Primary Care Quality Indicators

physicianManitoba Primary Care Quality Indicators (PCQIs) are developed in partnership with Manitoba physicians and other providers/specialists based on the primary care indicators originally developed by Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). The PCQIs are evidence-based and measurable clinical quality processes for primary care across Manitoba. They are regularly reviewed and revised by the Manitoba Primary Care Indicator Advisory Committee (MPAC). MPAC is comprised of primary care clinicians, program managers, and other key stakeholders who provide input and advice regarding the development, implementation, and evaluation of PCQIs across Manitoba primary care settings. Questions and suggestions related to PCQI development can be sent to

Primary care clinics participating in various programs and initiatives in Manitoba regularly capture and track their indicator completeness on a range of PCQIs in their EMR. This enables them to regularly review patient care management as a basis for further practice reflection and continuous quality improvement. Note: Although meeting the PCQI should be the goal, we understand there are many factors (some of which are out of the control of clinicians) that may impact attainment. The purpose of these indicators is to drive quality improvement, but do not supersede the clinical decision-making process. The data captured in the EMRs about the patient services provided and PCQIs captured are submitted to Health via the Primary Care Data Extract (PCDE).

For more information on the Primary Care Data Extract, EMR Certification and support with EMR and data quality improvement, contact the Primary Care/Community Information Systems Office (PCIS) at or call at (204) 926-3482.

For the complete list of Manitoba PCQIs with their calculations, see the Manitoba Primary Care Indicator Guides below:

Please see below for the long and short version 4.0 PCQI Guides. These guides are available for reference until the updated reminders and PCDE file inclusion are available in Certified EMR products for submission to MHSLTC (as per Manitoba EMR Certification). Note: In preparation for this inclusion, clinicians can capture care aligned to the new version 5.0 indicators in the (currently available) applicable data fields within their EMR.

Frequenty Asked Questions

For any other inquiries about primary health care in Manitoba, please contact us.