Manitoba, September 1, 2021 – June 11, 2022

Age Group Doses Coverage Percentage
0-4 23,886 22.7%
5-14 31,719 17.7%
15-49 115,878 17.9%
50-64 89,065 34.0%
65+ 146,179 62.5%
All 406,727 28.6%



Figure 4. Weekly FluWatchers Participants and Percentage Reporting Fever and Cough, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022


Physician Visits

Figure 5. Weekly Percentage of ILI Related Visits to Sentinel Physicians, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022



Figure 6. Weekly Units of Antiviral Dispensed from Pharmacies, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022


ED Visits

Figure 7. Weekly Respiratory Visits to Emergency Department, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba, 2018 – June 11, 2022


Epidemiology and Surveillance

Other Epidemiology and Surveillance reports