
Person-Centred Planning 

Your service plan should reflect who you are and what you want to do. Community Living disABILITY Services uses person-centred planning as a way to talk to you about your goals and wishes, to learn about the things most important to you, and to support you to make choices. You can invite other people in your life to be a part of that conversation. Your support network can help you make choices and develop a plan that is right for you.

The focus of person-centred planning is to find out how Community Living disABILITY Services and the other supports in your life can work together to help you live the life you want. A person-centred plan will help us get to know you by talking about:

  • what is important to you
  • your dream goals (for example: if you want to go on a trip, learn how to do laundry, move into your own apartment)
  • skills that you would like to learn
  • activities that you would like to do
  • what you like about your life
  • what is important for you to be healthy and safe
  • how supports can help you to reach your goals

Once the program understands your dreams, your goals, the things you like to do and your support needs, your Personal Supports Budget is used to develop a service plan that will work best for you.