

Manitoba Agriculture produces free Livestock webinars- live and on demand.  Manitoba Agriculture specialists and invited guests will speak to a variety of topics related to livestock feed and nutrition, marketing and production management.

StockTalk webinar series will begin on November 14, 2024 followed by monthly webinars through to April 10, 2025. For topic information and to register click here.


The 2022/23  StockTalk Webinar Series was recorded and is available here.

Past StockTalk webinars are available on YouTube at:

Past Webinars

Topics Covered

Dec 9, 2021

Click to view

Nitrates and Beef Cattle Nutrition
Alternate Feeds for your Cow Herd
Agri-Recovery Drought Assistance Feed and Transportation Programs

Jan 13, 2022

Click to view


Beef and Forage Week Highlights

Feb 17, 2022

Click to view

2022 Cattle Market Update and Managing Shrink
Agri-Recovery Feed, Transportation and Herd Management program update

March 10, 2022


Forage Management - Livestock and Price Insurance

April 14, 2022


Forage Rejuvenation and Pasture Management

Past Webinars
December 10, 2020

Improve the Profitability of your Cattle Operation

Robyn Paddison, Research Analyst at Canfax Research Services

Sharpen your Pencil with the 2020 Beef Cost of Production

Ben Hamm, Farm Management Specialist, Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development

1:00 pm
January 14, 2021

Nutrition Nuggets - Managing Molds, Ergot & Mycotoxins in Cattle Feed

Dr. Barry Blakely, University of Saskatchewan

Beef Cattle Ration Basics

Dr. Juanita Kopp, Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist

1:00 pm
February 25, 2021

Marketing Mania - 2021 Cattle Market Update & What Buyers are Looking for when Purchasing Cattle

Rick Wright, Heartland Order Buying

Shrink and the Price Slide

Tod Wallace, Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist

1:00 pm
March 18, 2021

Forage Frenzy - Extended Grazing with Stockpiled Forage, Corn, Swath & Bale Grazing

Shawn Cabak, Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist

Improved Livestock and Pasture Performance with Rotational Grazing

Pam Iwanchysko, Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist

Western Livestock Price Insurance and Forage Insurance Programs

Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation

1:00 pm
April 15, 2021

Forage Frenzy ll - Growing Enough Cow Chow - Perennial Forage Rejuvenation

Tim Clarke, Manitoba Agriculture Livestock Specialist

Annual Cocktails & Mixtures for Cover Crops

Kevin Elmey, Cover Crops Canada

1:00 pm

Past Webinars

March 21, 2019
Planning your Grazing System
Pamela Iwanchysko, Manitoba Agriculture

February, 2019

Practical Watering Systems for Cattle: Summer & Winter 
Ray Bittner, Manitoba Agriculture 
January, 2019 Beef Market Update & Forecast
Sandy Russell Spring Creek Consulting 
November, 2018 Calculating Profitibilty in the Manitoba Cattle Industry
Benjamin Hamm, Farm Enterprise Managment Specialist,  Manitoba Agriculture
October, 2018 Alternative Feeds & Streching Feed Supplies
Shawn Cabak, Farm Production Extension Specialist - Livestock,  Manitoba Agriculture
April, 2018 What you may not know about WLPIP
Jason Dobbin, Livestock Price Insurance Coordinator, MASC 
Introduction to the WLPIP Decision Calculator
Ben Hamm, Farm Enterprise Management Specialist, Manitoba Agriculture
January, 2018
WCCCS II : Learning How Producers Measure & Manage 
Kathy Larson,
Research Economist, WBDC

What is a Webinar?
A webinar is a web conference where you register and then you will receive a hyperlink to join the webinar. You join the webinar from your own computer and you will see the PowerPoint presentation and hear the presenter.  Participants wishing to join the webinar using their computer will need a good internet connection and a speaker. Participants can ask questions and receive responses from the presenters during the webinar. You can access the live webinar from your smart phone or tablet. The app is GoToMeeting or GoToWebinar; you can download this app for free.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Mac®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer
Mobile attendees
Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet